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Lindsay, my dear, I am so very sorry for yet another hearbreak. Thank God you saved the mare. When Thera foaled Missy I also saw this strange red/bruisey looking bag and knew it was not normal, my adrenaline kicked in to high and I just plunged forward and ripped it. I am so very sorry you lost this baby, please don't beat yourself up, many is the time it "is" better to give them time. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Can't say as I blame you for taking a step away from breeding, just hug those you have real tight.
[SIZE=14pt]Lindsay, So sorry about your baby. I hope that Ruby will be ok.[/SIZE]

Hello Lindsay,

I am very sorry to hear of your loss. Hope your mare is okay as well and things get better.


My heart goes out to you for such a heartbreaking experience. I can sure understand your concern in not wanting to have more foals. Hugs and the best to you and your horses. Mary
This is heartbreaking, to hear of so many loss's. I pray your June baby will be happy and healthy.

So much joy and yet so much heartache can happen when it comes to foaling out. I am so sorry about your losses
. I hope you get a live healthy foal in June.
I am also sorry for all of the bad luck that you have had with foaling. So depressingl A few years back our vet bill was $10,000 & most of it was mare, foaling related & loss of two foals....... Bless you!
Sorry to hear you lost the foal. You did everything you could to help her deliver. I too lost a foal this week on Tuesday night. It's like everything was in slow motion. Baby was stuck and we couldn't make any progress. The vet was able to push the leg back and out she came, but it was way too late. God Bless you and your mare.
Soooo sorry to hear of your losses.
Just went through one yesterday myself. When we started into minis we lost our first three foals and one mare. I was there for every one of them. My husband couldn't believe that I stuck with it after all that. I certainly understand where you are coming from. The heartbreak and the STRESS are hard to deal with. The financial part is a tough one too, I don't want to see the bill coming from the horsey hospital where my mare is currently residing after a terrible time with a later term abortion. This is why I tell everyone DO NOT BREED YOUR PETS!!!!! I hope all the newbies are reading this.
I think everyone who breeds sooner or later will experience some bad is hard and I can't blame your depression. Try and enjoy your horses, they can help you thru this bad time...So sorry this has happened to you.
Good Morning Everyone

Thank you all for all of your thoughts and words, and for the prayers for the mare who is due in June.

Ruby seems to be doing well this morning. She finally ate some last night, and her temperature is still normal.

Thank you all for understanding!

I expected losses when I started this, and I knew they would come, and up until now I've been pretty strong and resilient. But now, to lose 3 out of 4 babies on top of everything else is just way too much.

Things are being looked into. We are having our water tested. I am sending hay to be tested. I have an email sent to the company that makes my grain.

Selenium levels were checked last year. All of these mares have been ultrasounded numerous times through these pregnancies to try to prevent any problems. Their hormone levels have also been checked each time they were ultrasounded.

Mineral blocks are out and are used by all the horses.

I don't have pasture or weeds or trees in my paddocks, so it can't be a toxic plant.

We are looking into having our soil tested as well.

Again thank you all for being here!!!
Just a sudden memory about a horrific year WE had awhile back.......

We finally discovered that public workers had been spraying along the main irrigition canal and out along the roadway.......our girls had been poisened!!!!

Then, another year we found a noxious weed in some hay we had bought which caused a series of colics, abortions.....

I hope you find your answer soon.

I am so sorry for your losses and I totally understand how your are feeling and thank you for posting your thoughts about breeding because it so very important to know what can go wrong for us new to breeding. I had my first taste of that last year with the loss of our first foal. For 11 months or so you are excited, talk about the foal to be never thinking this could happen to you and then it does and oh what pain, what an emotional melt-down. I was lucky, my mare was just fine, physically and mentally but I wasn't. Took me a long time to come to terms with it, beating myself up about it, still am and probably will forever. I have two mares due this year. Both have a history of losing their first foal so you can imagine what my frame of mind is at the moment. I am trying to minimize anything that is in my power to ensure a safe delivery of both foals BUT I know that sometimes things aren't in your control. Mother nature is stronger than all of us and sometimes... :no: I can't imagine going through what you have been through. I was ready to give up last year after losing the one. I know that if I should lose both this year I will be done as well. I can't take the heartache and I certainly won't put my mares through potential complications again. I won't get totally out of minis. I will more than likely, if I lose both foals, geld both my stallions but keep all my minis and turn towards doing more rescues.

God bless you and big big hugs to you my dear.
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So sorry about your mare. I'm glad you are looking into possibilities to explain your stretch of bad luck. This is what scares me from breeding--I know I couldn't deal with the emotional issues if there was a loss. So even though I have bought a mare, I very much doubt I will breed her. Hey, just because she can doesn't mean she has to--I didn't.

Hope all goes well with your June foal--you need a ray of sunshine through those clouds!

Sorry we didn't get a chance to meet when I was in Corrales, but maybe next time.

Peace to your heart, and Ruby too.

Roxane Martin

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