Curious what this group thinks about sexual orientation

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Great. I didn't want anyone to think I was implying sickness in being gay. I tried to use other analogies as well such as being born with certain eye colors, etc. as well. I'm just saying it is something that is not a "choice" it just happens.

Please noone take offense by that, I should have worded it more carefully, just saying so many people get sympathy for things they cannot help that they are born with that people think are "wrong" but I don't see it as wrong, rather it "just is." It is as innocent as that.

I hope I didn't hurt anyone's feelings, I don't want to with that. A friend and I were talking and they suggested we discuss it here since we had discussed other things and there is a wide range of walks of life on here. I know even that there are some who are gay, and they have invaluable inputs and viewpoints as I would not have, not having lived it, rather had friends and loved people that were and that is far different as we all know.

The really bad thing about saying something "just" in print (like here) is that you cannot show inflection and what you mean can be really misunderstood -- like now someone thought people meant being gay is a sickness like a cancer
I think if they poke around long enough they (the doctors researchers and scientists) will be able to prove that being gay is something in your chemical or physical makeup.

They may even be able to prove that it can be avoided by genetic manipulation.

The exact same tests, though, would find out what determines that someone is straight.

Thus this also could be determined at birth or before by manipulation.

So...exactly WHAT is the point of these tests and how on earth can they justify the money they are spending on them??

Who actually cares??

There are people dying of aids, cancer, hepatitis A, all still incurable and we have people wasting money on trivia like this??

I just do not understand how they get their money!!
I think Jane is right and they will eventually find out "what" makes people gay or straight and it will be a physical or chemical difference in our brains. I have known LITTLE kids who you could tell were gay or going to be gay before they could even understand what that stuff means. I'm also curious (I hope this doesn't seem prejudice, I don't mean it to be) why it seems like percentage wise, more creative / artistic people are gay? Or that gay people seem to often be more artistic / creative than straight people? I've always felt this was the case but recently being interested in Truman Capote (from the movie and documentary by A&E) is just making me think more about this...
I have to apologize in advance for this post. I are who I are and that’s all I can be…can't help being a sarcastic smart A any more than I can chose who I am attracted to.

I've had several women hit on me, and I never feel offended by it.....What an ego booster!!!
I'm gonna' have to agree with this one completely. The industry I work in is host to real "manly" standards and expectations. Even the “open minded†guys say they “just don’t want gay guys hitting on†them. I say BRING IT ON! In my physical condition, I’ll take any form of flattery I can get. Men are known for being extremely shallow and visually oriented. Knowing that makes a compliment from a gay guy all the better for my dwindling ego.

"Why shouldn't gay people be married, why should we be the only ones miserable?".
OK, that’s just funny. One of my dearest friends for the last 12 years got “married†this spring to her girlfriend. I’ve been a “Best Man†more times than I can count. This was my first time as a “Manmaid of Honorâ€. You know, it meant the same to her as my marriage meant to me and it was a privilege to stand by her side. Now, she regrets it just like all my strait guy friends do……Careful what you ask for.

That's the whole mystery right there. Is it genetic? Environmental? A choice????
Honestly, does it really matter? I don’t know what makes me who I am. I don’t lose any sleep over it either. You don’t need a scientific explanation as justification. Be who you are and be proud of the good deeds that you do.

They may even be able to prove that it can be avoided by genetic manipulation.
Here’s where the “manly redneck†in me really shows: If they can find a way to “avoid itâ€, can they also find a way to... maybe… add a touch of it to my wife?
That's the whole mystery right there. Is it genetic? Environmental? A choice????
Honestly, does it really matter? I don’t know what makes me who I am. I don’t lose any sleep over it either. You don’t need a scientific explanation as justification. Be who you are and be proud of the good deeds that you do.
That is truly wise Mike!!

By the way from one sarcastic smart A to another if you are ever looking for another job I think the Blue Collar comedy tour would slide your right in with the rest of the boys!!! :lol: Move over Jeff Foxworthy!!! :bgrin

I think Jane is right and they will eventually find out "what" makes people gay or straight and it will be a physical or chemical difference in our brains. I have known LITTLE kids who you could tell were gay or going to be gay before they could even understand what that stuff means. I'm also curious (I hope this doesn't seem prejudice, I don't mean it to be) why it seems like percentage wise, more creative / artistic people are gay? Or that gay people seem to often be more artistic / creative than straight people? I've always felt this was the case but recently being interested in Truman Capote (from the movie and documentary by A&E) is just making me think more about this...
I think it is true Jill, they will find that genetic marker that makes folks gay. What a shame all that money isn't being spent on finding out what makes a person a PEDOPHILE!!! Those people hurts others!! Now that would be money well spent.

As for your question on the artistic/creative thing as you know I own a hair salon so I know my fair share of gay men working in this industry and they are always absolutely amazing hairstylists!! It justs seems to come natural to them so have always wondered that myself. I have to say I would be a bit predjudiced in a good way when hiring if I had a gay man put in his resume at my salon as chances are he's going to be highly talented, an excellent communicator, fun fun fun to work with and my cliente will seek him out!!!

I have not taken offense to anything you have posted or the way you have worded any thing, so please dont feel like you have to apologize! I am very hard to offend and in fact have not been offended by anyone's response so far, so this thread has been a very good topic and no one has been flamed...phew!! :lol:

I agree with those who have posted about using scientists time and money on finding cures for diseases and such, instead of worrying about what makes someone be born gay...I certainly do not care HOW I was born that way...
: Its who I am and will always be...and I like me just the way I am!
The only reason I hope they some day find out the "why" of this is so people will stop acting like people choose to be gay.
: You'd think the obvious next thought they'd have is did they CHOOSE to be straight.
Wow, 7 pages.

I haven't read the whole post, but I will. Before I do, my personal feelings are:

Embrace who you are, and love yourself. No matter WHO you are, or WHAT you do, odds are pretty good somebody isn't going to like it, or agree with it. You are the only one you have to look at in the mirror in the morning, and be able to face with pride.

Life's too short to be spent in denial, or self-hatred. If the world as a whole would stop finding reasons to hate each other, it would be an awfully happy place.
The only reason I hope they some day find out the "why" of this is so people will stop acting like people choose to be gay. You'd think the obvious next thought they'd have is did they CHOOSE to be straight.

[SIZE=12pt]I agree totally Jill. I have always believed that if a person is gay or lesbian - that it is NOT their choice. I dont believe that and never will. I think that some times when a life is born, it may have gotten mixed up some how - a female feeling like a male ( for lack of better words ) but in a female body - or vise versa. I whole heartadly believe this. I have had gay friends and just loved them. So fun to be around. I have a second cousin who has been a lesbian since forever ( she is pushing 50 ) and has had the same girl friend for years. They even bought a house together. I do not for ONE MINUTE believe that God will comdemn people who are different - as long as you live a honest, hard working, and always thinking of others - lifestyle - I think you ( we ) will all be going home one day![/SIZE]
