Bizzare Foods with Andrew Zimerman

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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2009
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I watch the travel channel A LOT and love watching this show. I seen a episode where Andrew has eatin horse meat before in another country. NOW LISTEN not getting into or starting a hate crime on eatin horse (most eat beef & chickens) but have you or someone you know eatin horse before??? And would you give it a try if offered it? And not talkin about your cute little guy in the back yard but in a resturant...

Please no fighting just a weird ? I wanted to ask...


I have personally eatin horse when I was a small child with my father... not in the states.
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Personally, if I was in a restraunt I would not order horse meat but if I ate it without knowing it and I liked it, I wouldn't freak. I mean hey - in Asian contries if you eat a cow they would freak out because to them their cows are holy and love them, much like we love our horses. 

It all depends on what you are raised with and what is your "norm". I have no problems with people eating horse meat so long as the animals do not suffer while living and are euthanized humanely and painlessly. What I have problems with are people keeping them in horrible conditions and then shooting them to kill them. 
I have eaten horse and donkey... I live in Europe , and its as normal as an american eating a beef hamburger. Its actually very lean and very good, but once is enough for me . I dont want to give the butchers a reason to slaughter horses, I wont buy it or order it even though it is very good. Its very dark in color , and has no fat or tendens running through it , its very tender.
If you raise a calf similar to the way that you raise a foal, by touching it and by loving it and by training it, it will act a lot like a horse. We eat cows everyday without asking ourselves that question. I don't want people to start breeding horses for food, but I don't really see how it would be any different than breeding cows for food. A woman that lives over the hill from my farm told me that she raised a calf when she was a teenage and broke it to ride and rode it with a saddle and a bridle and rode it alongside her friend riding her horse.

I like to try new and different foods and I would not be "grossed out" if presented with a piece of horse meat on a plate. I would probably frown, mourn that it gave it's life to feed me, then eat it, but, that is no different than I act when I am presented with a piece of cow meat on a plate.
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I am a meat eater, grew up that way. Love a good steak. I wouldn't touch a piece of horse meat right now due to the fact that horses are not being slaughtered in a humane manner. Since they closed all of the slaughter houses in the US, thank you PETA and those good doers. All of our unwanted horses suffer tremendous cruelty being taken to Mexico and Canada for slaughter. They are handled and slaughtered with barbaric methods. I haven't investigated Europian methods of slaughter so can't say anything there, but I will sure look into it. Even US cows have it better than the horses. We have to do something about reopening the US slaughter houses to horses so that the processing can be monitored and humain methods can be employed and regulated. I don't even buy eggs unless they have the certification mark on the carton that the producer is inspected and certified a humane egg producer. Oh yeah I am fired up about it, I just spent the last 2 days looking at websites and videos of horse slaughter in mexico and yes, I saw mini horses being slaughted but at least it was with a gun shot to the head but just think of their trip to the slaughter house, nice huh!
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I am a meat eater, grew up that way. Love a good steak. I wouldn't touch a piece of horse meat right now due to the fact that horses are not being slaughtered in a humane manner. Since they closed all of the slaughter houses in the US, thank you PETA and those good doers. All of our unwanted horses suffer tremendous cruelty being taken to Mexico and Canada for slaughter. They are handled and slaughtered with barbaric methods. I haven't investigated Europian methods of slaughter so can't say anything there, but I will sure look into it. Even US cows have it better than the horses. We have to do something about reopening the US slaughter houses to horses so that the processing can be monitored and humain methods can be employed and regulated. I don't even buy eggs unless they have the certification mark on the carton that the producer is inspected and certified a humane egg producer. Oh yeah I am fired up about it, I just spent the last 2 days looking at web sites and videos of horse slaughter in mexico and yest I saw mini horses being slaughted but at least it was with a gun shot to the head but just think of their trip to the slaughter house, nice huh!

YES you are right... we need to re open the slaughter houses in the US .Mexico is a cruel place to die if your a horse, the spinal cord is severed , and they die eventually. Some places in euope are cruel (italy ) but Switzerland uses a bullet , its quick and humane.
taken to Mexico and Canada for slaughter. They are handled and slaughtered with barbaric methods
We have to do something about reopening the US slaughter houses to horses so that the processing can be monitored and humain methods can be employed and regulated.
We too have monitoring systems and humane mathods up

My father-in-law had eaten horse meat as a young man and said it was a bit stringy...and nothing he would go out of his way to try again. Possibly what he had wasn't quite the same grade or quality of meat that would be found in today's fancy restraunts.

