Does It Look Like His Hooves Need A Trim?

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Mar 3, 2005
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Please help!

<3 Buster and Lo
yes, they look past due on trimming -- maybe needed them done 2-3 weeks ago.

Hard to keep up with them in the summer as that is the faster hoof growing season - at least it is around here.

Definatly minicrazy.. That split on the side is a tale tale sign, as well as the large size of hoof. When mine split like that I get out there and snip it off so that it does not split upwards, ( I do my own) and cause further damage. I would call a farrier, and get that taken care of.
Yes, you definitely need to have a farrier come out and help you. It might take several trims to get the hooves to where they should be. If you do not have a farrier, please visit the below website and there is a "Farrier Finder' section on the website, which will help you find a farrier near you.

Liz R.
Yeap, past time I would say. Give the farrier a call, don't delay, you guy will thank you for it. :bgrin
He looks pretty overdue to me. Hard to tell from the angle of the picture, but it may take a few times to get his angles where they need to be and to fix that flared foot. Looks like feet from 2 different horses! I'd have a farrier out and get him trimmed up before that split gets any worse as well.

I like to just have my horses' feet trimmed on a regular schedule. The "average" in the horse industry is every 6-8 weeks. So if he hasn't had his feet done in over two months then he definitely needs it!!! It is a routine expense that every horse owner should carry... and a very important care issue!


Since your only about 10 miles from me, here is the number/name of my farrier. He does our mini's and shetlands but he charges $35 per trim but he does a very very nice job. Just give him a call, i suggest calling around 6pm bc you will just get his answering system and it takes him forever to get back in contact with you. So just call at 6pm when he's not out working. So just give him a call and he will fix you all up.

Edit: Please PM for phone number.
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It is hard to say for sure from that picture and not seeing it in person but it appears you may be dealing with a case of founder here due to the shape and apparent wrinkles in the surface of the hoof and your horse may require more frequent farrier service than every 6 to 8 weeks. I would take everyone's advice and get a farrier out immediately.