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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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Is it just me or is the chick from BB5 a total air head?
I remeber her, but never remebered her being that annoying
. My gosh you just wanted to strangle her lol.
Anything Janelle could ever do to cancel out the dumb blonde thing, Holly just killed it all LOL. But then again Holly just never was one of my favorites anyway.
I also think the Maggie threw the HOH so Ivette could have it.
So do I, Ashley! And, URGH, I could just knock Ivette one. She's such a winey cry baby.

I remember how annoying Holly was last year, but did anyone else think that now she's a different kind of annoying? I thought she was very creepy actually!

Harvey and I also thought Maggie threw it on purpose. I actually was hoping Janelle would win. She seems like a total jerk, but I don't like any of the others a bit either. At least Janelle is interesting.
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I have to admit, none of the house guests this season were interesting. Not that I think any of them are truly bad people, but this partner twist was even worse than the X factor and DNA together. Having someone in there that you know and like was the worse thing they could do, it was bound to spilt this house wide open and it did. At least with X factor they hated each other to start off. LOL I don't like Janelle, I have to agree with something Jill said long ago, she looks like a man. And trust me, Janelle talks just as much trash as the other women. And Howie is just as bad.

I still think that for the way the show is usually played that Maggie has played the best. she has used who she needs to, gotten rid of who she needs to, and manipulates whoever she needs too. Janelle made a crack about Maggie being HOH twice, she won it once, but Maggie is the one that talked Howie into putting up James and Sara, this cost that team any chance of winning. Smart move, Howie could be leaving, James is gone, Sara is gone and Maggie has no worries again this week.

Oh and I missed the show, don't know how looking at horses got in the way of that. LOL
I don't know what it is, and it might be something as dumb as just the way she looks, but I can't stand Maggie. She's just TOO dull and girl-scoutish. And, yep, I did think at first that one of the surprise twists this season was that Janelle was really, or formerly, a man! That's no lie! That nose, jaw and adams apple she kind of has... After Howie and Janelle are out, it will be less interesting. I think they're both jerks, especially seeing the way Howie behaved a couple of weeks ago, BUT that is what makes it interesting to watch.
Actually throwing the HOH(it also, could have been just a gamble on her part thinking Ivette might go over even though I don't think so because Ivette had never won HOH and talked about that last night) was probably a smart move. You know Maggie won't leave this week and now she has a chance at HOH next week which is one of the most important weeks. I think that Ivette has to be very careful and will probably back door Howie or Janelle. Don't want either one of them to win. I want Ivette or Maggie to win. April gave Maggie such a hard time about her using the veto and went and talked to Janelle. Janelle was working an angle.

Janelle needs to go this week and then Howie.

I thought Maggie would probably win the whole thing from the beginning.
I agree with you Kim, I think Maggie did the smart thing in throwing the HOH to Ivette. Now Ivette will feel grateful to her for having her chance at photos and stuff, she isn't a target by putting up Howie and Janelle and she can play next week. I also think Janelle should go, the next competition will probably be intelligence and Howie lost all of his, the last one is always staminia, Maggie can outlast both April and Ivette. I look for Maggie to take April to the final two and get Ivette, Beau, Howie, Janelle, Rachel votes and April to get James and Jennifer. H/J/R will give it to Maggie because she played the game.
I too am for Janelle....dumb blonde? No way, she is really a brunette which was shown in her younger days pictures.

I have never seen such cry babies as those 3 on a reality show!! But then the way Jennifer played the game with her tears, those three may just be following in her path!

Jill said:
So do I, Ashley!  And, URGH, I could just knock Ivette one.  She's such a winey cry baby.
I remember how annoying Holly was last year, but did anyone else think that now she's a different kind of annoying?  I thought she was very creepy actually!

Harvey and I also thought Maggie threw it on purpose.  I actually was hoping Janelle would win.  She seems like a total jerk, but I don't like any of the others a bit either.  At least Janelle is interesting.


Well here we are again, you know Howie is leaving or we hope so, I think he is getting more and more weird by the day. On the live feeds he is telling Janey that she is the last jedi left to defend the alliance. She must study at least 3 - 4 hours a day. She must exercise everyday. They are really going crazy. And they now must get revenge because the nerd herd has destroyed their alliance. LOL how funny is that, Howie destroyed that for them. They didn't need the nerds to do it. They are just mad because they keep getting beat and Janelle was very wrong saying that Ivette's girlfriend was so ugly, that was uncalled for but then again Janelle is pretty and smart so she can be like that and its ok.

Anyway, unless I can get tv at Nationals this was my last night of BB. Guess I will have to wonder what happens until I get back.
Now, if you were Howie's mommy wouldn't you be proud of your little Jedi? LOLHe makes me sick!

Anyway, unless I can get tv at Nationals this was my last night of BB. Guess I will have to wonder what happens until I get back.

I have a small TV packed and the rabbit ear antenna so come on over to Barn B on Sat and Tues for Big Brother night if you are still at the show grounds..........
Oh my gosh Karen- you have to keep up to date on what's going on. LOL

Sounds like Erica may be able to help out.

Janelle is one really good player. She would have gone long before the others if it had been up to me. She's way too much of a threat. Also, her comments about Ivette's girlfriend were quite mean.

I think Maggie is still playing really well and is very up on what needs to be done.

Next week should be interesting.

Oh and Howie is acting like a a real wacko!

Any survivor fans... that starts soon. I will be on vacation when a lot of new shows come on... of course, I will still have to watch them.
I can't really explain why I prefer Janelle to those other "girl scouts". I think Janelle is a pretty "not nice" person, at least from how she comes across on the show (with editing, maybe she's not as bad as she seems), but at least with her, you KNOW what she's going to do. Like Oprah says, if someone tells you they are a snake, believe them. I like that you know what to expect from her. She is consistent. And interesting, which is what watching it is all about. I also thought it was mean what she said about Ivette's gf, but again, isn't that about what you expect Janelle to say?
Janelle has been a good player and she does have a quality of at least being up front and not a cry baby. Ivette is now showing that her tears were also for her benefit to make the others feel sorry for her. [Look how Jennifer played it up]

Now she is slyly smiling and thinking of sending April off because she thinks she has a better chance of winning against Howie than against Maggie and April. It is a game and they do what they have to in order to win. At least Janelle wasn't swearing on the Bible or her life in order to get where she is. Funny but I have to say if it hadn't been for Howie, it would have been even more boring toward this end! Wouldn't mind seeing Janelle and Howie at the end.....but Howie is not good at winning POV or much of anything else.
They must all be going berserk after this length of time in that house.

Jill said:
I can't really explain why I prefer Janelle to those other "girl scouts".  I think Janelle is a pretty "not nice" person, at least from how she comes across on the show (with editing, maybe she's not as bad as she seems), but at least with her, you KNOW what she's going to do.  Like Oprah says, if someone tells you they are a snake, believe them.  I like that you know what to expect from her.  She is consistent.  And interesting, which is what watching it is all about.  I also thought it was mean what she said about Ivette's gf, but again, isn't that about what you expect Janelle to say?

See I knew Janelle should have been given the boot a while ago. I knew she was going to win HOH last night.

She is one of the best all time BB players. It's going to be interesting to see what happens now.
It's going to get interesting. I'd like to see Janelle and Maggie in the finals. Ivette and April are just tooooooo whiney for me~ I guess we'll have to wait and see. I loved the sparks flying between Jen and James that was must see t.v.
Ok, so who left and who is left in the house?

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