Vet Update

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Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2005
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The vet left a little while ago.

She took a quick peek and then stained her eye. She did see a small ulcer.

She gave me ointment that I have to put in 2 Xs a day for 7-10 days.

She said that I need to look for any "general irritation" to go away and for the watering to clear up. The cloudy spot in the back of her eye could take a month or so.

She did say that she would have some vision problems on the cloudy spot and she couldn't predict what would happen with that just yet. She said it most likely would be fine.

She was a real trooper and actually a better patient than I thought she would be.

Now I have to figure out how you get 2 kids ready for school, your toddler situated, showered and dressed for work, feed all the animals and now...eye ointment! lol

What's one MORE thing, right??

Cross your fingers for a good follow up report!

Once again, thanks for all the kind words before. I really appreciate the advice and encouragement.
I'm so glad things worked out ok, and I'm crossing my fingers for you, for a great follow-up visit. These little ones are worth everything we do for them. They do rely on us, but I think they give us so much back in love! Great job on catching everything early for your girl!
I'm glad it was nothing more serious, but please do be careful and diligent about looking after the eye. I agree that it "most likely" will be alright, but...... it might not. (This is the voice of experience talking.) When is the vet going to look at it again.

I sincerely hope her eye heals quickly and completely.

Sounds like good news!

Did your vet give you any suggestions on how to get ointment where it needs to be after about the 2nd day of treatment?? Ours have learned very quickly that repeat treatments are not nearly as much fun if they just stand politely. LOL

Good luck with that eye ointment!

If she'll let you, try curling her upper eyelid up and squirt a "worm" of ointment on it and flip the lid back.

Eventually, you'll figure out a method.......If you're like me, you'll get it down just in time for not needing to do it anymore! :lol:

Hi again. :saludando:

Yeah...this whole eye ointment thing...sheesh!

Miniv, I'll have to try the upper lid as you suggested. I was trying to pull the lower lid down (as you would w/ humans) and I got it...but it was a little tough.

She's been very patient, but this is only the second treatment! lol

I'll tell you...I'm thinking that horse's eyelids have some pretty strong muscles in there, cuz when she wants it closed, she's gonna do her darndest to keep it that way!

Too bad she has those looooong "doe eye" lashes, too! *sigh*

Do you usually try to have a helper there w/ you or just do it by yourself?

I tried to do it by myself, but between holding the ointment, opening the eye, steadying her head...I needed just ONE more arm! :lol:
Yeah, I just KNEW you would have problems........
: If you can just pull any part of the lid -- upper, lower, even sidways and squirt - you'll be doing fine.....then, make her close her eye.

It really does help if you have a second person. If not, tie her to a wall, edge her up against it with your body and drape you arm around her neck or head, so the arm is holding her head close to your chest and that hand can pull the eyelid. The other hand has the tube.

Is that as clear as mud???

Good luck.


Give the vet a call and see if you can get a RX for that 3rd arm?LOL

Our last one was awesome at doing a quick head bob and weave just as I was squirting the tube.

Ended up putting some ointment on end of one finger as to keep from her getting jabbed with tube.

It sort of worked at least once or twice.

Having some one help hold will make things easier.

I'm so glad to hear things are on the mend! Thanks for the update - I'll be keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers for the cloudy spot to totally clear up and regain full vision
When I've had to treat my horse's eyes, the vet showed me a way...kinda hard to describe without showing you. But it works with holding down the halter with the same hand you roll the lid up with, which for me is my left hand. I re-adjust the halter to make it a bit more tighter just for the application so that I have something to hold onto and it does'nt move much if the horse decides to move away. So the cheek piece of the halter is what you're holding onto. Hold on, roll the eyelid and apply meds! Easy a pie right!?!!
: :bgrin I am glad to hear that she's on her way to recovery.