Who has pets that have really odd habits?

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Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2006
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Southern Ca
I thought it might be fun for all of us to share what special personality traits our pets have that makes them unique. I'll go first...

We have a five year old green iguana who wants absolutely nothing to do with humans most of the time. But if you eat something in front of her and she's hungry, she'll turn her body, STARE at you and chomp her lips.

Then there's our 7 year old cat who is bulimic. He will gorge himself, then throw up, but he only does it in the morning time.

And of course, our mini Zoey requires a kiss on her nose whenever you enter the pen. If you don't give her a kiss, she'll follow you around and continually shove her nose in your face.
I've known a few, one was Johnny Buckeye, a quarter horse we had at school. He used to purse his lips and make farting sounds over and over. Years later, I was at a dressage show, and heard the sound. Followed it to the source and asked if that was Johnny. Yep, it was.

My brother had a mastiff named Rocky who used to obsess over playing with rocks. She would bark and chew and roll them all day, wore her teeth down to nubs.
cool thread

i have a jr stallion that chases his rear end and actually caught his hind leg once, very funny to watch

my toy poodle has to turn the auto feeder around so the side with the food is against the wall (funny to watch the other 2 big dogs watchin her)

and my gelding climbs up on the door of his stall with legs over lookin around to see whats up (always like that for morning feed)

none of the other horses do any real funny stuff but love them anyway
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Nothing too quirky here! Molly, my Boston Terrier is just plain wierd...and funny! She makes me laugh a lot! She loves to attack the water from the garden hose, and also the mop, broom, fly swatter, plastic toy guns when the kids are clicking the triggers, and a heavy cardboard tube thing they have in their toybox. She teaches the new pups to be just as crazy! I just love her! (and crazy antics!)

Abby, my Bixer has found a new STUPID thing to do! She has been eating ROCKS! now playing with them, or chewing them, but actually swallowing them! DANGEROUS habit!! I don't know how to stop her short of muzzling her to go outside! (which I don't want to do) I spoke with the vet about it when I learned she was doing it, and he said his dog started doing it this year too!
I first noticed about a month or two back...she had thrown up in her crate overnight, and when I went to clean it, there was a rock in there. I figured she must have thrown it up, but I wasn;t 100% sure, as she likes to go in and sleep in there during the day too, with the door open. Well, the other day, I had them in the car, and she threw up, and when I went to clean it up, all it was was hoof trimmings and FOUR rocks!!! That's when I knew for sure, and called the vet! I sure hope she gets over it. I have put s nice sqeak ball of hers outside now that winter is gone, so hoping she will run and play and chase that around instead of looking for rocks to eat!
my big horse beau if you stop brushing him he will take the brush out of your hand and then smack you with it
One of our shih-tzu babies, Wilson, has a sock and foot fetish. He loves nothing more than a sock to play with and is always trying to lick my feet.

Watson will usually watch me eat quietly but when I'm almost done, he will start moaning and groaning, scared I won't save him anything.

Our cat, a Maine Coon, will lay down in front of our collie, Kelsey. She will maul him and he will scream like she's killing him but either we fuss at her to stop, or he runs away from her -- in either case, only to flop down in front of her moments later for another round.

Whitney, one of our older shih-tzu's, is mostly Harvey's dog (loves him most) but if there is a thunderstorm, she only wants to be around me. She must think I'm powerful!

My big horse, Rocket, will hug me back when I stand in front of him and put my arms around his neck. He will lower his head and like pull me to him. The first time he did this to me, I wasn't expecting it and almost fell down!

My big horse likes to lick my arm,with or without a coat on. He has free choice salt and mineral,he's a big goofball
Bacardi, my favorite mini (golden palomino in my avatar), does that to me, too!!! But it makes my arm and hand itch so I'm always trying to make him stop but don't want to hurt his feelings!
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I have a black lab/collie that when I first go outside in the morning he is right underfoot and I can't walk anywhere until I tell him to sit, then I lean down and tell him to "Give me a kiss" He licks me on the cheek and trots off.
My African Gray parrot CANNOT be quiet when I'm on the phone....he "rings" and then answers and says " hello" and then goes into a full conversation - with HIMSELF hahahaha. If the person I'm on the phone with doesn't know me they always ask if I have to go answer the other phone. They always have a good laugh when I tell them "no, just my parrot. He got a call from a buddy" hahah. Then when I leave to go outside he bursts into song " ain't no sunshine when she's gone....is not warm when she's away..." HAHAHHAHA. Goofus.

Then I have a HORRBILE one...we discovered our red heeler was feasting on our chickens....but she never killed them...she just took a nice piece of breast meat and left the chicken alive. The chickens feathers coverd up the "damage" and we never knew until one day I picked one up to cuddle her...she had no breast meat on either side of her breast bone and literally looked like a left over roast. It was GROSS...we checked every chicken and every one of them had similar "damage". We had to destroy all 11 birds.

Not too funny but my Maroon clownfish is so territorial that she attacks me when I put my hands in "her" tank !!!!
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Sunshine, my ShihTzu, sits up to get a better view of things. It's very common to look outside and see him sitting up looking out into the pasture, sitting up on his bench or in a chair and looking through the window, sitting up on the front seat of the car when we're driving somewhere, or just sitting up to see what's going. Real estate agent was here the other day and when he walked to his truck to leave Sunny was sitting up watching him. As he backed out I saw him looking at Sunny and laughing.

