Carly Rae
Well-Known Member
Ah! I love this part of the forum and I love sharing photos! I think I post too much, but I wanted to put more photos of Bam Bam and Willow from the minute he was born to the day I re homed him
I'll add heaps of photos for you all to see
So, Bam-Bam was born on the 21st of July 2014 at 2:46pm to be exact. This was my first ever horse birth I had ever seen and I watched start to end. It was such a beautiful Experience.
She took about 20-30 minutes to foal (I cant actually remember I had so many mixed emotions that I forgot the time it took) But she foaled out in the little yard that wasn't warm and very open and it was all dirt so we moved them into the warm shelter. He was feeding nicely and did his first poo the next day.
Here was about 1 week later, Bam-Bam, a happy little healthy colt,so beautiful to watch
About 2 weeks passed and Willows 4 yo daughter Lou Lou Foaled! So unexpected, it was Lou Lou's first foal and she did it all overnight by herself. We actually thought her foal was Bam-Bam, they looked so much alike! Lou Lou isn't my mini but lived on my property. her foal was actually called Pebbles to go with Bam Bam because my mum was like 'Its a Filly!' She obviously didn't check properly because I checked and it was actually a colt haha. His name is now Clancy.
Bam Bam then turned 1 Month old and hot his own halter! It was so great that Clancy was born around the same time because Bam Bam had a little foal friend
(Bam Bam is the one with the halter Clancy is a but taller and Bam Bam is fatter and bulkier with 4 socks)
We also got a photo with him (Me on the right and my friend on the left)
Meeting his big sister
Lets take a big leap from June 2014 to March 2015. A big Bam Bam! (Please do mind his hooves, he had the farrier in not long after that image)
There you go!
Bam Bam is now a little Gelding and he is allowed inside at his new home, he went to good friends of my dads and they love his name! Hope you enjoyed this!

I'll add heaps of photos for you all to see

So, Bam-Bam was born on the 21st of July 2014 at 2:46pm to be exact. This was my first ever horse birth I had ever seen and I watched start to end. It was such a beautiful Experience.
She took about 20-30 minutes to foal (I cant actually remember I had so many mixed emotions that I forgot the time it took) But she foaled out in the little yard that wasn't warm and very open and it was all dirt so we moved them into the warm shelter. He was feeding nicely and did his first poo the next day.
Here was about 1 week later, Bam-Bam, a happy little healthy colt,so beautiful to watch

About 2 weeks passed and Willows 4 yo daughter Lou Lou Foaled! So unexpected, it was Lou Lou's first foal and she did it all overnight by herself. We actually thought her foal was Bam-Bam, they looked so much alike! Lou Lou isn't my mini but lived on my property. her foal was actually called Pebbles to go with Bam Bam because my mum was like 'Its a Filly!' She obviously didn't check properly because I checked and it was actually a colt haha. His name is now Clancy.
Bam Bam then turned 1 Month old and hot his own halter! It was so great that Clancy was born around the same time because Bam Bam had a little foal friend

We also got a photo with him (Me on the right and my friend on the left)
Meeting his big sister

Lets take a big leap from June 2014 to March 2015. A big Bam Bam! (Please do mind his hooves, he had the farrier in not long after that image)
There you go!
Bam Bam is now a little Gelding and he is allowed inside at his new home, he went to good friends of my dads and they love his name! Hope you enjoyed this!
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