Well-Known Member
Today we had our 'Ponies under 40inches' catigory at the fair. Its our first show ever. Coco and i Went 3'ed. I was getting a bit worried bc the one that went before was the guy who was giving us all the trouble about us having his stall when he just wanted to put tack in it and the board office got mad and moved us to it ...so i was stressing. His mini was the champ from last year. Took it all in Buggy obsticle and Halter. Well i knew coco and i did well. Stood perfectly square (took about 1 second to align his feet
) Then we did a perfect walk and then a beautiful turn (even though i went the wrong way almost but then corrected it quickly from what the judges wrote....
. Then we trotted (i didnt have to drag him ..his nerves were going i think from everyone around him and all the hectic stuff going on). Stopped a cue and went to our standing spot. I knew we did well bc the girl beside me who was about 18 or 19 was like 'omg ...i knew you were going to win. I seen you two practicing earlyer'. i was like 'awww really'.
Then the horse i hated came out ...did pretty well. I could see why he won ..not because he did all the stuff right but bc he was actually somewhat appealing to the eyes compparied to the rest of them. Then when he was done about 3 other ones went. Coco stood pationately ..i was waiting for him to lay and roll
. Finially they wre all done ...first place ..second place and then first. They paused before first ...i knew it was between me and the 'previous champ' beside me. he gave me a 'forced smile' and i ignored it. Finially they anounced it 'Leeana Hackworth has taken 1'st place!'. My eyes got really big and i looked at the girl beside me and just smiled and trotted out ..followed be him. They all told me congrats exept for them ppl w/ that horse. They took him back to his stall and left ..didnt feed him or anything, just left. (this was around 9am this morning and i had been w/ coco since 6am ..never did they feed or water him. Finialyl around 4:30 they showed up and i left to go take a food break.
IM SO HAPPY ...first place ..first show! I think thats good. I had the cameria ..but forgot the little things like ((((batterys!)))). lol so no pics. I do have championship Saturady though.
Also took 2'ed place in the costume class. WoW i loved that one ...very fun. My AG teacher for the last 3 year was the judge so everyone kept saying little comments about that ..lol. Okay well i must go ..VERY HAPPY. Will post pics soon.

Then the horse i hated came out ...did pretty well. I could see why he won ..not because he did all the stuff right but bc he was actually somewhat appealing to the eyes compparied to the rest of them. Then when he was done about 3 other ones went. Coco stood pationately ..i was waiting for him to lay and roll

IM SO HAPPY ...first place ..first show! I think thats good. I had the cameria ..but forgot the little things like ((((batterys!)))). lol so no pics. I do have championship Saturady though.
Also took 2'ed place in the costume class. WoW i loved that one ...very fun. My AG teacher for the last 3 year was the judge so everyone kept saying little comments about that ..lol. Okay well i must go ..VERY HAPPY. Will post pics soon.