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Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2021
Reaction score
Fort Worth, Texas
I saw a couple of really cute minis for sale and of course I wanted to buy them.… hubby is just rolling his eyes right now LOL! 🤣🤣 So that got me thinking about buying a couple this fall, train them to pull a cart, then sell them in the spring. I’m not looking to really make money, just have some fun, make enough to cover their expense and hopefully give them an opportunity to have a brighter future. They are both stallions so I would geld them for sure and keep them separated from my “PEACEFUL” little herd, don’t want to stir things up there.

Anyone do this for fun? Anyone have thoughts of doing this? Anyone want to buy some “trained” geldings from me in the spring??🤣🤣

Note: I probably won’t even do this, I should really just focus on the 4 that I have 😍
Well, the question isn't do you want to make money, but how much do you want to lose? If you have the space and the time and think it would be fun, it can be fun. My math says you would pay $500 each for unhandled mini studs. Plus $50 gas to get them, $350 each for gelding, x 6 months of hay(150), feed(50), vet and farrier(100). Then hopefully sell them for $1200 each. Which would have you breaking even if they don't get need the vet. Or dentist. And you can sell them in the spring. Your math might be pretty different. On the other hand it's cheaper than a game system, books, or taking up painting. And gelding them will give them a much better shot at a good future.
Will you be able to part with them if you get attached?
I think that is why my hubby was rolling his eyes 🤣🤣 I get attached very easily!! 💕

A team of 6!! Now I’m drooling🥳🥳

Those figures look close to me L&F (Lost&Found). In this neck of the woods, gelding is about $150, as long as both balls….Opps, Sorry…. nuggets… dang it… testicles have dropped. LOL 🤣
Kelly, if anyone has the energy to do it, it's you! A mini trained to drive goes for a lot around here. More like $3000. And that can be with only 90 days on them! Of course veterinary care is a lot more too.
I do that, sort of, when I find ponies cheap enough. They're almost always overpriced, though. Stallions need to be 200 or less, as castration is expensive and takes out most of the budget immediately.
There's no profit, just lots of experience being gathered. I do try to even out in the end and whatever it sells for is my max budget for the next one.
I put them in with my herd, since they're mine and treated like mine. They are always available, that's the only difference between them and mine.
I do that, sort of, when I find ponies cheap enough. They're almost always overpriced, though. Stallions need to be 200 or less, as castration is expensive and takes out most of the budget immediately.
There's no profit, just lots of experience being gathered. I do try to even out in the end and whatever it sells for is my max budget for the next one.
I put them in with my herd, since they're mine and treated like mine. They are always available, that's the only difference between them and mine.
I am finding most stallions around here go for about $300 unregistered to about $450 registered and that’s them coming off their higher price of $600-800. Just called the vet ystrdy and they said $155 to geld. Do you try to find horses that are registered or not?

Just thinking about some things….
Would yall buy a horse that needs more help (is in a place with no other horses, owners have no horse experience) …which makes me think auction, then leads me to think kill pen 😟… and not registered OR a horse that is registered but just needs training, same price for each, same age. Then I think to myself, am I doing this for the $ OR am I doing to help horses? I guess it would be kinda both, I want to help horses, but I also want to break ALMOST even 🤣 Do yall think horses that are registered will command a higher price Or is it strictly their training that sells them? My phone was buzzing off the hook with Shadow but he was trained AND registered.
Over here the papers don't matter at all. What sells is kid safe. But that might not be the same in your area. When I was buying and selling I looked for potential more than anything else. A well put together horse with a good mind wins over something flashy. You can't sell as quickly for as much, but my safety comes first. Then flashy color. Then papers. Any time you put training on an untrained horse you are helping horses. Just because they have papers doesn't save them from a bad spot, and just because they are an only horse or with people that don't have a clue doesn't mean they will head to one.
Registration makes no difference to me at all. I bought unregistered over registered because I like the horse itself or saw more potential in it or in one case, the unregistered one drove like a fancy sportscar . And to be honest, a set of papers in my area can hold you back from certain classes or you have to show in with the full sized large horses because miniature horses are considered "horses" and not ponies. Hope this helps.
I don't breed horses, so I could care less about registration. And I certainly will not pay more for it, especially not for a resale project.
It is very difficult to find one here that is trained to drive. Rocko has papers and Annie doesn't but I'm pretty sure I could sell them for the same price because they both drive, maybe to different types of buyers though.

Did Shadow's buyers ask about papers, or did you list that in your ad? Wondering if that was important to them.
Very interesting!! I’m with Marsha, I kinda like having papers…although I don’t show or have a need for their papers. But it is good to know that a bunch of you don’t seem to care much about them.

Nope Shadows buyer didn’t ask for his papers and I don’t think he really cares about them either. In Shadows ad, I did put that he was registered. Another lady who was serious about Shadow did ask and was glad that he was registered.

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