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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
Reaction score
Springtown TX
It drives me CRAZY!

There is an ad in the banner ads that has a misspelled word in it. Beautiful ad, gorgeous horse, and that word jumps out at me EVERY time I see it.

Just looks so weird to me. *sigh*
I haven't noticed (but now I"m looking to see if I can find the one you're talking about)! I don't like mispelled words in registered names... that jumps out at me when I see it.
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I found it! I found it!

If it's Silver Belle, the farm is named after thier first mini horse, Thistle Meadows Silver Belle, not an instrument.

Wearing myself out looking for misspellings!
Mary Lou -- On the bigger banners, I only see the top 2/3 of the banners. The smaller banner top row cuts off the bottom. Using the current version of Internet Explorer w/ the screen not zoomed. Just in case others also are only seeing part of the bigger banners.

EDIT, I think I know what it is an maybe doesn't effect many other people. I don't have the screen zoomed, but have the text size set to large vs. medium. When I just set it to medium, I could see the full view of the bigger banners
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Sew it's annoying when folks put their phillys with great confirmation and a beautiful main and tale for sale?

Mary Lou - for all you do for us this is a minute little bit of a problem!!
Glad it's not just me LOL...I knew exactly which one you meant!

Didn't notice it until after you made the correction.Nice of you to keep on top of things.My pet peeve is incorrect use in singular and plurals and possessives.I am so amazed at how many mistakes are in the newspaper ads and on signs done by professionals.When I was in school we were drilled on being correct.Examples : puppies versus puppy's when more than 1 animal is for sale Just one of my pet peeves
To answer the original question, no it doesn't bother me. Eventually it would have been discovered and fixed and not worth growing a new grey hair over. Maybe a few years ago when I was supposedly a perfectionist and OCD about a few too many things but not anymore.

Things that bother me are war, crime, hate, general injustice, people and animal abuse, and people not getting along and loving and disrespecting each other. you gotta learn to separate the small stuff from the stuff worthy of your time and efforts in this big ole world of ours. And that's all I have to say about that.
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it bothers me too , theres one girl on Facebook that keeps saying shes " board " ...its driving me nuts
Do they still teach that in school?? With what you hear and read, I'm not sure.

My pet peeve is when they make up words that make you cringe. I have actually seen an car advertisement on TV that says driving is "FUNNER" than .....

"FUNNER" -- which tense is that one ?

Of course, the hardest thing about moving to Florida from NY, was hearing Florida teachers that I met say things like, "I MIGHT COULD DO THAT...." What the heck is "MIGHT COULD" ?? :arg!

Told my ex, that if I ever heard one of my children speak like that, he would find us gone before he got home from work -- that I'd be driving back to NY! Thank goodness, they learned to speak properly at home.

Here's one of mine
"should of" instead of "should have". The improper use of "then" "than" really bugs me, too, for some reason (yes, I'm a geek). I have explained it to my partner so many times and he still uses "then" where he should use "than". And of course, then there is the proper uses of "there", "their", and "they're"; don't even get me started lol
If you really want to get a hoot out of mis-spellings....look on Craig's list. I have seen a "gielding" which I suspect is a golden horse of some type? An attamon, which must be an additional ottaman? And the list just goes on and on. Sometimes I read them just to laugh.
Well it dont bother me none.

I am one of those folks who dose have a hard time spelling.
To answer the original question, no it doesn't bother me. Eventually it would have been discovered and fixed and not worth growing a new grey hair over. Maybe a few years ago when I was supposedly a perfectionist and OCD about a few too many things but not anymore.

Things that bother me are war, crime, hate, general injustice, people and animal abuse, and people not getting along and loving and disrespecting each other. you gotta learn to separate the small stuff from the stuff worthy of your time and efforts in this big ole world of ours. And that's all I have to say about that.

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