AMHA Current Issues - some thoughts to consider

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Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2002
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For the folks that may not know me let me give a few credentials as to my knowledge of the process before I state my opinion on what I have been reading.

I served for a little over 6 years on the AMHA Board Of Directors (from November 2000 – February 2007). I was on the Executive Committee for 3 years. Served 2 years as Director at Large and 1 year as AMHA President. Due to no one else filing to run for my seat in 2008 I was also eligible for and elected by write-in for a third consecutive 3 year term. Due to other commitments on my part and the emergence of another qualified candidate (Mark O’Neal) willing to serve I declined the third term. I have also served on numerous committees. My wife and I have also been involved in some way with most of the major sales in the industry. During this tenure I have met, got to know, worked with, argued with, supported, opposed, dined with, partied with, traveled with, showed with and against, etc…etc…. almost everyone that is active in the Miniature Horse industry. The fact that I have been there disproves the theory that you have to be rich to play a major role in AMHA because I in no way qualify as rich.

Now for my opinion.

I have always been and continue to be a strong supporter of both AMHA and AMHR, and I can tell you that the dedicated people that volunteer their time to the overall management and betterment of these associations are serving in frustrating and most often thankless positions yet because they believe in what they are doing they continue to volunteer for the shooting gallery. There are several B.O.D. and committee members that are active on this forum and I assure you nearly all of the directors and staff read it. Folks like Gordon Harris, Jody Hock, Toni Reece, Laurie Slobody, Tony Greaves, Libby Rosen, John Eberth, Al Bulgawicz, ……. Just to name a few (and I apologize to the ones I forgot to mention) all come on here from time to time to try and explain things and do damage control for the betterment of us all as members. I know these folks and I can assure you they follow the rules and if they happen to slip they quickly get their hands soundly slapped and someone is quick to point out their error so that we don’t get caught in a messy situation on the volatile topics and issues that are bound to come up. I have sat at the table and worked with these people and I am confident they can handle the jobs they are tasked with. Have I always agreed with all these people – Absolutely not. Have I always been right – Absolutely not. Has there always been compromise – in most cases but not all. Are there agendas on the board – they are all humans so I am sure there are. I have seen many disputes erupt among board and/or committee members but I believe that in almost all cases the disagreeing parties both feel they are doing what is right for AMHA. Now the truth is in some cases one party is right and the other is wrong but in a lot of other cases the “right” lies somewhere in the middle and there is some validity to both sides. I have yet to meet anyone with all the answers and all of us at times can make the wrong decision, especially it we are basing it on inaccurate or incomplete information but in the long run I feel very good about the integrity of our association as there are many checks and balances and “watch dogs” in place. If you have not been there you can’t understand the hair pulling frustration these folks put up with at times or how rewarding the job can be at other times when things go right. However the rewarding times are usually in the form of self-satisfaction for doing what you felt was a good job but seldom comes in the form of thanks form any other source; but on the other hand let something not go so well and those other sources get real vocal and active real quick.

I guess after hearing and reading some of the concerns about current issues I felt kind of bad that some of these folks are not being heard and maybe even thought to have been underhanded in these issues. I for one appreciate the task these people have taken on and applaud each and every one of them for there efforts whether we totally agree on a topic or not.

So from me a big THANK YOU for your time and effort and to the rest of the membership please contact these people with constructive comment or input but please don’t discount their efforts or try to stir a pot that needs to be settled with cool headed reason and cooperation. All the ranting in the world will not help. Get involved as much as you can and learn the people in the official positions and then offer constructive criticism and solutions in a respectful courteous and professional manner and you will be surprised at how much of a part you can play in the issues. While we all may have different thoughts and ideas on how to get there I guess I am naive enough to believe we all have the same basic goals in mind for the Miniature Horse Industry.

Boy Was That To Long Or What!


Ronnie Clifton

I appreciate your post very much and also appreciate all the volunteers that give so much of their time and do their best for all of us who love miniature horses!

Thanks so much for posting it. And nope it was not too long. :)

Susan O.
Good job!! I, for one have learned what a huge task it is to satisfy everyone and admire those so very much who preservere in explaining.
I second that.

