Cody in the hospital - Hyperlipidemia

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Oh No! Liz I am so very sorry, and those words are so inadequate! I'm sending lots of warm thoughts and big giant hugs.

Such a shock like this is always the hardest to deal with, I hope you and the vet can figure out what happened, it may give you a little peace of mind.
I'm so very sorry for your loss.
I came upon this thread a little late and was reading through, holding my breath in hopes of a good outcome. My deepest condolences, Liz...
: oh, I am so terribly sorry for your loss. What a big hole he will leave behind. Sending (((((hugs))))) your way.
Liz I am so sorry. Raven said she will make sure to tell foxy to take care of him now that he is in heaven
I'm so very sorry. Losing a beloved just takes the wind out of you I know.
:new_shocked: :new_shocked: :new_shocked:

I......I.......I.... :no:

Liz i'm just sitting here and i dont know what to say! "I'm sorry" doesnt even begin to cover it! I know how much you adored your boy, i can't believe it.

you are in my thoughts dear friend.
: if there is anything, ANYTHING at all i could do to help, i'm there in a heart beat!

sending much love to you and cody.
My heart breaks for you as you grieve the loss of your beloved Cody. I will keep you in my thoughts and pray that God will give you the strength to get you through this very sad and devastating time. God Speed Cody!

Debs described it well........losing a longtime friend like that does slam you in the gut. Cody was much too young.

I do know that Cody was greeted in the Light by some wonderful online mini-friends and at least one full-sized colt. He is pain free and has been shown a beautiful green valley to run and graze in. Flowing through the valley is a meandering gurgling creek.

Be gentle with yourself.

I'm so sorry. I don't even know what else to say. It's horrible!
: Condolences on your loss of Cody. He's in a place where he's pain free and completely free to run and buck and be with the ones that came to help him over that bridge. :no: So sorry Liz! My thoughts and prayers are sincerely with you!
oh im so so sorry! you did all you could and thats all any of us can do.

kay hugs
:no: we will be thinking of you all. I am so sorry about cody.

we will pray for you all,

take care,

I am so sorry for your loss. :no: :no:

I'm so sorry you lost your special boy. I'm sitting here with a lump in my throat and tears in my eyes....I'm just heartsick for you. Especially when it happened so fast like that and then it had to be your special Cody.....I'm so sorry. :no:
I am very sorry to hear about Cody.... {{{{HUGS}}}}


Silversong Farm

I am so sorry that you lost your precious Cody.

Hugs and prayers for you as you deal with this terrible agony.

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