American shiny black noses

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Well-Known Member
May 26, 2006
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I have been looking through the forum and in a few photos the miniatures have lovely shiny black noses. Can you tell me what you use to do this and why exactly? This might sound a silly question to some people but i just have to know?
The horses are "balded", meaning all of the hair is razored off, using a shaving razor and shaving cream. Down to bare skin. Then baby oil or a commercial gloss preparation is applied.

Some people like the look ( I do) and some don't. It's not that easy to do well, you can leave hair, or worse, cut your Mini. I've done both...
: fortunately, he forgave me.

I have tried just cutting the muzzle hairs with sissors and i was worried of cutting her this sounds a bit dangerous for me but i have been really admiring these photos it makes the miniature look really nice. Does the baby oil make their noses black or do they use a black substance to make them that dark?
Balding is meant to mimic the bloom that horses show naturally when they are healthy and fit. The black that shows is their completely naked black skin and once you oil it with baby oil gel it darkens and shines it.

You use a safety razor and lots of shaving cream and patience to prevent cutting the horse.
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it also takes a LOT of patience for both you and the horse
I have tried just cutting the muzzle hairs with sissors and i was worried of cutting her this sounds a bit dangerous for me but i have been really admiring these photos it makes the miniature look really nice. Does the baby oil make their noses black or do they use a black substance to make them that dark?
If they have black skin it looks dark with the baby oil but if you have one that has some lighter lips it looks nice to use the "black shine". Don't remember the name but it comes in a jar in either clear or black and the black will help to color any light skin areas around the lips or muzzle.
Baby oil gel is the most common to use for the shine on a razored nose.

I know there are some trainers/individuals that also use a variety of things to get the black - black. Permanent marker, shoe polish, stage makeup, black chalk, etc. Some also use other shine products designed for black hair.

It can look great if properly done, or look garish if overdone. On pink noses - sorry not a fan!
I really like it, i haven't noticed any horses with it done over here. Unless Lynda do you know anyone here that does it? I would love to try it but i would be a bit afraid of messing it up or hurting the horse. Do you just shave slowly or do you have a way of gradually getting the horse to have it done? Sorry about so many questions i am just fasinated by it. :new_shocked: :lol:
It does not hurt at all and some think it looks nice on a dark nose.

I would not advise you to go in a European show ring with it!!
I'm still learning to do it, but I've used 40 and 50 blades to try and blend up (this is what I need the practice on) and then ladies disposable razors (double blades) on the muzzle and above the eyes. Probably 2-3 of them per horse. Instead of shaving cream, I use baby shampoo and lather it up real good.
It does not hurt at all and some think it looks nice on a dark nose.

I would not advise you to go in a European show ring with it!!
Can i ask why? I just think it makes the horse look really nice. Thanks for all of the replies i am really learning someething new and loving it in the process.
No-one does it over here and it would be frowned on.

Just for the record I think it looks really weird!!

It is tolerable on a black horses but looks strange to the max on a Chestnut.

Remember we tend not to go in for the "extremes" for example you will not find half the mane hogged in Europe, either, and I am glad about that, as well.

Each to their own BUT if you choose to follow the trends of another country do not be surprised if the least you get is some funny looks!!
I think this is a thing that you either love or hate, like Marmite, :lol: . Personnally i think that the horses look gorgeous with it done although i think rabbitsfizz is right about the chestnut with a pure black nose, they really would stand out. I don't want to be just copying the trends of another Country but America is definately a lot more experienced in the show ring than we are, especially me. I hope to get to their level at some point and you never know in the next few years we could have all of the horses with this balding done to them.
i really like the look of it, and ive done it to both of my horses

twinkle looked awful and fancy looked pretty nice, but as jane said,i dont think ireland is ready for the american way just yet, as ive said before ive been placed down for shaving fancys mane down too far even if it was a n accident, she was frowned on,

i will be growning hers out over the winter, also unless you do it really well and blend it to perfection its awful :no: it takes a longgggggg time, if i were you i would try it out of curiousity, but only when you dont intend to show as like me you may regret doing it
: i liked it on fancy as she is black and it was very forgiving,but a BIG no no to twinkle he looked horrible :

take photos before and after and have a good loook no:
Ballynoe there is absolutely NO way America is more experienced in the show ring than England.

Just completely different.

We made an active decision to keep our methods of showing English, from the start.

I do not like the balding, English Judges would find it weird, to say the least, as they would the hogging of half the horses manes- it is not traditional here, as it is in America.

That does not make it better, only different.
why Jane, you're being tactful!!! :aktion033: :aktion033:

I agree--you like it or don't--same is true with Judges here. I saw judge tell an exhibitor the amount of makeup their horse was wearing was distracting (which it certainly can be)
Just wondering, if i was to bald a mini, and didnt like it, how long would it take to grow in? is it bad for there skin? My friend balded a horse and now his skin looks all strange...

sorry to steal this post but i am thinking about balding but dont want do something i would regret later.
At a show last year, I was coming out of the show ring and saw a tiny mini with SO MUCH makeup, she was literally dripping with grease -- she truly looked like a cheap, tawdry hooker. My first thought was, who in the world, even allowing for different tastes, would think THIS is attractive? Then I looked at her handler, and here was a woman painted with every bit as much makeup applied with a trowel and absolutely no taste! I could barely keep from laughing.

Whatever your preferences, the idea is to compliment the horse, not to make it into something else entirely.
Sorry Rabbitsfizz i didn't mean to offend you or your country. I just see how many are on this and how organised theirs are and find them more experienced, i actually haven't been to any England Shows so i really can't judge myself.

Thanks everyone, i do think they are really nice but i don't think i will try it myself as i would be too afraid. All information welcome so don't worry about asking more questions on this topic i would love to know more as well.