Cinnamon. Rescue mare: **FILLY**!!!!!!!!!

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Amy a french plait like that is a great idea, as she moves it you will be able to see how relaxed her hooha is without touching her.
plus it looks so pretty. Just remember to take it out as soon as she has passed the placenta as a plaited tail can be a mean whip to a stagering new baby
I saw you posted that on another topic, and I'm so glad you did, because the thought wouldn't have crossed my mind! Do we look like we are getting ANYWHERE?? All the pics almost look the same to me!
Amy, all of your horses are beautiful. Living near Houston, TX, I see many minis that need a good rescuing. I have also seen so many with hoofs like the little white mare that you showed many pages back. Cinnamon is a very lucky girl and she is coming along nicely. You are definitely on the right track with her. Olive Oil is great for everything. I used it on our neighbors dog that was loosing all of it's hair after I washed her with Betadene wash. It also works great in human hair too. I bought a mini filly two months ago and I have the vet coming to do an ultra sound on her to see if she is preggers or just chubby. She is bigger than my black mini due the end of April. The wash didn't make the poor dog lose her hair, the poor dog looked like she was dying lying on their deck. Since animal control wouldn't do anything with it, I did. I have them using olive oil on her everyday. Her hair is growing back and she is looking like the pretty lab she once was. Yellow pollen is everywhere. I am not sure where the piles of pollen are coming from? It is like it is falling from the sky like snow.


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Aw, what cuties!!! The people were not tending to their dog, and they are now? What were they going to do with her?? Thank goodness she had you as her guardian angel!!

The more I think about it, the more I regret not bringing all the mares home. I have a four horse draft trailer, so six or seven minis would have easily fit...Cinnamon just looked the worst. There was a tiny white mare (maybe 29"?) that was wider than she was tall. She was dragging a long rope, and when I picked it up to lead her toward me, she practically sat down against the pressure. She was totally wild, I don't understand how they got a halter on her to begin with. I wonder about the rest of them often, and sometimes want to call and ask about them...basically how many dead foals and mares they had. They were not going to attend the births. They said horses can do it all on their own. *sigh*
She looks as though she is making slow progress which is what we want, baby needs to stay inside as long as possible as mum wasn't fed correctly for so long. Now she is under your care both baby and mum are receiving all the nutrition they need. I know it is frustrating but it is better to wait a little longer and get a strong healthy baby

We feel your pain
Y'all are so right, of course!
I just don't have much patience. I'm terrified I'm going to miss the birth, and in her condition, I'm scared something is going to go bad wrong with her and/or baby. *sigh*. Guess I'll keep up with daily pics!!

Is it time to start posting "inside" hooha pics? Or not quite yet?
Yes a hooha pic will give us somethig to compare her to as she progresses
Here's today's udder and hooha:



Looks about the same as it has been...udder a little bigger, but wasn't counting on that as a "for sure" sign.
Hello Morganite and welcome. Please feel free to join us and help with your preggo mare/s

Looking at that last picture, I'm sitting here thinking, "Good Lord, what if i need to go in after a leg or something that doesn't present properly?? That doesn't look like enough room for my big ole fingers!"

Poor girl, hope she does okay! Doesn't need that on top of everything else!
Hello Everyone & Good Evening.

I was checking Va ge gees early evening. Zecora, the light colored one definitely looks a lot like the March 26th photo of Cinnamon above. Misty, the black mare looks more firm as the 24th photo. I will get some photos too and post. I was also browsing an older discussion pertaining to a young female mini getting preggers at nine months? I am going to check Zecora's teeth and get a more accurate age for her. Another person said they brought one home at 1 1/2 yrs. old and she foaled three days later. Much like Amy, I do not know a lot of information about Zecora. The woman I purchased her from owns a sale barn, and the owner left the poor little thing behind when she didn't sell. Little fart, was helping me do yard work. I had a dead palm in my wagon cart and she pulled it out of the cart. I am chasing her down telling her, "Give me that, she is making a game of it running me all over the yard trying to get it. Eventually she felt sorry for me and brought it back to me. They do enjoy gardening and playtime.

Amy, no they were not taking care of her. I told them it doesn't take much to remedy the poor dog and if they can't afford her give her up. I don't understand why animal rescue groups won't intervene? I gave them some of my wash an bought them a bottle of olive oil to continue. Ah keep in mind that our thoughts are very powerful! Positive Thinking. Cinnamon will have an easy, textbook delivery
Don't we love our little characters so?? They are such little comedians! Do you have a thread started for your mares with all the hooha shots and stuff? Haha!

These are the mares you posted before, right?
Okay, another BORING update, lol

Backside: (see how much she's been rubbing her butt??)




Udder from back:


Hooha: (is that RELAXING pink I'm seeing????)


Inside: sorry for blurry pic, she moved...

She is looking great as Diane said
and judging by that edema in front of her udder I bet she is going to bag up wonderfully inspite her terrible ordeal before finding you. I was worried that her malnutrition was going to be a problem but she really looks great. I know it is a long slow process Amy but believe me, bottle feeding a foal every 30 mins in an absolute nightmare. Last year I barely had time to go potty
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Okay, here we go for this evening!! I see I have LOTS of posts to read to catch up...been working at the pasture in town all day.

Here's today's:



Inside: (omgoodness, is it REDDENING????)


Color of milk: (which was VERY sticky tonight. Forgot to taste...remembered as I poured it out!!)


What's y'alls opinion???? Should I be watching closely tonight?? She was flehming and scratching her butt, but that's nothing new.
Oh!! I forgot to tell yall!! According to the weight tape, she weighs 270 now! I know yall said they are not accurate for minis, but she taped at 225 when we first got her!! Hopefully some of that is HER, and not all baby. Since I measured just behind her front legs, none of the "baby weight" should be there.

When baby is finally here, I'm going back to the measuring formula and doing it the right way...thanks so much, again, for posting the link!
Omgoodness! I checked calcium and pH right at 6:00 before we went to eat. It is now 9:30, amd something told me to go check her again before bedtime...calcium shot up from 100 to 400, but her pH is still high.


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Wow!! Now I'm nervous, lol. Will go out again around 11 and see what we have then. Didn't that last hooha pic look a little more red?? I dunno, maybe I'm just going nuts like everyone else who's expecting!!! Haha!
Oh my! If she has her baby before Summer has hers I'm going to come down there and....!!! JUST KIDDING!!! SO exciting!!! Keep us updated!!!!!

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