[SIZE=14pt]Ok well I board my lil Hafi filly at my friend Beckys house down the road along with her horse copper.They have a small pasture and a 1 acre pasture FULL of grass.Now after it rained it is to wet for them to go into the big pasture which I can understand.So every night I would come feed the horses hay (becky did it in the mornings).Now the pasture is dry and magic is on 24 hour turnout on the big pasture cause she is young and the winter is coming. Copper comes in at night because he gets REALY hyper and acts dumb. Well I didnt go the other night because I had WAY to much home work sooo I called Becky and told her I couldnt make it (not that it realy matters cause I dont have to feeed hay any more only her horse is eating the hay.) and magic is out on grass so not to worry nothing has to be done with her.Well she freaks out on me and says that it is my responsibility to take care of my horse and feed them hay!!But my horse is not eating hay only hers is...so why do Ihave to feed HER horse????She says if I do not start feeding the hay again I am out of the barn!!!So I told her that my horse is not eating the hay any more...she starts yelling that it doesnt matter!!I dont get it!!Is this unfair or is it me??Should I be kicked out of the barn for not feeding a horse that ISNTmine!!Imean its not like she isnt home!Icould understand if she wasnt home but she is!!ITS NOT MY HORSE!!!Sry I know its long but I neededyour opinion!![/SIZE]