Can you say Sleep Deprived?

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Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2008
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Charles County in Southern Maryland
I just have to share - we're laughing so silly at what we just realized.

Here we are - holding vigil as always in the barn - watching over the last 3 mares (after the first 13 foals these three are purposely driving us crazy and they have to pop soon!) - and we're sitting in the barn office - each with our netbook and HS broadbands - tuned in to LB of course - and posting our comments.

We're now realizing at the same time - and laughing hysterically that we're both posting to the same thing - and it happens to be at our own post from earlier today! LOL

Time to go wash the coffee pot under the water hydrant (with the same hose we water buckets - make sure you're using the right sponge!!!!!) - make another pass down the barn isle to peer into the stalls and sigh with frustration - step back outside for another smoke - and shine the flashlight to see what all that screaming outside is for which stallion is after which mare - - then back to the netbooks to see what the rest of the world is doing. The rest of the world not involved in horses is probably SLEEPING!!!!!!!!!!

I remember the days when we were at Happy Hour on Friday nights and the hardest choice was what to wear (you know, so your hubby's eyes don't stray elsewhere - now its rubber boots up the knee, horse hair all over your shirt and dirty jeans) and what was going to be the "flavor of the drink" this particular weekend. And the gang would discuss what the plans were for Saturday night - what band was playing where and would we go on the harleys or drive? LOL Do I sit behind hubby on the little pee pad with knees up in the air and back ache for two days (oh but it looks so cool and I can drink if I'm a passenger) or do I drive my own bike? The bugs are really bad at night and they suck hitting your face - rather sit behind hubby but then I gotta remember to hold on! LOL

We haven't ridden Harleys in two years and they sit collecting dust in the garage - converted the bike trailer to a mini trailer actually. I'd fall dead alseep with even 1/2 a drink these days. lol

I'LL TAKE THESE MINI HORSES ANY DAY - sitting up all night for months waiting on babies - still costly but feel so much better in the mornings! LOL Now the choices are deciding upon who to breed to whom, what's the best feed, what wormer to rotate with and who to clip first. LOL

So, Holly leaning over wanting to know what book I'm writing - LOL LOL LOL

Let me close/post so she can be sneaky and see what I wrote - she'll laugh and I guarentee she'll have something to add.

Good thing we don't have webcam as she always wears her PJs to the barn!!!!!!!!!!!!! HA HA HA HA She'll love that one! ha

Sleep .............yea I need some bad! (and I work out at a full time job - my bosss are really patient!)
Yeah speaking of Harleys, me and Josh (my husband) went for a bike ride last weekend for a hour or so.

After 3 years of not riding, sleep deprived and so on and so on my brain has shrunk.

Well we were driving or should I say I was riding along and my glasses flew off my head, LOL. Im pounding on his back to turn around to get my glasses out of the middle of the road. HOLY COW GET ME BACK TO THE BARN!!! This is way too much for me.

So on to the subject of me wearing my pajamas.............. yes I wear cartoon pajamas ( i feel sorry for my husband ), and I wear them to the barn so when I finally get a chance to get into my bed, I dont have to worry about changing and are they inside out, backwords or whatever. My poor husband! I probably smell like horse poop, horse, dog and cat when I get into bed.

This is probably going to be a post were me and Marlene are writing back and forth to each other ( sitting next to each other in the barn also ), but whatever! LOL.

Some one else want to input their happy days!
You two are too funny.

My hubby still babies his Harley, I baby the minis, we both baby the human kids. I was always more of a kawasaki dirt bike girl, that and horse back riding:) The minis have filled those voids and I don't mind it one bit, esp. when I see how much manure the neighbor's big horses put out. I swear, I forgot the fact that if a BH pee'd in the stall I'd have to strip half the bedding, I don't miss any of that.

You will love your camera system once you get it up and running!

My sleep deprivation is voluntary, up going over the sales catalogue for the Ohio sale tomorrow, but I have been in your shoes

Soon they will be done foaling, you'll be able to catch some ZZZZZ's. No, wait, forgot, then it will be time to do the night checks, rechecks, did I latch the stall checks, did I make sure they all had water checks, her poop looked firm I need to recheck it checks, bump in the night checks........Regardless,We wouldn't trade it for the world!!!!
Have the catalog printed and we'll watch the online preview and the sale but we both swore we were NOT bidding this time - hubby has put his foot down - this time for real and we can't bat our eyelashes and beg as he won't be around tomorrow while we're watching the sale. LOL That has worked every other time - but we're out of luck tomorrow. LOL

I'm afraid this is one sale even he'll kick himself over - -- but there will be others. We'll be at Toni's this fall in person and when the granbaby sits on his lap and says "oh please pop pop" he can't refuse. We'll have to tell her which ones to beg for. LOL

As for all your other points - we're in there with you - this is the place to be! Voluntarily traded everything else for these beautiful little creatures.............
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Sleep deprived you say, ha ha ha (evil laugh)

here's a riddle for your feeble, shrunken little minds, (that is said in the most joking and loving way possible).

Horse B's lot number is 2x's horse A's lot number plus 2


horse A +Horse B= 45+40 -(-7)

remember adding two negatives equal a positive, LOL

Ha, put this on the wrong topic
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If you are really going bonkers, you can go to , I don't know if you have ever been there. Lots of free online games you can play as a guest.
LOL!! We were never the go out on Friday night types, but I do understand the fact that now having minis, I really don't have any desires to much else. I love every second! Hope those last 3 foal out soon!

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