Classic K Miniatures thread. pics and updates on my mini's

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I never get to use PRETTY browbands...even my riding tastes lean to dressage! Enjoy picking one!

Suzie's looking good in it! Can't wait to see her out and about.
I never get to use PRETTY browbands...even my riding tastes lean to dressage! Enjoy picking one!

Suzie's looking good in it! Can't wait to see her out and about.
I know I love looking at different ones
my best friend who has riding ponies always has navy red and white/ red and white so she wanted me to go those colours, but I tought no, I can have a bit of fun with this and pick the colours I want, Suzie's colour suits cute colours so I think I'll stay with the colours I have picked or maybe put a little pink in there.

she bit me this morning
I had put it on her and was giving her some licorice to get her to prick her ears (she hasn't mastered that yet LOL) and she got my thumb instead of the licorice I tried to pull it out but becuase it tasted like licorice she started chewing on it! oh my did it hurt! I had mum's precious camera in my other hand, I had to put it down and get my other hand in her mouth to open it so I could get my poor thumb out! part of it is still numb now, and its swollen and bruised! I can bend it a bit so I don't think its broken just swollen, but it still hurts, naughty girl!

I honestly don't know how she will go out in the show ring, but I'm hoping to start working with her of a morning soon, and then on the weekends to get her trotting nicely on the lead ect.

Thanks for your advice Diane,I think generally the nose bands are pretty high up, this is a friend of mine's mare... wearing the same halter..


I think once Suzie is in summer coat it will sit a bit better, and obviously as its brand new the leather still needs to stretch a bit, I need to put an extra hole in the lead so maybe I will put one in the length as well. I'll put the extra length and then take a pic of her in it and see which you guys think suits her best...
haha Diane, there is NO way I'm going to ignore you and your craziness! I love you for it! lol

thank you for your advice, and its most appreciated as you all know I'm still so new to all of this so any help you lovely ladies give me is very much wanted and very very handy
I think it looks great Cassie, but I agree with you in that once Suzie loses her winter coat, you will get a better idea of how it fits correctly.

Over here in the UK we have three main types of noseband - normal, with no 'joints', (like Suzie's), used with a general bridle and fitted to position a finger's width (or maybe two if the horse has a longer head!) under the ends of the cheek bones. Then there is the 'dropped' noseband, with two 'ring type' joints either side of the front nose area - this one fits slightly lower than the normal one and the 'back' strap fits down under the bit and does up in the chin groove at the rear (this noseband is thinner than the normal one). Thirdly there is the grackle noseband which looks like an X and is again thinner than the normal one. The centre of the X fits higher up on the front of the horses face with one cross strap doing up at the back under the cheek bones and the lower strap fitting down under the bit and at the back in the chin groove, like the dropped noseband - it is a bit like a combination of both normal and dropped but in one noseband.

Hope this makes sense LOL!! Do you have the same ones out there for your ridden horses??

Cant wait for a pic of your chosen browband!
Morning all,

yes Anna we have all of those for our horses here in Australia
the most popular show bridle usually has the dropped nose band, (in my experience) but it depends on the horse and the rider and how much mouth contact they need.

My friend Sarah is finally coming out to measure Suzie
and see what she thinks of her and Finn, she said she already loves Finn by the photos she has seen of him but I really want to see what she thinks of the both of them in person...

We have two cows and their weanling calves up in the cattle yards at the moment, and they pushed the gate open so that they were in the same paddock as Penny and Finn it was soo funny, poor little Finn was so scared and kept trying to get away and Penny was such a bossy boots LOL whenever the cows got to close to her food she would charge at them with her teeth bared and try to kick them LOL poor cows didn't know what was happening, Penny is definitley a dominent mare LOL

Apparantly I have missed showing you pics of one of my pets... you may be aware of this pet but maybe not how big she is now LOL Renee put up a comment on FB wondering what I was holding hehe. So I don't know if you have seen pics of her before (I think maybe you have seen baby pics) but if not please meet Kari, my 2 1/2 yr old Centrilian Carpet Python who is now 2metres long

so this was her when I first got her, when she was a tiny little baby and her home was a chinese food container hehe


who big she was compared to my hand


starting to get bigger


and bigger


and bigger (this is a good pic of her colour she had just shed


and a few weeks ago we had south african children come from a group called Watoto (you may have heard of them) they are a choir and they tour the world and raise money for the people in their villages and such its such an amazing concert and we had three of the boys and their leader stay at our house for a night
was such a wonderful experience they are such lovely boys, and they loved Kari and kept wanting to hold her and touch her lol so here is the most recent pic of Kari, and our beautiful Watoto boys

heheehehee, its so much fun to see different people's reaction to them

thats ok Diane
I never thought I would ever own a snake lol but i do and they are quite amazing pets

anyway back to horsey talk
will let you know what Suzie measures at when Sarah comes, hopefully we might be able to get some good pics of her while she is here, no guarantees though sorry lol
Oh Kari is beautiful Cassie! We (well Cathy really) have had two Indian Pythons, both rescued when they were small youngsters - Hermon in Cathy's late teens and Maverick during the years before we moved here to Wales. We found great homes for them both with special snake people when they got really too big for us to manage (to give them enough exerise). Hermon used to love going out in the car and visited many schools and spent quite a few evenings down at the local pub!! Mav followed the same life style - other motorists used to 'goggle' a bit at the sight of this huge snake draped across the car dash board or along the rear 'parcel' shelf. LOL!! Hermon grew to 13 feet before we passed him on and Maverick was 15 foot, needless to say it took three of us to pick them up to cart them outside for a spell on the lawn/exercise!!

