Forever Homes?

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Apr 24, 2004
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I hope this is okay to post here since it's rescue related. I've done private rescue for years and up until the past year and a half or so placed over 50 animals. Then it happened...a rescue gone bad. She was a big gorgeous jet black mare with a palate problem. When she ate or drank, chewedfood/water came out of her nose. It was kinda gross, but didn't seem to bother her at all. She was a wonderful sweet kind mare and a blast to ride. I got her healthy, spent megabucks having her scoped and diagnosed, and I found her the perfect home. She was there for almost a year when the woman called me out of the blue in tears and said she had to have Grace out ASAP as she was in vet school and her Dad had been taking care of her animals and he decided he wasn't going to do it anymore and wanted them GONE. At the time, I had just taken in a frail elderly mini mare (desperate case who had nowhere else to go) who ended up having Strangles and as I led her through the barn, she made contact with pipe gates and a couple friendly noses. Two days later, under all her heavy coat, she popped a small abcess under her jaw and several animals came down with Strangles too. This put me in a bad spot as I just couldn't take Grace back at that point. I found another rescue that was supposedly legit and had up to that point, a good reputation. I had given the mare to the adoptor, and she in turn gave the mare to the rescue that had room, they promptly SOLD her to a woman who didn't realize what a job it was having a horse with a palate problem, and soon after getting her, this woman put her up for sale on several websites because the rescue would not take her back and refund the money paid. I did'nt have the money to buy the mare back, and to this day, I've never known what happened to her. I let the mare down and didn't keep her safe for the rest of her life like I promised her. :no:

So here is my delema. I currently am caring for 2 horses, 4 mules, 15 minis and 4 goats, almost all of them rescues. But I am absolutely TERRIFIED of adopting them out or selling them. What if someone only has them a year or so and then sells them down the road and they end up in a bad place again like Grace most likely did? I have problems with Arthritis and am slowing down more every year. I work usually 6 days a week and have a sick husband to care for and an elderly mother who also needs help. I am overwhelmed at this point both physically and mentally, although everything is still getting done. I know I can't keep up this pace for much longer...I'm tired.

How do I find the good homes? I have really cute minis registered AMHA minis who would be so happy to have more attention and love. I'd need to get back my purchase price, but it's reasonable. Is there anyone out there looking for minis and willing to make a life long commitment? If so, I have some wonderful little guys and gals.... Jill/Ohio
Oh Jill, I know just how you feel. It is always stressful when placing animals. I think it sounds like you already go above and beyond in taking in animals in need. You can only do the best you can. Sometimes things just get away from you and you cannot regain control. Your efforts brought that mare to a good place---at least for awhile, and that is better than what she would have had without you in her life. Besides, she may have gone to a good, caring home. Try not to beat yourself up over it. (Easier said than done, Huh?) If I was closer, I would be happy to take some of your minis for you. Take heart, you are an amazing person for all that you do. Best wishes, Linda

I just read another post by Dona "Trying Again" She knows of a family looking for minis. I think it said they are in Lima, Ohio. You might go there and see if you can help each other out.
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I feel the same way you do, I just donated a donkey to some people who lost 15 horses in a barn fire and though I knew they were good people, just hated letting the guy go, but he is being spoiled and pamper by everyone there and these people are slowly recovering from such a loss. Don't know how to tell you to feel when you let one of your guys go, just maybe use good instincts. You had good instincts on the first lady you gave your horse too, she didn't have good instincts on the rescue, like previous poster you can't beat yourself up on that one, you know you did the best. There are lots of good people out there I'm sure that would be willing to help and you have made they first move by trying to find them here where most of us care about the welfare of the miniatures, they are such wonderful beings and what joy they bring to all of us. And naturally I'm too far away (in NC) but can offer you prayers that things will work out and your guys will find forever homes. . .

Jill, I know exactly what you mean.
: I have only one rescue, and when I got him he was in sad shape. I only have 3 right now and my husband asked me the other day a "what if" question. He asked if I had to choose only one to keep which one would it be. Just a little more background. I still have my very first mini Dorian. I met him when he was only a week old, and can you say love at first sight?!?
: I got Tiny (my rescue) for a companion for Dorian. I then purchased my dream mini, a beautiful black and white. Well my answer was "Tiny" without hesitation! Tiny has a severe club hoof and I would never be able to part with him for the fear that you have. Soon very soon we are going to buy more land and I will be able to take in some more. They just bring us such joy..
God bless you for what you do and for the love you obvously share for these special little ones..
Check out the CMHR Adoption contract. Do you write out and sign anything like this when you adopt out horses? I guess in your case with this mare it wouldn't even really have mattered, as you simply could not take her back. There really is never a guarantee when you sell, adopt out, or give away any animal, you justhave to let your heart and your head make the best choices possible, come up with a contract and have it signed and understood every time, and accept that sometimes, even when we try our best, something goofs up. YOU didn't goof up! Someone else did.
: You did the best you cuold by that mare, if you had taken a mare with a palet problem and exposed her to strangles it wouldn't have done her any good. All you can do is pray she found a great home. Maybe not a forever home, but even a home that cares enough to take good care of her, and then find someone else who will give her good care. Sometimes we can't give every horse a forever home, but isn't the best we can do is find a person who will love the horse enough that when the time comes for them to pass him on, they pass him on into another loving home?

But hey, I'm the ultimate hypocrite, as I refuse to sell my one and oly horse because I worry where he would end up.
: No doubt though someday I will find an equine friend that needs my help for a little while, and when he or she is ready to touch another life again, I will do my best to find that equine a home that will do the best by him or her, even should they have to sell.
No, I won't give you a lifelong commitment. I can't say that I can do that anymore and found that most people cannot either. I do very much admire your work and commend you for trying to be very careful in placing your rescues.

I once promised a little girl that I would love and cherish her pony that she was selling for 75 cents for his entire life. I did. He passed away at age 36 after serving me and many children for years and years. He lived like a king.

I will admit that I had my string of quarter horses for the duration of thier lives too. One is still here and very much alive.

I have found out that forever homes are not realistic anymore in the lives of most others. Buying is easy. Selling is very ruff for me. Letting go is difficult. I do feel a responsibility to the horse and trying to make sure her future will be as secure as possible and not sell the horse to just anyone who shows up without checking them out. There is only so much that you can do.

God Bless
I would love to get one of your minis, and keep it for 4-h and a pet, but I doubt my mom would let me, because I need to sell a pony and she probably wouldnt let me get anything new uless I sold my horse and pony.How much are you asking for them, and what do you have?I also live in ohio, so I could let you know if I know of anyone looking for a mini.
Sure wish i could take one, but i cant right now ..i have to stay on the straight and narrow if i have any plans at all on purchasing a show mini.

The horses i have right now, will be with me untill i or them (whichever happens first) die. I'm one of those people who when they see 'the' horse and feel a strong connection with it. Thats how i work, i guess. My 4 horses i have right now are going to live and die by my side, no matter how many jobs i have to work.

I do admire you for this, i've found its hard to find the forever homes around these parts ..but look hard enouph and you will find them!.

Just a tip, if your looking for a forever home ..i wouldnt suggest selling to people who are looking for a horse for there child. Because once that child gets holder he/she will be sold over and over. Thats just how i view this.

Good Luck,

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