wisdom teeth

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mis fit farms

Active Member
Dec 27, 2005
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so much pain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!my wisdom teeth are coming i wont my mommy
Have you been to see a dentist yet? If you are truely 14yo, this seems a tad bit early for their eruption so the other thought is they may be impacted if, in fact, it is your wisdom teeth causing the pain. Your best bet is to see a dentist to confirm the origin of the pain before it becomes something serious. Good luck!
Ugh... been there. I just had one pulled a couple of weeks ago. Two down, two to go. Do yourself a favor and get them out while you are young. I chickened out when I was supposed to get them pulled (right after my braces came off when I was 17). It's so worth it not to have to deal with it when you get older and they go sour on you.

I feel for you. Hope you are feeling better soon.
If you are 14yrs old that very strange for them to be coming in early. It's more likely that it is you 12 yr old molars(I forget the real name of them) that are coming in. I'm 18 in less than a month(whoo) and my 12 year old molars didn't come in until I was 16/17 years old. My wisdom teeth will likely take quite a long time to erupt but unfortunetly my dentist wants me to go visit the surgeon as he feels now is a better time to have them out. Frankly I'm terrified. I've had two knee surgeries and and I once had a biopsy done on my mouth and that was bad enough. The very idea of surgery in my mouth not only discusts me but it totally terrifies me...I know I won't want to eat until it's all healed and well I'm hypoglycemic so I can see that as being a problem! lol

keeperofthehorses-You had your wisdom teeth pulled!?!
Here is a surgery...and they take them out all at the same time not one by one!
I was 15 when my wisdom teeth came in...

...sideways, and behind the roots of my other teeth.

Had to have an Oral Surgeon cut them all out in pieces. (Not as much fun as it might sound.) Yes, the first couple of days after the surgery were unpleasant, but I was pretty much back to normal in about a week when the swelling went away.

Glad I got it over with while I was still young and healing quickly.
My wisdom teeth started to come through when I was in my teens. The bottom ones never did come all the way through--the front halves of the teeth were showing, but the back halves were covered by gum. My dentist nagged & nagged & nagged at me to have them out, but I was a chicken & kept refusing. Those teeth bothered me off & on for years--they'd have spells where they'd itch & HURT, then they'd be no problem for awhile & then they'd start in again.

I finally gave in when I was in my late 20s & had them pulled--lucky I chose the right one to start with, as it just popped right out, no problem at all. When I went back to have the left one pulled a few weeks later, it put up more of a fight--it broke in half & the dentist had to dig around a little bit to get the last part out, but even so it wasn't too bad. I didn't have any wisdom tooth at all on the top right, and just a spike on the top left. After the bottom ones were gone that spike started to work out & was digging into the bottom gum so I had to go have it out too--it came out real easy. I sure am glad to have those gone, & I admit that after I had the first one pulled I did wonder why on earth I had put up with the discomfort from those teeth for so many years!!
I was around 14-15 when mine started comeing in. But then again im odd, I was born with teeth.

That side I have yet to get mine out as I really hate the dentist and have other work to do first, like cavities and root canales.

2 of mine are impacted, and 2 are sideways. The sideways ones give me pain once inawhile as they push so much on my other teeth it hurts when I eat.
When they are positioned sideways under the gumline they are considered impacted as they will not come out on their own. Over time they can actually begin to erode the tooth or teeth in front of them among other things.

These days the removal of your wisdom teeth can be done under nitrous oxide (laughing gas) or general anesthsia so you are not awake during the procedure. This is an option for alot of people that are uncomfortable with the idea however, the cost is higher and without insurance, it may not be an option for some.

I had mine out at 18 with Nitrous Oxide. They were all impacted and I could hear everything going on. A little unsettling but no pain. And you can wear headphones to hide the noise. When you go home, the oral surgeon will give you pain medication and advise you to use ice packs for awhile (frozen peas work well because they form to your face). It's not really too bad.

I hope everything turns out well for you.

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