What does the Republican party stand for?

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Jill, did you think voting for Perot was a wasted vote?
Jill, did you think voting for Perot was a wasted vote?
James, I really am going to avoid very much discussion with you. We both know why and I'm sure MANY others do, too. I sure could go on, but I'll spare us both the frustration. I gave it my best shot just a week or so ago and found it was not a mutual effort. I wish it weren't that way, but it's a fooled me TWICE now situation, so.... It's a darn shame we both are so interested in these topics but haven't been able to keep the personal digs out of it.


An Ann Coulter article opened my eyes to the importance of vetting.

Regarding Newt, no, the media wasn't what drove his early approval. It was his amazing debate performance. Each debate, I expected beforehand to peg him at the bottom of the list as to who appealed to me, and each time, he proved himself to me and I felt he was the one with the best answers. He is a machine when it comes to debating. It was reading the opinions of others I admire about him and his background, though, that swayed me away from his appeal. And, sort of hand in hand, I think that Rick Perry is a man who could do the job well. His dismal debate performance, though, is something I do not think most could over look and I am sure the Left would roast him over. You don't have to debate well to be a good leader... SO, no, this is not really media driven when it comes to the perspective of everyone who follows politics.

That so many liberals like Romney isn't lost on me nor many other Republicans. We have a goal, and a lot of us think Romney is the one who can "get 'er done", because Romney does appeal to Independents. The independent vote is so vital in 2012. Politically, I feel the most important thing for America is that "We The People" get Obama out of the WH. I sincerely feel that Romney is the man who can do it... That's not the same as saying he's my dream candidate. That means he's the one who I think is most electable head to head with Obama.

As to Ross Perot, I was in my early 20's and didn't think it was a wasted vote at the time. 20 years later, I do not see myself ever opting for a 3rd ticket because I do not think a 3rd party candidate will be capable of victory in my lifetime.
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I was thinking you were probably already noticing the pattern I explained, so my explanation was more for the other readers. I was glad to see the technique used on someone else other than me on this forum. In the past I was told it was a treatment I deserved due to my behavior, which is obviously proven untrue because you are also the victim of it. My suspicion was I "earned" this treatment simply because I made a valid point, which is what you also did.
Just to make it clear Jill, you pick and choose when to ignore me, you just had answered my questions about the primary. You are making the choice to ignore me NOW because your answer would be extremely telling of views you don't wish to share. It has nothing to do with my behavior, it has to do with yours.
Just to make it clear Jill, you pick and choose when to ignore me, you just had answered my questions about the primary. You are making the choice to ignore me NOW because your answer would be extremely telling of views you don't wish to share. It has nothing to do with my behavior, it has to do with yours.
Oh, James... Yes, OF COURSE, I pick and choose when to respond. We all do. At this moment, I truly hold no views I'm electing to conceal aside from those regarding you.
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Well, I just read the rest of your post. LOL

Looks like you are not ignoring me, but want to make it clear you might in the future? On principle, due to my behavior, you refuse to reply, but you are still going too?

I think this very clearly shows, it is not my behavior, but my accuracy that makes you ignore me jill. Otherwise, you would be doing exactly what you say you are, but arn't.

James, gosh, grow up. You repeatedly request a response, and when you get one, you carry on as you have the past several posts. It should be really obvious why I avoid responding to you. You just can't handle it when I do. What is not obvious is why you cannot seem to avoid me. As in this thread, as in other threads (it's like you're Horshack from Welcome Back Carter with your hand in the air begging to be noticed). Additionally, your screen name lurks for time on end as a reader on every single topic I start... Like I've said before "odd".
~ This topic just went down hill very quickly when YOU first insulted me, saying my behavior doesn't warrant a reply.

All I said was, "do you think your vote was wasted?"

~ I am sorry my attention to the topic concerns you, but it has no bearing whatsoever to the validity of my argument. Would you prefer I join the 5 Anon.'s?
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Yes James patterns are everything. Recognition of patterns is a priceless skill.

Jill I do not need more than a few words in response to you as demonstrated by my last. Because I read the movement and not the "stack", little is needed. That you thought you were at the center of all that I've written is most curious and revealing. An example perhaps but not the center. The "3 page posts" (exaggeration is another form of attack) were for others willing to see and hopefully carefully consider what was being posited. Teaching generally takes more effort than quickly and succinctly revealing error. By giving examples of the psychological mechanisms commonly on display in "conventional wisdom" it is my hope that more folk will start to apply this learning in regards to what they are being told. If they see and start apply what has been said to everything they are told, they will have more control in their lives and not be so easily led astray and "away". By engaging as you have at the end here, though it took a while, you have provided a very nice end cap and visible proof to all that I've said. In the end your engagement was predictable and fell precisely along the lines previously described in my "cranky", "3 page posts".

And now "I'm cranky" and have "tunnel vision", even though I've clearly demonstrated that my "vision" is quite expansive compared to the very narrow view exhibited. Again a nice end cap in that, there is nothing in the engagement specific to the points in question, (these are always ignored at ALL costs) The common and preferred mechanisms of attack are instead used to draw attention away from the fact that pointed questions are not being answered or addressed. And as previously addressed and pointed out, the topic is changed or modified to draw attention away from the fact that specific issue's are not being addressed. How's that for "tunnel vision"?

I have answered the question that started this thread and done so as a "free" republican. I have not offered boiler plate programed soundbites without substance which as I've shown is incapable of answering very pointed questions. The reason this is avoided again, is that it would reveal a moral and intellectual bankruptcy that is very uncomfortable for the slave. I have tried to be very circumspect in calling a spade,....... a spade.

I am most grateful to those that have responded privately. In fact, it is all that kept me engaged this time. Last time round there were only a very few. Guess 4 years of living through this has opened many eyes to the gigantic loss of Liberty over the last 100 years.

In the end the "vote" doesn't matter as much as your choice. That choice starts with the person in the mirror every morning. Who will you be today. It is not dependent on whether others stand with you. But if you arrive at the same inescapable conclusions that I have, please know that I WILL be standing with you as a brother at Liberty. There are far more of us than you might suspect.

Again going to the root of any given problem will put you in the best possible position to succeed in a solution. We tend to think of slavery as a physical and therefore visible thing. This is merely a physical manifestation or symptom of a purely physiological mindset. It is also a choice, that you are either choosing to throw off or as most often succumb to. But in the end the choice is yours to make.

If you are armed with truth and fact, those that come against you will be an unarmed combatant at least specific to truth and fact. Most often they won't know this. Wether they do or don't, I have given some of the tools necessary to help either way.

As always "there will be a test on this material Ladies and Gentlemen" It's called life, You either choose to live it in Liberty and freedom

or you will be a slave. There is no middle ground.

Hopefully my meager offering has been helpful to some. I feel that I've accomplished what I set out to do and see only degeneracy if it continues. Please don't fellow comrades, The high road will prevent "tunnel vision", the view is always militarily superior, and it is a more solid ground to fight from. Unity must rule the day. There will always be the modern day version of the Torrie and Pharisee. Historically about 30%. Uniting around the cause of Liberty can always be vastly superior if YOU will choose that road.

I am grateful for your time and depart the field.
Edit to a "nevermind". That may be a first for me.
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