Myself, no...I have no wish to try it, but am not a red meat eater to begin with.

As for those who are soooo against the slaughter of horses...I feel exactly the same as the other poster who mentioned how different cultures look upon what we regularly put on our tables. Pork...totally taboo to Jews, Cattle, ditto to Hindi, and I am sure there are others...then you have some cultures which regularly partake of dogs and cats; and THAT bothers me more than horse flesh...

I would so much rather see a horse put to death humanely, even to be eaten...than having it neglected and starved...left to suffer a long, slow angonizing death.
Wouldn't bother me at all...if I ate red meat lol and if I didn't know said "dinner" personally
Krissy3 that is good to hear that Canada does have regulation for humane animal slaughter, sorry I was going by here say. I for sure have seen what goes on in Mexico. I will look into the Canadian slaughter to see how it is done. It is still along way for a poor horse to travel to be put to death and that is one of my main points. I plan on looking into US legislation to see if the US is even thinking about the plight of the unwanted horses in this country. I still wouldn't eat horse meat just not that adventurous.
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No I wouldnt. From what I hear, though the slaughter houses in the US are regulated and so on so forth, a lot of cruelty still goes on. There was something about it on the news a while back. Cameras were snuck in and revealed some very sad sights.
I really like Ostrich and Emu actually better than beef. I do not think I could get past the fact that it is horse. I would not eat it. Just like I would not eat dog or cat if I knew.
I would eat horse meat.

Raised a couple of calves, halter broke real gentle - T Bone steak and Roasts yum

Raised a pig, real gentle - Pork Chops and Sausage yum

Raising rabbits for the meat - yum

Helped dress out a deer, Bambie - yum

Hunted gators - yum

I will eat any meat except possum, dog, or armadillo
I went to a friends house this summer and they were cutting up meat for jerky but were reluctant to tell what kind of meat, knowing I had horses. It seems this horse had gone blind and was frantically running into things so they put it down. Being the curious person I am, wanted to try it so they gave me some. It was very lean, probably the tenderest meat I had eaten and tasted like a good steak. Mentally was hard getting over the horse part but if I didn't have the stigma of horse meat, I would find it very good.

Terry came home and ate a bunch of it before I could tell him what it was and he liked it just fine. Didn't think it was anything but beef. I think I will pass on it in the future.
I am vegetarian, so wouldn't eat horse meat.

However, I don't see eating "common pet animals" such as cats, dogs, or horses to be any different than eating a chicken or a cow. Heck, pigs are said to be smarter than any of them!

As I am a vegetarian also, no I would not. I saw a clip on The Soup about a show on the Travel channel were 2 guys travel the world (imagine that on that channel!) And so obviously eat whatever is the norm for where thay are. I don't know what country they were in but they had a table full of um, how can I say, male weewee's. All different species. And the last one they pulled out was a horse one. Now what is the fascination with eating something pee comes out of?
As I am a vegetarian also, no I would not. I saw a clip on The Soup about a show on the Travel channel were 2 guys travel the world (imagine that on that channel!) And so obviously eat whatever is the norm for where thay are. I don't know what country they were in but they had a table full of um, how can I say, male weewee's. All different species. And the last one they pulled out was a horse one. Now what is the fascination with eating something pee comes out of?

I totaly agree with you here! LOL
Now what is the fascination with eating something pee comes out of?
Certainly wouldn't be a choice of mine either...

I will not eat anything from the insides of any along the vein of this last question...what about those who eat kidney...that is FULL of "pee". Barf!!!
I've watched that episode before and I have to admitt that it did look pretty tasty. If given the opportunity I think I would try it even though I'm not much for red meat. It really isn't any different from any other farm animal that is raised for that purpose.
Ok, I gave it some more thought. In a normal situation, No, I would not eat Horse. If the world were to go to heck in a hand basket and we were starving, I would consider the life of one of my wonderful horse kids. Just because I would do them no good if I were dead but they would keep me from dying. Sorry baby horses.

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