as the stomach turns

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Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2007
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Winchester, IL
i'm into my second week of 5-day work weeks. so far, so good. the temp is working out. she comes in 2 or 3 days a week, answers phones, types simple letters, runs errands to the courthouse for me. the only problem is, she's very "talky", likes to chat, chat, chat. i find it hard to concentrate when that's going on but i manage to get my stuff done.

amy e-mailed me monday to ask how my weekend was and to tell me that they went out and partied with their biker friends saturday night but that she's pretty sure she won't be back at work until mid-september.

my boss wanted to "talk" late yesterday afternoon. she wanted to ask me a question and said she wanted me to "think about it" and that i didn't have to give her an answer right away. :DOH! i thought...uh oh, what?? the question was, did i think i could handle the office by myself? i said, huh?? she said if/when amy comes back to work, the first day she calls in sick, she will be fired. she has no sick/vacation/personal days coming to her and boss said she was not putting up with one more single "sick" day...translate - hung over. she said she would keep a temp on to come in during busy times, i.e., criminal court days, jury trials, etc. oh and, it would include a substantial raise (her words).

i really hate civil law. i am SO rusty, i have had to reach way into the recesses of my brain to get a few urgent things done that have been languishing on amy's desk for months on end. i'm just not sure i want to commit to such a schedule.

something else happened that greatly upset both of us. i got a call from the circuit clerk's office that one of our trust checks bounced. it seems amy wrote a bunch of checks out of the trust account for filing fees, etc., but she neglected to MAKE A DEPOSIT to cover the checks!!!!!!!! OMG!!! i told boss that is unforgivable and should be grounds for being fired on the spot. now we are wondering how many OTHER checks are out there that won't be covered. holy guacamole!

stay tuned for part II. or is it III? in the meantime, here's vince to sell you a "SHAMWOW!!!!"
Oh man!

I wonder if you want to "do it" if you could ask Liz what if she hires a part time assistant (permanent) to help you out like 10am-2pm each day or something? Someone who wouldn't need as much salary as you but could give you a good break from the phones, and could run errands, etc.

And, when that person comes in if that's what you do, if you could set the presidence (sp?) of not being chit-chatty with her? That's not easy. It took me a long time to get the hang of friendly but not friends in the office. I couldn't effectively supervise my assistants when I was chit-chatting with them and while I like my assistants now so much, it's so much better productivity wise that we are not "friends".

As an employer, omg do I know the value of a good assistant like I know you are!!!

And, goes without saying... you're in the position to let her know what it will take ($$$) to make you want to be the only full time employee
Now's also the time to think of perks you may want, like more vacation days, able to leave early a certain day of the week, longer lunches, "whatever".

GOOD LUCK!!! From what you've said, I feel like Liz is a good boss and you have a good working relationship with her. I think it could be a really good change coming up for both of you.
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Charlene, no advice from me (for a change, LOL) but I almost posted yesterday asking about an update. I'll be watching.
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I know it sounds like a big step "taking over the office", but haven't you pretty much been doing that anyway? Amy was/is out of the office ALOT, and when she is there, it doesn't sound like she does much work.

I think Jill is right. Get a part-timer to help with things (for a good chunck of the day).

Best of luck with your decision.
yes, in a way, i have been pretty much running the office since i came back to work after gary's death. that's when all of this stuff hit the fan.

jill, liz and i have a wonderful working relationship. as for "perks", i have more than the average employee simply because liz is so laid back. if things aren't hopping late in the day and there's no reason to stay, we often leave the office an hour or more early. it has never been a problem. liz knows how brutal my schedule is at home and she is more than willing to "give & take" with me. i do a lot of extra stuff for her, some not even work-related, so she shows her appreciation by closing early some days or buying lunch occasionally. i could not ask for a better boss. there are times in the spring and fall when the weather becons both of us to go outside and play. she has been known to put a sign on the door "closed for training" and we lock up and skeedaddle on outta here! when she introduces me to prospective clients, i'm not her "secretary", i am her "co-worker". how much better could it be?

