What an amazing breed of horse

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Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2002
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I know that Kim who lives not far from me and is a member here has a Gypsy Vanner. Take a look at this beautiful stallion

I love Gypsy Vanners, they are such beautiful horses.
words fail me!

i have been madly, passionately in love with this breed for years.

that is 3 min and 39 seconds of pure joy to watch!
YES they are amazing!!!!! I did a project on them for my equine science class. I visited a local farm and I just was blown away by their loud colors!!!! Anyways here are a few pics of my introduction to the Vanners! They aren't very good pics but I do have permission to use them


Here is a photo i took at Equine Affaire here in Ohio of the famous Gpysy Vanner 'The Gypsy Vanner Queen', she was on display. She is owned by All Star Farm, they do trick training ext. She was beaaaautiful
. The photo does not do her justice, she was right up there on my list of most amazing horses i have ever seen


Just beautiful

Here is their website, they are located here in Ohio http://www.allstarhorsefarm.com/

Now, do these come in mini???????? tehehe
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Beautiful ! My friend has a couple GV's. She has a miniature from our farm. He would scramble around the pasture with his front feet on her rear end before he got gelded. The GV paid no attention to him though & went about her business grazing.
Would it be AMAZING if these could replicated in miniature size
. Lord help me now because I would have a BARN full of those!!!!
That was beautiful...Beth Freeland (previous owner of Fiesta) also is raising them> When we picked Fiesta up one of her studs came right up to me at the road. He was very curious and very pretty.
I dream to own a Gypsy Vanner one day! Thanks for sharing that video, he's breathtaking!
I've loved the Vanners for years-they are most impressive!!!!!

I drooled all over my keyboard watching the video.....I'll be up all night watching the other videos on the tube.........
Do you know in Ireland they are bred for meat!

Before there was a market for them, overseas, that was all they were used for except by itinerants who would ride them but also raise them for meat.

I always felt badly for them, they wander the roads! Much like their owners who are travelling people, They tend to live the harshest lives.

Many a time a small herd of them wandered into our yard!

They are not well thought of in Ireland, their color piebald(b/w) skewbald(brown/white) and 'type' is held against them for the most part and especially those with wall eyes(blue eyes)!!

I think it is wonderful that here they are appreciated, because they really are beautiful when they are prettied up! I have NEVER seen one even remotely prettiet up at home!!

Sadly, last year on a trip home I saw more of the same gypsy horses tied with twine on the roadside
They are beautiful...I too would love to have one someday...it's funny how in other parts of the world they are considered junk...not so much junk, but like a grade horse...I believe in England they are also considered to be like a grade horse.

I even have a tattoo of a drum horse on my ankle, it's tribal, so no color. In my locker at work is a beautiful pic of a drum horse..
Hey Danielle...

Isn't he purty!!

Yep I DID own a vanner...Diarmuid...but alas someone bugged and bugged to own him so he now resides in Conneticut!!!! I still miss his clownish ways. These guys are the sweetest temperment..just big lap dogs.

Here are some pics of Diarmuid..





You used exactly the right word when you said "amazing"! And that video was an absolute breathtaking joy to watch. Thank you sooo much for posting it!
Santa, just in case you havent heard...I have REALLY REALLY good this year, now could you please bring me a GV, or at least just a breyer figure..see, I am easy to please.

They are just breathtaking, I know of a few that have them in Michigan and Wisconsin all I can say is WOW. I would love to own just one. I have also been told that in other parts of the world they are just considered to be the lowest of a grade horse, and not worth anything. Isnt it amazing how when this horse comes to America its worth its weight in gold??

Danielle, I am with you ..I would have a barn full of darling mini gypsy horses in my barn too, its such a good thing they dont come in mini size!
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My gosh- Bandit only had it down to his elbow or so-- and it took us HOURS to wash/clean/braid it all! I can't even imagine for her!! and WHITE!!!!!
Kudos to that groom!!
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