What the heck's going on???

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Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2004
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Central Missouri
We start threads, we lock threads, we delete threads....all with no explanation. We voice our opinion then don't give others a chance to respond.

I honest to God thought when everybody said.....oh let's heal....let's be one big happy family again.....let's forget all about our differences.....I hope LB is the same when this is over....etc....etc.... that you people meant it. Obviously you don't know what it means to be a gracious winner!! Just keeping rubbing "winning" in our faces and keep those little happy dancing figures jumping up and down. It's becoming pretty obvious that we don't matter....we weren't on the "winning" team. Who the he!! cares how we feel when we keep seeing the garbage posted over and over again.

We've posted our congratulations in good faith.....how utterly stupid we were to do so. I know some of you didn't think we said enough or weren't sincere enough....but would it really have made it better if we'd come on 5 minutes after the announcement was made and said how much we loved him? I think not. I think honestly saying that we hoped he was as good for our nation as some of you thought he was, was congratulations and acknowledgement enough that he would be our new President whether we personally voted for him or not. Seems to me that the McCain supporters were and continue to be more compassionate than some of the rest of you.

I see that thread about "glad to be American" is still going. My first thought when I saw it was what the ** was wrong with being an American before this week??? If you were ashamed why don't you just go where you think you'll be happier. Some of you sound like Michelle.....she was finally glad to be an American too.

Sorry I'm ranting and i realize it.....but I'm totally sick of all of it.
It's over but some of you can't to seem to leave things be.
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