even though the past couple of weeks, and the next few weeks will be intense, there is much less tension in the office without amy here. we have both noticed it.

i like the idea of a permanent part-timer. if i could find somebody who is efficient, i think that would be a good option. the temp we have now has a couple of other part-time jobs and i'm not sure she would be interested in anything permanent but there are others out there who, i am sure, would jump at the chance.

i have plenty of time to think about it. it doesn't look like amy's coming back any time soon and liz seems to think she may not come back at all. she thinks amy may already have another job to go to and just hasn't told us yet. what could be better? get another job, tell the employer you can't start until mid-september, collect your paycheck from your present job, party hardy on the weekends and chill out the rest of the time. i don't want to minimize her recovery from surgery but hey, both times i had total hip replacement surgery, i was back at work full time in less than 3 weeks.

thanks for your input.
updates as they come in!
Hi Charlene
I've been thinking about "As The Stomach Turn" and was curious how you were making out with the new temp. Isn't it funny how Amy can go party but is in no way able to return to work.
Things that make you go hmmmmmmmm!!!!!
Keep your chin up! You can do this. Remember that while you are rusty on civil law now, it will come back to you the more you work with it. I like the suggestion of someone just to answer phones and run errands for you at least part of the day. That would surely help! Keep up the updates too.

I can only imagine how much lower your stress level is without Amy around -- and how you must be enjoying the absence of her disgusting stories!

I agree with the idea of a part-time assistant, especially if you have a say in who is hired, what they are to do, and how things are run.

I would suggest hiring someone on a temp basis so that you could try them out first and know that they are compatible in both personality and workstyle before committing to them. The last thing you and/or Liz need is to bring in another Amy!

Jill is right about not being too chatty, but it is difficult when Liz sets a casual tone. You can always say that while you love to visit, you have trouble focusing on your work and chatting at the same time, so you prefer limiting conversation to lunch time and breaks. Of course, then you need to stick to that, too!

As someone who works from my home office, I've had to be strict with Keith, friends and the animals (they're the worst!) and make it clear that although I'm there, I am truly at work.

One of the challenges for a temp employee is navigating the ground rules of various offices. It's actually much more comfortable if you make it clear up front how you prefer to work. Just like with your kids and animals, you can be warm and caring yet still be in charge.

More than any perks, I would opt for a say in how things are run from here on out. Liz sounds like a very nice but not very forceful boss, one who is very pleasant but who doesn't exactly take charge. Make it very clear (to yourself and to your employer) what you need to make it worth your while to stay, and then stick to it.
I wondered how things were going for you now that Ms. Amy is away from the office. It sounds like your boss really values you and if gas was not so high I would drive up there 3 times a week and be your P/T help but ALAS it is not to be
we would have a blast! I would still ask for help. What would she do if you got sick-vacations and such. It is never a good idea to rely on only one person and with a law office to boot. I worked for a home health agency and had 26 girls(all my children) that I managed
I heard every excuse in the book and I do not know how many times one girls grandma died
and when I had to have major surgery and be off 3 mths they were in hot water. Just having a runner for you a few hours a day would help....and so the saga continues...ShamWOW and ALL!
Everyone else has already given you some great advice, and I agree with all of it. Whatever you decide, at the least the ball is in your court now and your job satisfaction has become the priority--that's got to be a very empowering position!
OMG!!! Ok, well, even when she isn't in the office she comes back to haunt you guys! Uh yeah, I would find out WHAT HAPPENED to the deposit that was supposed to be made? This gal was in charge of writing checks? That really scares me! I hate to suggest it, but has your boss had an audit done lately on her business?!! She might want to check over the checkbook and accounts, etc.... cripes.

I would not wait to answer your boss in September.... but do think about it a few days. I would write down all the things you could delegate to a half time person, assistant or something to get off your plate. You dont want to agree to take on more than you can either, and set yourself up for failure, but it does sound like a nice offer. Maybe the temp would agree to stay as a part timer if she is working out? Maybe just mention to her that you have a lot of work, and no time to chat, or find some nice way of letting her know that it is disruptive to you?

