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    Doesn't this look like a brindle?......Sorta?

    Take a look at the stallions neck. And, the body picture. I dunno about you, but it looks like he has some slight brindle markings....
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    Hello All horse lovers, this does not have to do with miniatures, but it does have to do with horses. The BLM (who have I never liked or supported in any way) has done and started a roundup called the Pryor Roundup, which involves the famous Stallion, Cloud, and his small herd. I recieved an...
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    Michelle Duggar is hvaing 19th child...

    Now, I think that this is a little extreme.... I mean, I guess a couple of kids would be okay, but 19???!! But, I guess it really doesn't matter, does it?
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    Todays music.... IS AWFUL!!!!

    Ugh, what has happened to our societies music world??? What shocked me was the song Boom Boom Pow, By the Black Eyed Peas. HOW CAN IT BREAK RECORDS?!? It is an awful song!!! Although it is sort of fun to dance to, it has no point. Absolutely no point... And Fergie sounds like she is falling...
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    Is it possible miniature horses to have full-sized arabian horse blood?

    I have been wondering about this for a while now, for I have noticed that some mini farms advertise that their miniatures have true arabian blood.... *shrugs*
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    Who went to the Memorial Day sale?

    These were the horses that I would have wanted: Wittmacks Holly Star Fallen Ash Farms Ladds Silouhette De Chevals Velvet Noir Little Kings Buckeroo Rebelation Reeces Thunder Love It looks like alot of horses didn't sell at the sale. That's a shame... Such poor prices as well.... Alyssa
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    Who owns this horse?

    Hi all, Who currently owns Lucky Four Andys Swan Song? She was sold from ravenwood miniatures about 2 weeks ago. Thanks, Alyssa
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    Invention Ideas!!

    I need help!! Throw some ideas at me. Any "household" things or chores that have been pains and that you want made easier? Or some nifty little portable thing? I don't know... Alyssa
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    Who is going to the derby classic?

    Hi all, I unfortunately cannot attend the Derby Classic sale. I am in PA, and it is in Texas. And, I can't buy any horses. If anybody is going, could they please find out the owners and sale prices of these horses: LUCKY FOUR APACHES SMALL WONDER LEGENDS BLUE DECEPTION LUCKY FOUR DANCE THE...
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    Reeces Secret Hawk

    Hi all, Ravenwood miniatures recently sold Reeces Secret Hawk, and I just want to know who bought her. I have tried e-mailing them, but it won't work. Could somebody find out for me? Thanks, Alyssa
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    Judith Moore In UK

    A friend e-mailed me and asked me if I knew about Judith Moore of the UK. I believe she bought Hunt House Farms Medallion (from Ravenwood miniatures) Any info would be helpful; farm name, address, e-mail, anything. Thanks! Alyssa
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    Little Kings Spots On the Buck

    Hi, does anyone know who Little Kings Spots On the Buck's owner is? Thanks, Alyssa
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    World show dates

    Why is the World Show in the fall, but not in the summer? Isn't there foals to be weaned, and things to be done to get ready for winter? I would never be able to a world show, for my mom wants me to always get "perfect attendance". In PA, the World Show would be right in the middle of a school...
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    Jean M Haygua

    Hi, Does anybody have her contact information? Does anyone know if she will have a website soon? Thanks, Alyssa
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    Who hates winter?!?!?

    Hi all, Does anybody here hate winter? If you do, put ths sign down: I hate winter, and I don't even own horses! Geese, what am I saying? LOL! Alyssa
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    WF Pattons Spring Fever

    Hello, I know I have asked this many times before, but, who is the CURRENT owner of WF Pattons Spring Fever? I know that she was sold at the 2008 world show, and I am looking for her current owner. Any replies would be appreciative, for last time, I didn't get any. Thanks,Alyssa
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    WHOO HOO Our venture has started!

    Hi all, Our venture (I think) has finally started! No minis yet, but, they are soon to come. Everything takes time and patience I guess. So, here is where we are now: We live in Johnstown, Pennsylvania, up in the Allegeheny valley, or as some people like to call it, the Laurel Highlands. We...
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    Liz McMillan

    Hi all, Does anyone know what Equine imageries website design pricing is? It appears on the website that the link for design is not working. Thanks, Alyssa
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    NFC Rowdys Standing Ovation

    Hi, Did Rowdy have the overo gene? It seems to be that many Rowdy sons and daughters have lacing on their backs, or either they are overos. Does anyone know who NFC Rowdys Standing Ovation's dam was? Also, is he deceased? Alyssa
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    I am looking for these horses....

    Hi, I am looking for the following horses: Grosshill EK Top Temptation WF Pattons Spring Fever Little Kings Spots On the Bucks Meltons Fantazons Sierra Denali Pecan Groves Icy Hot NFC Rowdys Chantilly lace Marks Bodacious Honey Any advice on where they are is appreciated. Alyssa