Cinnamon. Rescue mare: **FILLY**!!!!!!!!!

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But yours has *such* a rubbable udder, lol!!!

However, I see where Bonny's mare had elevated calcium for a few days now...she's likely to domino tonight, right??
Lol! It's not to rubbable when shes reaching around and trying to take a chunk out of ya!
Um, yeah...getting a chunk taken out of me would certainly discourage udder rubbing, lol

11:00 pH check shows no changes. Guess I may go check her again around 3 or so. Will also try to get another hooha pic to see if anything has changed back there.
If she is getting more coloured in her vulva and her milk is sticky, then I'm afraid that I would be doing a lot more regular checks on her from now on. Due to her past treatment/condition she may well be lacking in the energy needed to deliver the foal quickly and may be very exhausted afterwards. Any help you can give her at delivery time will be essential - and dont forget those nice warm mushy small feeds given regularly afterwards to help her regain some strength.

Again, with her past history she may not have many of the 'final' signs or those that are obvious could change fast at the last minute, so watching her really closely may be your only option! Good luck.
Oh, then by all means, I will be checking more regularly!

On another note, my neighbor just called me, so I ran down there, amd this is what they just had:


This was the mare that was "due" the 20th. She has another one "due" April 5th.

Anna, I'm terrified something will go wrong with my mare...I just want to get her foal here safely, and get her pert and happy again. I love hearing advice and suggestions, and you guys are the absolute best source I've found!!
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I guess here's where I start my sleepless nights!! I checked on her often last night, but didn't get another sample until this morning. Still 400 on calcium, still 8.5 on pH.

Belly shot: she's not standing square, but looks like to me she has V'd some and may have moved forward??





Morning Amy, the picture of the baby is so cute! I'm betting 100% it's going to turn gray!

Your little mare is so cute and is looking so good!
Good morning!! And how is Miss Fuzzy Udder this morning???

Everyone last night was debating if that baby would turn grey!! I didn't ask about the sire, but that would be neat to put into the color calculator. These are racehorses, and you can't really tell from the pic, but that's a big mare and a big baby! Those long clumsy legs just kill me!! Was so hard to get a decent picture with him (maybe) wobbling all over in the dark!

Cinnamon is going to start keeping me up nights I guess. I hope I don't have to do like you and stay up a month!! Are you feeling any better today??

Rained here this morning, but sun is peeking out now, so hopefully will have a pretty day. Unfortunately, think there is a chance of rain all week. Oh well, bring on the grass!
Feeling worse this morning =( I could barely go out to feed.

As far as the little baby goes if there is even one little white hair above his eyes, he will be gray! One of my horsey mentors and friend (she was in her 80's) taught me that. I had a bay mare that had a baby, the dad was gray. The baby looked completely bay but had two little white hairs above his eyes and sure enough he turned out a gorgeous gray!

Judging by that little guys legs, he's a gray for sure! ( hope I'm right! I sure do sound sure! Lol )

Oh and miss fuzzy udders aka Dolly Parton is exactly the same... Ugh
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Bless your heart!! I can't imagine a worse time to be sick!! It's all the staying up late. I'll have to tell Neighbor what you said! One of them said it would, one said it wouldn't! I'm definitely going to keep taking pics of it to show you the changes.

Poor gal. I bet she's miserable with a full and tight udder. Going to keep a close eye on Cinnamon now. I've read sooooo many differemt things about that calcium reading!! Still waiting on pH, but from what I understand, that can happen quickly!
My foals that greyed out (is that even a word lol) didn't have the shading that this foal has so I am not so sure. What colour was daddy? I can post pic of my foals that greyed out if you like.
I wish I had known that tip when my neighbor bought her foal 10 yrs ago. We didnt' know what on earth he was, but he had gray hairs here and there. She thought he was trying to turn roan. Now, it makes sense to me, because he did go gray!
The googles are a dead give away. I had a perfect example of that. Here he is at birth, at 4 months and at 2 years

may 26th 2010 007.jpg

hols 2010 011.jpg

Wow!!!! I did look for goggles last night, but didn't see any. When I run down there a little later on, I'm going to ask what color Daddy is.

Such a dramatic change!! Beautiful either way!!!

Cinnamon has been "normal" today. She didn't come trotting up for treats, but walked slowly.

Just LOOK at this reading!!!! Only problem is pH is still way high.


Back side: (and she's pretty mushy on each side of her tail)


Inside hooha: (can it go any shade lighter?? Wasn't expecting this!)


Will be checking on her all day, no more testing till 7!!
Excuse my ignorance but I have never used pool strips. Aren't the 2 colours supposed to be purple and yellow?
I had to run to town to get some icing for Easter cupcakes, and when I came out of the store, the severe weather sirens were going off, so ran to the pasture where the carriage horses are to make sure everything is secure over there.

I'm headed home now and will take a pic of an unused strip against the box, then one dipped in tap water or something. That should help explain it better than I could!
Here is my example of the drastic change, everyone swore he was going to be a bay, he only had literally 2 white hairs above each eye. I knew he would be gray and look at him! He is the 4th picture. The last picture is his Dad.





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Hope the weather doesn't get to severe for you guys! We actually don't live very far from one another Amy, only about 3 hrs.

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