DIY No wood stalls can it be done?

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Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2004
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Looking for ideas to build modular stalls 10' x 12' out of anything but wood. if you have pictures that would be GREAT!
I have seen the modular barns done for mini size when I was googling miniature barns, stalls, layouts etc so you might be able to get an idea from there
Are you constructing a new barn or just adding stalls to an existing structure? Modular stall panels are so expensive, lumber is one of the least expensive options. I just added five stalls onto the back of my stable, under the overhang of the roof using slab wood secured to the telephone poles of the barn for stall dividers. I used 2X4s across the front on top and a slab on the bottom as a kick board and used heavy grade welded wire on the fronts secured to the boards, to allow light and air circulation. Easy, fast and cheap. You can buy corral panels that are portable for reasonable prices and configure them into stall blocks. They even make gates that pin into the panels with a halo on the bottom, as a frame, as opposed to the overhead halo for use in low profile structures. Farmtek sells poly stall divider panels, but they are very pricy.
I don't have any suggestions for other then wood, but, I do have one piece of advice to offer. We have three barns, one is an old wood barn that we built in the 80's it has wood stalls, our stallion barn that also has wood stalls. Then about six years ago we added an indoor. This indoor has a round pen, grooming area, feed area, I could go on, but I'll get to the point, everything is movable. When we set it up we knew we were getting on in years and wanted everything to be moved in case we needed to put in the tractors, mowers, store hay, whatever. So to get to the point, we bought 8 x 8 metal panels. It has worked out great since I can put in up to 10 stalls, or change them around, and make double stalls, house the show horses, etc. Well yesterday I found out with a colicing horse, you can't put a sick horse in one, they will get their legs caught in the slats, so I moved her to a wooden stall. Better to have a thrashing horse get cast them have them break a leg. I do have pitures, I'll see if I can post them but I have dial up and sometimes opening two windows at a time is not going to happen.
Riverrose is absolutely correct when it comes to solid walls v/s slats or tubular gate panels. This goes for any horse, even a foal or just a horse scratching its back and throwing an extremity through the barrier.
I did a combination - I cut 4-8 sheets of plywood lenthwise and built a 2 x 4 frame around them. Laid them on the ground longwise, and put the small mini panels on top. I have lots of venitilation, and lots of protection. The 2' sections keep horses from getting their legs cauught if they roll. I have seen stalls made out of PE fencing the big solid panels- the nice white stuff - that were completely portable. He put 2 x 4's doubled on the back wall, and slid the panels into place, then connected them at the front. It was pretty and very movable.
Thank you EVERYONE for your responses. I just completed my 60x120 indoor arena, these stalls would go against the 60' wall. I also have learned that portable is the way to go. I have the horsemans choice round pen panels that I used for the 60 x 120 outdoor arena, and they have come in really handy for reconfiguring different penning needs. But with over 30 years of horse experience I've learned wood is NOT the best option. You can't disinfect it, someone will get a wild hair and become a chewer, it needs staining every 3 years, and to clean it takes a power washer. The only good thing is it is cheap and typically safe.

I've seen really expensive stalls that are made out of cattle panel type welded fence panels, The openings are 2" x 2", 5' tall and 16' long the opening are small enough to keep minis from getting hoofs caught. However, I can't find anyone that sells the panels, no take that back I can order LARGE QUANTITY FROM CHINA.

If I could get ahold of those I could weld them onto round pen panels. Looked at making poly panels with 3/4" OSB and 2 sheets of poly panels from Menards this is probably the cheapest but not a tradional stall look but only 5' tall I am trying to keep options open to stall biggies or minis.

Ruffian that PE sounds like a good idea, and yes I wouldn't make a stall out of round pen panels to big a chance of a horse getting hung up.

Thanks again

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Cattle/Hog panel stalls? I have one in my barn.
There ARE welded steel 'rod' panels available with 2"X 1" openings;in about the dimensions of the cattle/hog panels (52" dx 16', I think?)...I have SEEN them, though it's been awhile. Am sure they are pricey, but would have the advantage of offering good ventilation, with the security of no extremities getting caught, long-lasting. Would need solid 'backing' at intervals, but should be very sturdy and secure. If I had the $$$ and were building, I'd sure be looking closely at this kind of panel!
Margo can you help me locate these? I've googled everything I can think of.

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