I appreciate all that those do for us.

A big thank you from the Oliver home
Wonderful letter Ronnie
and a good reminder that "cool heads" can accomplish more than arguing.

There have been a lot of "emotions" in the posts regarding the recent AMHA changes....mine included.
They are understandable....but they won't accomplish anything.

I have been in contact with one of my directors, Jody Hoch, and Libby Rosen from the By-Law Committee.

They both have offered much information on the "workings" of getting a by-law or rule passed, and suggested that anyone who is opposed or wants to make their feelings known, to contact your Directors!

In addition, Libby suggested the following regarding the new measuring by-law change:

"For this to come before the membership again in 2008 this will need to come out of the bylaws committee. We would need to work on it as soon as possible. Please send us your letters and petitions so we can be prepared before our next meeting. My fax number is 740-965-3933. Please also email me if you send a fax since problems can occur."

So come on....all of you who voiced your opinions here on the Forum.....start a letter writing campagne & contact directors, committee heads, officers, etc. You can get information on who these people are on the AMHA website or in The World.
Thank you Ronnie.

Boy, I have known you for a long, long time, and I think this is the most I have ever 'heard' you say at one sitting!
I feel AMHA is trying to work on a neutral balance for everyone involved with their organization. No matter if you are a big guy in the business or a little guy. I am a little guy and have only been in the industry for 5-6 years. I have learned alot and have come across many wonderful people in the mini world. I feel I have always received a good response from AMHA regarding many issues. I was also contacted by AMHA this past year and asked to contribute to the World magazine under the "Member Spotlight" section this past issue. I asked them, why me? They stated that they were trying to get to know the individual farms and breeders that are a part of their organization. I do not sit on any committees, boards, I don't even show at this point. The only link I have to them is that I am a regular ole' little guy member. Oh...and I am certainly not rich either Ronnie...I am actually a farmer that added minis to my lifestyle! I also have never had an issue with AMHR either. I believe in life no matter what you chose to do, you only get out of it what you put into it. If you put negativity into it that shall be your return...if you put positive into it that many great things can come from it.


Pine View Farm
Thank you, Ronnie.

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Well put Ronnie!

I do hope that the AMHA (and AMHR) members that do volunteer to run/represent or interests do know they are appreciated. I don't think that is the issue, its the feeling at times that if you can't attend the meetings or have the time or funds to volunteer you don't count. That is the overwhelming noise made every year before/after the Conventions.

We ALL want to feel that we matter and what we say is important and that our voice no matter how big/small is heard.
Thanks for your comments Ronnie. It was not to long and needed to be said.

We appreciate the hard work all the folks involved with AMHA and AMHR do month in and month out.
Yes---what Michelle said!

Ours in North America are democratic societies(as are numerous others around the world, of course!)Often, voting numbers(by percentage)is regrettably low. That is a fact of human nature AND human vote for the HIGHEST positions in the land(the USA, at least-I don't have the facts of others, but am betting most are very similar...)- in these times, you only must request an absentee ballot---or perhaps, drive 'across your town', and have adequate ID, to vote...but NO one has to travel to an almost-always FAR-DISTANT location, spend nights paying for a hotel/motel,likely taking off from a job(IF they can), and leaving home and the responsibilities of that, behind...and perhaps, facing yet another expense to pay for a competent caretaker-yet time and time again, as AMHA members, we are (often with a patronizing, and a 'holier than thou' approach, IMO) 'told' that 'if you want to have a voice, go to the convention'--PERIOD. WHEN I COULD, I DID--twice, years back when my entire situation was different, and allowed it...but I CANNOT any longer, and I KNOW there are plenty of people in the same 'boat' as I, for their OWN reasons! KUDOS to those who do go---especially those for whom it is a GENUINE sacrifice in one manner or another...but in democratic society, the privilege of having your 'voting' voice' actually HEARD is NOT, like it or not, supposed to be 'reserved' ONLY for the 'haves', or even for only the MOST dedicated! In this day and age, it is ENTIRELY possible to come up with a 'combined'-internet, for those who can have access, and postal, for those who don't-method for all members in good standing to vote on ALL important issues. In the case of Regional Directors, also...(I DID send in my ballot, w/ a write-in candidate, BTW)-the same could be done, in place of a mass postal mailing. It will just take a concerted and thoughtful effort to come up with useable parameters! I would be more than happy to participate in a serious and widespread discussion as to how to achieve that--VIA the internet.