Sounds like your 'buddy' is having a grand ol' time not being at work. How can she be out partying if she is out on a medical leave? Sounds more like rehab would be more appropriate, LOL
I agree with an audit being done. When you posted, before, that clients were asking her for their deposits back because nothing was being done for them. I wondered then if she wasn't maybe pulling some funny business.
Do you all think she actually took money, or just lazy / sloppy forgot to take a deposit to the bank? The 2nd is how I had first taken it. Both are bad, but the first is "reallllllllllly" bad.
liz came right out and asked me if i thought there was some funny business going on. i told her no, i really think she just either forgot to make a deposit or just simply didn't even think about it at all. i just don't know. amy is so wrapped up in her outside "interests", a LOT of things she's responsible for just simply don't get done. period! as the days go on, i am finding more and more things that should have been taken care of before she left but she just ignored them.

all of the things that haven't been done are being addressed today. i marked off the entire day, no appointments, no walk-ins and the temp will be there to answer the phones, take messages. i intend to lock liz and myself into the conference room and go over every single case that needs attention. it's gonna be a LONG day but i hope to get things in order to the point where i can take one day off next week and get caught up at home. i haven't done laundry in days and the dust in my house is taking on a life of its own!

thankfully, none of my cases are going to jury trial this round so at least i don't have THAT to worry about! but, with the recent full moon, the jail runneth over so every other phone call is a request to file a motion to reduce bail. i guess the jail food ain't so good! :DOH!
Just a thought regarding the unmade deposit. IF there was a bank charge for the check(s) that didn't go through...and IF Amy is in some kind of paid leave status....I think Liz should consider withholding the amount of the bank charge from Amy's pay. It would not only cover the bank expense (I doubt anything could be done about the possible loss of clients in her private practice) but would surely make a point and let Amy know that, mistake or not, that kind of thing will not be tolerated. Actually after finding out about this "error" I would think Liz would terminate her now...not wait until her medical leave is over.
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liz and i are leaving very shortly for lunch. i intend to bring this up and get her thoughts. i think it would be appropriate to dock amy's pay for any bank charges. i'll let you know. ;)
I dont think it's legal to withhold from her check, the amount of the check fees. However, it could be grounds for termination. I would also be curious as to WHERE the deposit is then, if it didnt make it to the bank. Have the funds been accounted for?

I cannot stress enough, that though a business owner or corporation may hire a bookkeeper or accountant to tend to that part of the job- it is still THEIR business, and their responsibility to oversee how everyone is doing their job. Never, ever, give full power to the books, bank, statements, etc.. to one person without an overseer or someone else who reviews this stuff too. It is the responsibility of the person who 'owns' it all when it boils down to it. I sure hope nothing like this has happened, but it does sometimes!

Sounds like you have your work cut out for you today!!! Good luck!
First rule when it comes to bank accounts, any person making deposits or writing checks does not balance the bank statement. I hope Amy hasn't been the one to do this at your company.

I haven't been on in a few days.... so I am glad to hear things are going well. Glad to hear that Liz has seen the light. Make sure this is what you really, really WANT to do. I know how you valued your weekday off. Sometimes money can't make up for the sanity breaks one needs. Maybe a part-time person, but works all day on Fridays, and you get that day off still or at least 1/2 day off. Please update us...... I love soap operas LOL.
liz and i didn't accomplish much at lunch yesterday, we had just ordered and our temp joined us so we didn't discuss office stuff. i intend to try to take time today to go over the trust account statements and try to figure out just exactly why these checks came back.

yesterday was brutal...4 new civil cases came in and between trying to reach into the recesses of my brain and come up with the proper wording for petitions and fielding numerous calls from the guys in jail, i was fried by the time i got home. the temp is working out well but i think i need to tell her that when she answers the phone, just take a message. she keeps putting calls through to me and that wasn't quite my idea!

simplelife, you are so right...i really miss that 3-day weekend. not sure i want to give that up completely so a compromise will have to be reached. i'm so far behind on laundry, i had to BUY underwear yesterday!

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