They were both great boys though, always friendly and very easy going. How big will Kari get?
Cassie, unlike Diane, I love snakes and Kari is beautiful. I used to have boas and pythons when I was younger. Im running out to feed but will tell you a fl. snake problem later. Australia has beautiful snakes...although I might be a little afraid of some of your scarey Aussie snakes!!
haha thanks girls
I think she is gorgeous too
but I know many people who HATE snakes and I respect that

Anna she should grow to about 2.4-2.6m or a bit over 7 foot, so just a nice size that I can still get her out and hold her without needing another person

I love your story about people goggling you as you drive by with the snake LOL sometimes I bring Kari down to work and I walk down and people drive by really slowly and I see the kids pointing at us lol so much fun lol.

Heidi would love to hear your story
and yes we have VERY scary snakes here, I don't go anywhere near whild ones, mainly we have red belly black snakes and brown tiger snakes here, the red bellies are pretty good they are more scared and slither away but the tiger snakes you have to watch because they are very aggressive
in the middle of australia are alot of nasty snakes yuck lol I'll stick to our lovely pythons
if I was going to get another snake I would have to get one of these
they are a similar breed to kari, called a Darwin Carpet Python, their colours are just amazing!


Sarah came out and measured Suzie for me yesterday woohoo! she measured her at 84cm
or 33" which is awesome
she really loved Suzie and said that I should go really well with her which is so exciting! she loved her eyes and her conformation so I am so excited
oh and she really liked Finn to and couldn't get over his chest... lol said he has a magnificent chest LOL (not quite sure what she means by that lol but its a good thing) she wants me to get him out too, but I don't think he will be ready for any shows this season... we shall see

she has the most beautiful mini ponies! oh I have to show you a pic of her colt
he just won supreme miniature pony at Sydney royal last year he is gorgeous

I am in love with his head LOL :D
That colt is seriously adorable! And I agree with your friend, you have to get Finn out and about

We have red bellies in my area and that's about it. I've seen a few around but if you're going to have a snake then that's what you want! We have a huge mature one who lives in our bottom paddocks and the neighbours regrown bush paddock, love seeing him as he is magnificent!
Thanks Bree, isn't he stunning

yeah I really want to get Finn out, waiting to get my IMHR registration back then I'll register him, Penny and maybe Suzie with it then I can look at shows etc but it would be fun

I worked with Penny yesterday at liberty and Finn wanted to join, penny still will only let me get her halter on her when she is eating I was planning on working on jumping with her, but when she wouldn't let me get the halter on I decided I'd see how she went at liberty hehe, so I walked with them both up to the spot where I have my little make shift jumps hehe, and put the pole on the ground and just asked them to walk over it, they got that pretty quick (obviously rewarding them each time they did it) then I raised on end up just 2 inches and got them to walk over that a few times, (Finn loved it!! lol) then again on the other side I did them walking over each level probably 5-6 times then would raise it up, then raised one corner up again, Finn found that a little difficult but just followed me over and once he worked it out he was fine
was so fun, then I ran out of treats
so I finished up with giving both of them lots of hugs and kisses and running round with them for a bit lol. I can't wait to hopefully get back out there today or tomorrow and have another go and see if I can get it even higher hehe, just for fun
I always free jump my rookie jumpers or anyone who hasn't done it in awhile
I reckon it creates smarter jumpers as they have to work it out for themselves! Put Finn over lots of ground poles and slightly raised poles while he is getting the hang of it, really knuckle those basics in! I was talking to Drifter's trainer and she said that's all she did for ages and once he was working cleanly over all the poles she started finding weird things and then moved onto height. I think a lot of minis get pushed for height long before they are really ready for it.

We need pics
awesome I'm glad you approve Bree thanks
they really had lots of fun, and so did I, and I wouldn't push them into doing it I let them have a break and then when they came back to me we continued it really was lots of fun

ok I'll try take some pics, for you tomorrow, so do you think I should mix up the poles a bit adding different things and taking them away before I work on height?

thats so cool that you do it too
Mix it up for sure

Get those brains working not just their legs.

Do trot pole lines and build towards doubles. I also work on width before height so a small spread is nice. Get some soft branches or fake brush and make a jump out of that. This summer I want to build a mini xc course for training! Will share any ideas I have
Sarah's colt is so gorgeous Cassie, and I'm thrilled that she liked Suzie (how could she not!)

It sounds as though you had great fun with Penny and Finn and I agree with Bree - a little bit wider rather than higher is always good, especially with Finn as he is so young. You can always add different things/colours next to your pole to create interest and to make them think and look - a little line of leafy bush, an old horse rug rolled up tight and laid alongside your pole, get your thinking cap on!! And dont forget that second pole occasionally included some way further on - they will pop over the first one, feeling very pleased with themselves then, ooooop's there's another one! Teaches them to keep their eyes open. LOL!!
Thanks for the advice girls will definitely try that
yeah I had two poles setup yesterday n will use them both again tomorrow too but will definitely try a bit of stuff to distract them n make them think
awesome advice ;) going out to feed now chat to you all later
I don't have any pics of our magnolia tree or my furry kids jumping (though I have had another go at jumping them, its just that no one was there to take piccies for me LOL, Finn decided that trotting up to the trotting poles was fun and that he could jump hehe, was so cute! we were just walking over them and he thought he was left behind and so he trotted up and did a little jump over the trotting poles hehe, I praised him and he thought he was clever so he did it again lol, so wish I had my camera with me lol

Penny still thinks its better to walk but I'll get there lol.

and so you don't all get cranky at me for lack of photos I thought I would show you some other pics ... they are of two paintings I have just finished...


Cassie, those paintings are just amazing - you really are very talented my friend.

Did you paint them for someone or just for your own satisfaction?

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