bad news after surgery

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Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2003
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Rowley, Ma.
My husband had the lump removed form his neck today I knew there was a problem when it was almost 2 hours till they were done I had been told it takes 1 hour Then the doctor took me into the family room & we all know that is not good

Rick has cancer- the node was malignant We are trying to digest it all Ater all, being a nurse- this happens to other people's families, right?!

We have an appt Weds morning to discuss chemo & radiation I am going to insist he get his treatments at Dana Farber in Boston, only 35 minutes away

This is NOT a good holiday gift for us Rick is the center of my world, and I am going to make sure he gets through this alright!

Thnak goodness we have great kids and friends
I'm very sorry Linda you and your family are in my prayers for a complete and rapid recovery for your husband.
I am so sorry for our news, you will be in my prayers that everything turns out ok for both of you.
without question I will pray that he has a successful course of treatment and can go into remission. My thoughts will be with you and the family.
[SIZE=14pt]Oh Linda..... I am so very sorry! WE will hold your husband in our prayers daily. And you too.[/SIZE]

Linda, you and Rick are in my prayers and my thoughts! My heart goes out to you very much right now! Jill
Linda, I will hold you both in my prayers. Stay strong, we're here for you.
Hello Linda,

I am so sorry to hear the news. Prayers are being said for your husband.

Heresa hug for both of you!

I'm so sorry for you and Rick, I'll certainly be holding you in my prayers, hugs to you both.
Linda, I am so, sorry for the news...please know that I'll be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers...

Liz R.
aw linda im so sorry i really am, i hope everything goes well for you both its lovely when you hear of someone being the centre of someones world, its heartbreaking news, i know how you feel.. you will both be in my prayers.......[[[[[[[[[[hugs]]]]]]]]]]]]]
I am so sorry
My thoughts and prayers are with you and Rick as you go through this tough time!

Hang in there, I know this is the toughest thing you have to deal with, especially around the holidays, BUT please Keep your head up and help him through the treatments!!!!! Sometimes the word "CANCER" seems like it is the end, BUT it is NOT!!!! I speak from experience with my daughter. I was devastated by the news, BUT I would not accept anything other than She would get better!!!! I really believe a positive attitude that you will beat this always helps!~~

My thoughts & prayers are with you & Rick, and your whole family.....It is a very scarey time, But it will bring you closer and make you stronger!!!

Again, you have my prayers for a fast recovery!!!!!!!!!!
I'm so very sorry. My prayers are with you and your family. ((hugs))
Added you both to our prayer list for Rick's speedy recovery and a good

Linda, I am so sorry to hear about Rick. Keeping you in our prayers and here is a ((hugg)) hoping for a speedy recovery. Corinne