flu season

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Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2004
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Northwest California
[SIZE=14pt]In the past two weeks all three of us have had a flu. My husband ended up in the hospital a couple nights ago. My daughter was sick for a week with all the norm flu stuff and I was sick but not as bad as them. Has it started where you live yet?[/SIZE]
Flu does not usually get to this area until November/December --- saw something about the Flu on GMA this morning -- the pandemic that they say will be here SOMEDAY (e.g. eventually) and how short we will be for medication for that!

Hope you are feeling much better.

The Today show did a feature on an epidemic of dog flu that has hit several kennels.....this is a new strain and apparently there is no vaccine......estimates are it will cause illness in about 80% of dogs and of those they figure in 1-1.5 % of dogs it will be fatal.
[SIZE=14pt]I have never gotten the flu shot, not even when I was still working as a nurse.... I know that there are many that benefit from it though. The only thing is, most of the vaccines are based on last years flu strains and the little beggers keep mutating. You may still get the flu even with the shots it just wont be as bad.[/SIZE]

disclaimer.....this is just my OPINION based on past experience. I am not making any suggestions as a professional nurse....which I no longer am.

Yep its here to. Has been for about the past month.

I dont normally get sick but this year I have gotten everything. I had the flu in the middle of summer!

That said I only get the flu shot cause the company gives it out. and considering the company is 6,000 plus workers I figure anything can help. Down side is I cant use my arm for a few days after.
I don't know about the flu, but some nasty upper respiratory thing has been going around. I picked up mine from my Brother and I haven't felt myself for over 2 weeks. It started with just a sore throat and slight cough, but it turned into bronchitis for me (nothing new) .... To top it off, I have a badly infected tooth and am on a massive dose of antibiotics for that and am facing a root canal soon.... Between the pain meds for my tooth and antibiotics my stomach doesn't feel quite good at all.

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