Well-Known Member
I thought September was a little late for a clip and show...but AMHR nationals are in September?? Anyone know where it's being held yet? And can you show a horse that is registered AMHA/AMHR?
Very few fun shows this time of year but the NEW club is holding a fun show in October - probably a "fuzzy" show. Check out their website... Most "fun" shows are held earlier in the year in order to give "newbies" a chance to get their feet wet in the show ring before serious showing starts.MiniLocoSinclair said:Thanks you guys for replying, so for Nationals your horse has to be qualified from other AMHA/AMHR shows to be able to enter??? I guess I don't understand the showing world at all yet!! Can someone please explain this to me? And are there anymore places to look online for any fun shows or small shows going on before it gets too cold??