Bad weather

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Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2010
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Its been bad at my house on and off these last three days tornados and flooding! We got hit just a week ago with a tornado and here we go again. Nothing at my house but all around us is pretty messed up. I hope everyone around us is safe in mississippi, Tennessee and Missouri are ok. I know these last three days have been rough ones! Our power has been going in and out. My internet has been limited to my phone most of the time. I hate this weather it really scares me. I told my hubby last night as we were in storm shelter i want him to build one for my horses and he just looked at me like i was crazy. I Was Serious! I will make it happen somehow!
I feel for you, we are under a tornado watch as I type. luckly the last few we had missed the house and the barns, but I have lost trees and a run in shed and several fences, which is why we switched to electric tape. The last one we had was really bad, picked up my mares run in shed and threw in over a fence into the adjoining paddock. My mares were Ok, but it is not fun going out in the midst of a storm raounding up horses and trying to keep them safe. Our poor stallion was by himself in a paddock in the back, where he could watch his mares and several large 200 year old trees came crashing down on his fences, he wouldn't even go in the run in he stood in the corner until we came and got him. Needless to say we were hustling trying to get on halters and put horses in the indoor and put up temporary stalls in the brood mare barn. Storms scare me to death. We went to ECMHS and had paid for an extra night, as we wanted to stay for AMHR awards but left after showing because storms were forcast for there and at home. I was so tired to drive the five hours and wouldn't you know my running lights would not come on with the horse trailer. We had just replaced the fuse, but who knows what happened. We made it home safely and the next day storms hit us, but I heard it was horrable at the show for the folks that stayed for AMHA.
We have wind. It is just wind, but, my little dogs won't go out in it and the chickens take shelter under a camper shell I have out for them. I really feel for all of you that have put up with all of those tornado's. I do have a story about a tiny tornado we had here.

I was out back with the horses and I heard this thing coming at us. Much bigger than I wanted to deal with. But tiny as to what you guys have to put up with. Anyway, it was coming from the north strait south. It stopped at our property line. It actually sat there for almost a minute. Then it turned east and kept going. I do not know what it is about our property. There are days you can hear the wind above us. It is the weirdest sound and we do not even have a breeze.
I do worry about you all and your minis and other animals, now that Tornado season is here again. Please stay as safe as you can.

I just tried to sign back on and the power went out. Wind is bad, we are under a tornado watch and thunderstorm warning, but some have it much worse they are also under flood warnings. Best of luck to all of us, the weather has been crazy this whole year.
I hope everyone is ok! Alabama tornado is horrible. This weather has been so rough the last two weeks on and off. I really hate storms. It scares me so much. HOPE ALL IS WELL AND ANIMALS ARE WELL
I heard the death toll is up to 213 for all of the tornados in the southern states now I believe. Just terrible. Prayers for everyone that has been effected.

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