Ha, even the Morgans don't allow fake tails yet, and I have to say that's a good thing. The trouble with allowing fake tails in halter classes....once you allow fake tails, it doesn't just allow a fake tail which hides a chewed off tail....it also allows the tails like they use on the park horses. Once you put a tail like that on a halter horse, it changes the whole ball game (oh yes it does, so don't deny it! A horse looks quite different with an ordinary tail than he does with a park horse tail that looks like it's been in a tail set.)
Years back there were some trying to get fake tails allowed in the Morgan show rings. Of course the saddlebred trainers who also train/show Morgans were all in favor of it. As one said, she was all in favor of "anything to win".
Those with the "anything to win" attitude are lurking here in the Mini breed too, whether you want to believe it or not.
Yes, it is unfortunate when a wonderful show horse gets his/her tail chewed off or rubbed out, but if that's my show horse I'd rather have that horse stay home a year or two instead of having to put fake tails on all my show horses in order to win. I know you probably don't believe that a fake "set" tail would end up meaning the difference between winning or losing, but yes, it would!