AMHR Nationals Height Protest Rules

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I think it was earlier than 5 years ago; I've had minis nearly 5 years now, & it was before that,

Well, at least with my suggestion the stick would be firmly on the floor. And the panel of, say, 5 people, would decree what the exact spot was to measure at....and hopefully would have a more or less uniform spot for each & every horse. :lol: Hey, I didn't say it was a perfect plan, and measuring might be slow while they got that spot exactly right....

Hmm, how 'bout the shows--not necessarily nationals, where the steward asks 'what class do you want him in' before measuring???
I didn't talk to any of the National stewards, but did talk to a two other stewards and one said that absolutely,you can protest a horse in a champion class if you have a horse in that champion class. I have not been able to find out what happens if you are potested and found to be in the wrong class, -What happens to ribbons in previous classes or where do you go in future classes. But, at least we know three things-I think.

1.How to do a protest

2. Futurity classes can be protested

3.Champion classes can be protested

Like I said, I think. Will double check with office.
I am in agreement with Renee and Carol! NO one should be afraid to protest a height! And no one should get bent out of shape and make threats when protested for any reason. If the horse is in the right height class, there should be no problem. To me its not right when a obviously 30 inch horse is squeezing in a 28 and under class. Or an over 34 inch horse competing.

Once I seen a measuring stick with 4 legs at the bottom to hold it STRAIGHT! Wow! Thats a concept!

All you need to do is use the level bubbles on a measuring stick!

But the measuring issues should start with the folks doing the measuring! Use a measuring stick with 2 level bubbles,, I KNOW what my horse measures and I know how she has been measured at shows. As low as 32 1/2 (NO WAY) and as tall as 33 1/2 (right on) I have also seen how the stick is leaned instead of straight up.

If they would start measuring from the top of the withers,, maybe a lot of these measuring problems would dissappear. But THATS another TOPIC! LOL!!!
IIf they would start measuring from the top of the withers,, maybe a lot of these measuring problems would dissappear. But THATS another TOPIC! LOL!!!
LOL now that brings us right back to square one
I agree it should be OK to protest a height. I try really hard to get the measurement correct, however, we are human and do sometimes make mistakes. As far as asking what class you want your horse in, I don't know about others, but I ask "what measurement do you need" (or words to that effect). The ONLY reason I do this is I can put the stick to that approximate height and begin there, plus I give a 'complimentary' (don't tell the steward police :bgrin ) 1st measurement to see if we are anywhere near that figure. If I can't get what the people want after the 3rd measurement, sorry, they must change classes. (I do advise them to walk it around, check the feet, or at one show it was so cold I asked them to warm their horses up then come back before getting the third measurment. You would be surprised how much difference this can make, even just getting off the trailer and coming to get measured, lots will measure taller than they really are.) So far (this is my first year
: ) I haven't had any problems with people getting upset with me (at least not to my face
: ). I do understand the titlting stick. That bothered me as I wasn't good at trying to find the last mane hair, put the stick on a 'moving' target and getting it straight up and down, all at the same time, so I asked hubby to put a bubble on top of my stick and it works like a charm! :aktion033:

Anyway, good luck.


P.S. I don't feel this is sour grapes. I was on the showing end for well over 12 years and have seen 'things' that weren't right.
I agree that a horse can mesure different heights at different times . I also think if you horse measures 34 /1/4" on the day of the show after being measured 3 times he should go in the next height class. I am sure most of us have had a mini that has measured different at shows. there isn't anything wrong with someone wanting to protest a class if they are showing and feel that the horse they are showing against isn't really in the right class. does that make that person a bad egg? i don't think so. I would have a harder time understanding why anyone with a horse that is acually taller than it should be for that class wanting to win a class that they actually shouldn't even be in. wouldn't you feel better winning in a class that you were acually surpose to be in? this is only my own opinion Renee i applaud you for wanting to check this out . :aktion033:
Here in Australia we can get these measuring sticks.

They have a round bubble on them and you can tell by this if the stick is leaning or is straight. You have to get the small round bubble in the middle. :bgrin
I have a Sligo Stick and sounds like a similar one. This works great - you have to get the bubble in the middle of the circle and it's level every way.

AMHA brought out a stick a few years ago to try to avoid measuring problems -- it was a nightmare. IF You could get it set up, you weren't supposed to move it. Then we had to bring the horses up to it. Thank goodness they don't use that thing any more.

I went to a show here a few years ago, and as I pulled in some folks came running up and pulled me over to the measuring area. The show steward was taking the last hair of the mane, LAYING IT ALONG THE SPINE LENGTHWISE, and taking the measurement at the end of the hair :new_shocked: SOME HORSES WERE MEASURED AT THE TOP OF THEIR TAILHEAD!

I've had my horses measure up to 2" differently in height. Depends on how excited they are, did they just get off the trailer. are they relaxed? It also depends on where the "last hair" of the mane is. Before we got into this nonsense of extreme body clipping, it was fairly easily to tell where the last hair was. Now the measurer's have to decide which is mane hair and which is body hair that wasn't clipped?

I agree with the others - let's get to nationals before issues are raised.
Lavern , Do you have any updates for us on yhis project?