I also need to say...I have been a member of BOTH AMHA and AMHR; I think that BOTH have had, and in some areas(such as the one under discussion here!),continue to have, some GENUINE problems, serious drawbacks, and areas that seriously need 'work'...I also have 'been there, done that' in the 'worker bee' area, and am FULLY APPRECIATIVE of those who step up to the plate, and think that pretty much EVERYONE should 'take their turn' in some way to do the same. Fact is, that some NEVER will, some will a LITTLE, some a LOT, some only for causes that really 'speak' to THEM...but again, in a democratic society, imperfect though it may be, ALL have the right to have their expressed opinion count!!!!

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Thank You, Ronnie, for the post!

I want to publicly express my sincere appreciation to AMHA ( and AMHR ) . I am pleased to be a member of both. Personally, I have Always had positive experience with both associations ( 100% ).

I do believe it would be very beneficial for members to have the opportunity to have more of a voice in decisions regarding rules/by-laws/regulations that affect the membership at large. (And that hopefully folks will take advantage of the opportunity.)

To do that, I feel, we must work constructively within the currently defined process. And…. I strongly believe the impact to the Staff/BOD/Volunteer workers/etc must always be a determining factor of direction. (The associations cannot operate effectively if buried in more administrative workload or with increased operational costs -- unless appropriate provisions/funding can be put in place to truly accommodate the requirements.)

Also I must say, there is no doubt in my mind that Everyone on this forum has only the best interest of the Miniature Horse at heart.

And that is why the opportunity to vote is important. No matter what position each of us has on the issues….. it is always based on a desire for what we see to be good, positive, and the best for all. (I do hope the associations see this to be true.)

But, think about what we can vote for as Americans, surely not any laws, mostly candidates for office who do vote for laws, and bond issues for schools and mental health, and the very rare consistutional ammendment.
I do not think there was any dishonesty going on at the meeting and I agree these people normally do a

great job. But I also believe this new measuring by-law was a huge mistake.. Had everyone attending

agreed to enforce the existing rules to stop the cheating at the shows everything would go on as usual.

Since this did not happen I am afraid nothing less than a membership vote on important changes in the

club will satisfy the general membership. I still believe that this can be done with little or no cost to the

club.. Put a ballot up on the AMHA site that can be downloaded.... For those that don't have computer access

a ballot mailed to them on request.. Members vote and return these to their director by registered mail...

The director counts and presents his total to be tallied with those of the rest of the directors..

All ballots then are collected and retained for a period of five yrs..

This way if someone protest the count THEY can pay to have a recount.
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But, think about what we can vote for as Americans, surely not any laws, mostly candidates for office who do vote for laws, and bond issues for schools and mental health, and the very rare consistutional ammendment.
Jody, are you basically saying then, that it would be a total and complete waste of anyone's time and effort to even attempt to get this mail in and/or online voting? It sounds like no matter what, it is the BOD's opinion that bylaws changes to allow absentee voting won't be accepted by the committee that it would be addressed to to have it considered for a bylaw change?? That they feel it is not something that should be given to the general membership?? I am serious, as I would truely like to know, because if this is the way it is viewed, then there really is no sense in continueing with the efforts to try to have changes made, even going through the proper steps. We are currently working on it, but now wonder why, if it is felt it would not be accepted anyway??
I am only pointing out what our government democracy is all about, no so different from what happens at the meetings. That's it. I don't EVER speak in any way but straightforward. Never a need to interpret what I say.

I do know that the idea of having directors get and count ballots will go over like a skunk in church!

We are volunteers, have families, jobs, lives, horses, no time for taking on something like that and way too much risk of things going wrong.

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