2024 Hours Driven

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Phillippé was out for a half hour with a new boarder, friend and mini mom tonight, and her 11-year-old daughter. First drives for each of them, they loved him! Mom’s been struggling for quite a while with her mare and was not loving horseing. So she met me and my lot of sillies and has been infected with the bug of just having no-pressure fun. Her smile tonight made my heart happy.
Phillippe had 45 minutes of driving on Friday, then 35 minutes on Saturday.
Falcor and I had the best drive we'd ever had on Saturday. He stayed relaxed in his body the whole drive. Yes, he was still way forward, but he was relaxed! I actually got to ask him for more a few times! We made laps around our hay field several times! What fun!
Phillippe was out for 30 minutes yesterday. Seems one of his rear feet are sore again. I think I know what's going on but I'll give him some time off before I make changes.
Falcor and I drove for a half hour as well. Unfortunately not the same type of awesome drive we'd had on the weekend, but not all drives are going to be amazing. He was more relaxed to get started though, so still a win. And we had some cantering happening. I didn't reward or discourage it, just brought him quietly back to a trot. I do appreciate that he's offering it though. For the bits we had, it was quality!
45 minutes with Billy yesterday. We went a little over 2 miles. Stopped to talk with a neighbor. She had the stroller and baby in a swing. I thought Billy might object to these two, but he was fine. Those darn no-see-'ems have hatched, which makes driving with the wind at one's back noisome. I need to remember to spray my hat and Billy's ears with OFF next time.
He didn't show any tenderness after his hoof work the day before; I did put his boots on him. Unfortunately, I also couldn't tighten any more holes on the girth yet!
Wednesday I sent Ail and her friend out for a good half hour or so with Jasmine and Willy. Ali hasn't driven her pony in months and months! We have Jasmine leased to an awesome lady who loves that pony and Ali's just far more focused on her big riding mare. Ali's friend had never driven before and Willy has recently been opinionated about being asked to move forward. Well, I put him in Phillippe's harness and vehicle and gave his new driver the low down and sent them off. Willy was offering to canter off after Jasmine! So I guess it's a harness or vehicle fit issue that's causing him to communicate his discomfort.
Well I've been ground driving Peanut occasionally and hand walking Oatie practicing our "Walk Only" dressage tests for the month. Probably about 2 hours total for April.

I have to start keeping track better but things have been hectic here and I just plumb run out of gumption :D !
Phillippe and I were out for a 45-minute lesson yesterday. This is the second "lesson" we'd ever had with my good friend at our place. She teaches my daughter. Last year, she came out to coach me through some steering with Phillippe who, at the time, was a bully in driving and would put his head down and drag me wherever he felt he wanted to go. Yesterday I asked her to help me with cones. She praised us for how far we've come in a hear, how maneuverable he is now! I was pretty darn proud of him (and me!)
Since Pepper is confined with her leash and cone, we did not have the distraction at hitching. So Billy was much better. But he still starts off at the "fancy trot"; I ground drive him till he settles and will stand. He is so good with traffic and noisy dogs. Cool and breezy so he did not get hot. Hope it warms up consistently soon so I can clip.
I think his hooves look better. Almost time for a "sole treatment"; I've been whisking down on the toes with the rasp once a week or so.
Time for the farrier to come around again; I wonder if he will notice a difference.
This is the right hind before my sister started working on it. You can see why I was concerned. Why wouldn't my farrier address this? Do not have a current photo, but the hoof is shortened, now, and not so pointed. I'm much happier. My sister won't let me pay her, so I have to buy her lunch.


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Ok, let's see. Friday was 45 minutes of driving, plus 30 of ground driving
Saturday was 45 minutes of driving plus 20 of ground driving
Sunday was 1.5 hours of driving
I'm going to write about this weekend in the other thread. We were at the big horse expo trade show and I'm so very proud of my littles!

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