All Time Favorite Sit-Coms?

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Okay, at the risk of being made fun of ..what is the difference between a sit-com and a regular tv show?
Leeana --

That's a reasonable question

A sit com is short for situation comedy, so All In The Family, Seinfeld, That 70's Show, MASH, Taxi, etc., etc., etc., are all sit coms. I've actually never watched Smallville, but I'm thinking that is more of a dramatic or fantasy type series (?). Like, CSI, Law & Order, Little House on the Prarie -- none of those are sit-coms but dramatic series.

But, they do all boil down to the same thing anyway. Just a way to relax and be entertained.

Friends, I will never get bored of that show and there always seems to be re-runs on one channel or another!
For oldies but goodies, my big fav would be MASH.

For what's on NOW??? The only two I watch are both on Friday Nights.....Ghost Whisperer and Numbers.

(Was just wondering........not wanting to age myself, but.......does anyone remember "Time Tunnel"?)


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