The electric company was doing some work here and he was making sure they did it right in this one....


Just watching....


Huh? Are you talking to me?

My shih tzu, Suzie, will eat absolutely anything that I eat. So far we know that she likes bananas, strawberries, cucumber and lettuce. I've checked with the vet and he said that the bananas are actually good for her and he didn't say no to the other stuff. I won't give her tomatoes or onions, though I'm sure she'd eat them.
You also should not feed her grapes and raisins. They are also toxic for dogs.
I actually laughed out loud when I read a few of your responses.

I remember when I was a Junior in high school, my "creative writing" teacher told us that scientists had proven that animals were not rational thinking creatures and that everything they did was because they had been taught to do it. Our job was to prove him wrong and state why we believed that way. That was the hardest debate I have ever had because every paper I turned in, he argued with. Finally, I told him that humans must be the same as animals then, because we too have to be taught what to do and what not to do when we are babies and as we grow. I finally got my "A" becuase he couldn't argue with that.

I think this thread proves that animals are indeed individuals who do infact think and teach themselves how to do things. We have a female cat who deliberately tries to get our two males in trouble. She'll parade infront of them and tease them, and then when they chase her, she acts like a victim so that we'll yell at the boys. It's something she's just recently started doing, so yes, animals think and have their own personalities!

Thanks for making my day with your stories!
I have the most wonderful dog in the whole world and I love him dearly. BUT he thinks it is his job in life to not only love me but to remove my socks when I take my shoes off. Now if he would let me get them part way off it would help, but he attacks my feed and has even drawn blood on occassion from wanting to take my socks off. Once they are off, he shakes them a bit and he is done. The other thing is Samantha always wears flip flops and has several dozen pairs around the house. When Tate first comes back inside or when I come home, he has to grab one of her flip flops and run to my room with it, never chews on it, just takes it in my room where she might or might not ever find it again, which could explain why she has so many pairs LOL.

The other odd habit is I have a 14 year old male silkie terrier and when he is in the house and hears a noise outside, he howls, then Tate will stand with his front feet on Dynamite's back and they both howl. (going to have to get a picture of that ) They will go on like this for a couple of minutes at least.
Finally, I told him that humans must be the same as animals then, because we too have to be taught what to do and what not to do when we are babies and as we grow. I finally got my "A" becuase he couldn't argue with that.
Since most of our DNA is shared - I'd say you're right
I'm still researching the information found recently with the discovery of the "missing link"....When humans and apes split from their common ancestor and went their seperate evolutionary ways. God I love being a scientist - life is SO fascinating
Our GSD Chevy just turned 3 yesterday and while he doesn't have any super odd

habits I do think he's done a wonderful job 'training' me to cater to his needs.

His latest quirk, is he eats half his meals, leaves the rest but stands by the dish

looking at me, till I pick it up, put it in my lap and he finishes it from there.

Now I understand that he'd not get away with this if I didn't let him but he's such

a picky eater I'd probably stand on my head, if he wanted, to be sure he finishes

his meals.

My farrier says I could avoid the whole problem by just setting him a place at the

table to eat.

He's a bit of an indulged pup.
Great thread, I loved reading some of your responses!

My corgi female, Ella, likes to jump on people a lot so when I let her out when someone is here I firmly tell her to stay away from them so she will lay down flat on her stomach with her head flat to the ground as well and look up with these adorable puppy eyes and crawl towards whoever is visiting. As she gets closer she starts wiggling with excitement waiting for them to give in and pet her, it looks truly pathetic lol

Two of my horses like to stand on their salt blocks to look out of their stalls. I can even open the door and have to shove them off the block to be able to feed them. They are full brother and sister too so "trick pony" must be in the blood!

Two of my mares absolutely love to be brushed when they are shedding their winter hair and I will brush one of them out completely and then go to do the other one but the first one will come over and inch sideway to push me with her belly a little just like saying "brush me again" or something but it is really cute so I will generally give her a scratch while I brush the other one. The great thing is though that they do respect my space any other time and that is the only time I allow them to lean against me other times it is just irritating.

Last but not least most of our babies are super friendly this year and I actually have them follow me around, if you go running away from them they will run with you and it is kind of funny, one time we stopped running and the colt didnt notice soon enough and ran headfirst into our legs! They are always fighting for attention so I get surrounded by ornery little babies and mostly boys since we only had 3 girls this year!
My mare rolls after she has grain and balances her empty bowel on her nose when she is on her back??
its very cute. I have a Chihuahua that tucks his head under his chest and up through his front arm for a kiss. I call it his upsidedown kisses.
These responses are GREAT! Loved the begging Iguana LOL

Rods old heeler, Doodle, would prop the food door open with a rag, or anything she could find in the laundry room. Doodle could also 'read' the micro clock and knew that at 9:00 , they got a treat and would start doing the Doodlebug stare at 9:00 on the dot. Mick, my heeler, will prop his nose on the other side of the water bowl when he drinkn, hubby says he's like Robert on Everybody Loves Raymond
My mare Lexi, wrings her head when she is left out overnight, sometimes she does it so hard she nearly throws herself down. Rods ol gelding , Indy, would swipe a peach from the tree, stop chewing if you looked at him, then forcibly spit that pit out when he thought you werent looking.

'The Link' , boy wasnt that a neat show!! I love that stuff. Gosh I am SUCH a DORK!!!!

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