Where are U going to be....

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Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2005
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The crazy people have not updated the site for the Expo Center in some time. I guess they figured it just wasn't important enough. But if you're not familiar with the Tulsa Expo there is a map (used for the Tulsa fair) @ http://www.tulsastatefair.com/fair/general.../MAPBrandir.pdf Warning: this is a pdf file -long download.

We're in what's labeled there as the Expedition Barn. Tell us where you are going to be!

Getting excited ---3 weeks! Don't really stand a chance at winning much but looking forward to the fun and company!!!
You can find me at Ozark Tack in the vendor area!

Can't wait!

I am already tasting those green fried tomatoes!!!!!!

Hope to see you there!

I don't know where I will be located, but I will be sure to visit everyone!

Bonnie, I didn't introduce myself at the colonial show :eek: but you commented on my black mare, Chantilly during the champion class. Haha! I will be sure to FINALLY introduce myself at nationals. I will be hanging around the ozark vendor spending my money, unfortunately. haha
We are in the new barn across from barn C it is where the old race horse barns were.

how do you find out were your stalls are always a surpise every year some one tell me please
how do you find out were your stalls are always a surpise every year some one tell me please
I can't really tell you how to find out. The only way I know where I am is that I was allowed to "tag a long" with a trainer and his group and they always have the same stalls.
I'll be in the racehorse barn this year! (I hope!) :saludando:
Where are U going to be...., AMHR Nat'ls?

I'll be home in the air conditioning with Amy rooting for all you guys out there! :lol:

Hope you all have a great time!

Will this be aired on TV or on the internet ???
Hopefully same as last year - two rows down from Lyn in the racehorse barn!
Come find the us; Erica's Tiny Trotters, the Watern' Hole and RayVik miniatures in Barn B, just up from the holding arena. Stalled by Belinda Bagby, B&B training-Cross Country Farm and Amber Montgomery - KM Stables.
Well, last year I was in the Expedition barn but I for some reason have been in 3 different areas in the last 4 years so I cant for sure say I will be there again. I liked where I was last year though so I hope again. I dont really care as along as the horses are in a comfy stall and I can plug in my tools I am happy.

Can anyone remember how many stalls are in a row in the expedition barn? I am thinking 8?
I tried to find out where I'd be but was told they won't have stabling assignments completed until Tuesday after Labour Day. I'm just not important enough to have a regular spot so I guess I'll find out when I get there! At least this year I have half a clue where most of the barns are. I got SO lost driving aimlessly about last year trying to get to my barn only to be blocked every time I got SO close. :lol: I was in Barn E last year and it was nice..cooler than most of the other barns and I think I lost 10 lbs just walking to the ring!

I'll definitely be finding Belinda so I can "steal" my new colt!

I've always been in barn B, but it has 9 stalls per roll as I remember it, not sure if that helps...
I'll be in the middle of the show ring, microphone in hand and music on. Sharon will be at the in gate. We can't wait either - looking forward to seeing all of you there. :saludando:
Mike and I will be wondering around, but you'll find us for the most part at B&B Training in Barn B or (more likely) next door at The Watern' Hole. :bgrin We're really looking forward to seeing everyone, so be sure to say hi :saludando:
Hopefully in barn D again. I like it there. Sorta quiet, and has a nice practice arena. Will be next to Gwen Simmons of Honey Bea Meadows, come by and say "hi". If she takes her weanling Mega Buck, I'll be the one in his stall drooling all over him!!!!
: Now I just have to convince my husband that I really NEED just one more horse... wish me luck.
I'm bumping Marty's question about whether the event will again be live cam cast or later on RFD tv as worlds were?

Someone, anyone?


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