Well-Known Member
Two nights ago, the owner of the barn where I work at decided to ride her 15 year old Appy mare for the first time in about a year. Another boarder (Sarah) and I helped Crystal (the barn owner) onto Cassie (the mare), and Sarah walked Cassie around while Crystal sat atop her, trying to relax. Both Cassie and Crystal did great for both being "out of commission" for over a year.
The next evening was a trail ride for the members of a club Sarah belongs too. She invited Crystal (and Cassie) and myself along as guests. I was going merely to watch and help out with the horses, which was all fine and dandy with me. Well after we ate at the potluck, Sarah, Linda (her mom), and myself go back to the trailer to saddle up, then I rode Cassie at a walk back to Crystal. Crystal, who was very nervous still after being out of the saddle for so long, asked me to "warm" Cassie up for her. Well Sarah, Linda, and a few others decided to go on a 2 mile trail ride, so I rode along behind (*Cassie is very narvicluar in her front end, so I figured I turn around and head back if she started to act like she was in pain*). Cassie was doing awesome, until this idiot of a man came racing up behind up on his horse at a dead run. She turned and started running sideways, while the man kept racing towards us, unaware that my horse was terrified, not just running from energy
). I got her under control and went along down the trail in the middle of the pack. Halfway along, someone asked if she was a young horse, as she was bouncing along down the grassy path. "Nope", I replied, "this ones about 15 and lame." The lady was very surprised and said she couldnt tell she was lame at all, as she watch the spotted mare spring along beside her.
Later on, Crystal mounted up and rode around the racetrack they have there at the ranch a few times, going no faster than a walk. Cassie did fantastic for her and was gladly ready when it was time to load up and head home.
We did learn a few lessons though. Cassie is not a lead horse, she belongs somewhere in the middle of the pack where she can gladly follow the others horses. She is also not "dead-broke", I had a hard time getting her from a trot to a walk. She would pick up a faster pace whenever the horse ahead of her did, even if I didn't ask for it. She also needs a lot more "finishing training", but for the most part so did AWESOME and I couldn't be more proud of her. Crystal did AWESOME too.
This entire adventure has left me longing for a bigger horse, and regretting being out of the saddle for so long too. So thats my next great purchase...a rideable equine.
Thanks for letting me share. I understand if this needs to be moved.
OH MY GOSH! I almost forgot...There was a Mini mare there! Not being ridden of course, just hanging out and letting the kids play with her and hang all over her, lol. She was a cute lil grey named Sugar. About 10-11 years old and roughly 34-35 inches tall.
The next evening was a trail ride for the members of a club Sarah belongs too. She invited Crystal (and Cassie) and myself along as guests. I was going merely to watch and help out with the horses, which was all fine and dandy with me. Well after we ate at the potluck, Sarah, Linda (her mom), and myself go back to the trailer to saddle up, then I rode Cassie at a walk back to Crystal. Crystal, who was very nervous still after being out of the saddle for so long, asked me to "warm" Cassie up for her. Well Sarah, Linda, and a few others decided to go on a 2 mile trail ride, so I rode along behind (*Cassie is very narvicluar in her front end, so I figured I turn around and head back if she started to act like she was in pain*). Cassie was doing awesome, until this idiot of a man came racing up behind up on his horse at a dead run. She turned and started running sideways, while the man kept racing towards us, unaware that my horse was terrified, not just running from energy

Later on, Crystal mounted up and rode around the racetrack they have there at the ranch a few times, going no faster than a walk. Cassie did fantastic for her and was gladly ready when it was time to load up and head home.
We did learn a few lessons though. Cassie is not a lead horse, she belongs somewhere in the middle of the pack where she can gladly follow the others horses. She is also not "dead-broke", I had a hard time getting her from a trot to a walk. She would pick up a faster pace whenever the horse ahead of her did, even if I didn't ask for it. She also needs a lot more "finishing training", but for the most part so did AWESOME and I couldn't be more proud of her. Crystal did AWESOME too.
This entire adventure has left me longing for a bigger horse, and regretting being out of the saddle for so long too. So thats my next great purchase...a rideable equine.
Thanks for letting me share. I understand if this needs to be moved.
OH MY GOSH! I almost forgot...There was a Mini mare there! Not being ridden of course, just hanging out and letting the kids play with her and hang all over her, lol. She was a cute lil grey named Sugar. About 10-11 years old and roughly 34-35 inches tall.

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