Caliber Is Officially A Gelding!

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Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2011
Reaction score
Southern Indiana
Well, it's true. This AM my fiancé took my little stud to the vet and he was gelded today. I was starting to think he was never going drop so that we could get the procedure over and done. Just had to announce that I officially joined the gelding "club" and am very excited for our future.

Congrats! I should be joining the club by next week, too
Great news, way to be a responsible owner! I wish more people would get excited about gelding their minis!
That's awesome! How's he feeling?

I'm a gelding girl, they can live so much more of a social life with other horses
He seems fine the procedure was done Saturday and he was tender and walking around bow legged that day but yesterday he was running and jumping around like normal. Everything seems to be going textbook (thank goodness).

that is why I decided to geld him though. I wanted him to be able to hang with everyone else without the possibility of an unplanned foal.
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