vet coming tomorrow

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Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2005
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This is my first NEED to have a vet come out. *sigh*

Last weekend when the farrier was here, I noticed that my filly had an eye boogie.


We both looked at her and decided that the eye was a little watery, but there really wasn't anything that jumped out at me (or my farrier) as a huge concern.

I alternated washing w/ warm water, saline and weak tea on a soft cloth.

Her eye seemed to be getting better. It wasn't watering anymore!

Then the other day...another eye boogie.


So upon closer inspection, I see a cloudy spot on the outer corner of her eye.

Panic. :eek:

Ironically, I ran into my vet (when I noticed the first eye boogie) when she came to p/u grain (I work at a tack shop) and told her exactly what I saw and what I was doing. She was fine w/ my cleaning routine and said that if I see any change to call.

So now it's changed and she's coming tomorrow.

I've only had minis now for almost a year...and like I said, I've never had a NEED for a vet (aside from routine stuff).

I know that minis can't have some of the same treatments as prescribed for full size horses. I just want to try to be more "in the know" for tomorrow.

I'm just looking for a little guidance or reassurement or something....

I feel like a horrible "mother". :no:

I've done some searches within the forum, looked online and I'm scaring myself to death.

Her eye isn't really swollen, but she does blink quite a bit now. She doesn't appear to be in pain, although I know they can "mask" it. Her personality seems the same, she's eating/drinking....

I guess I'm just worried.

I'm reaching out for the first time in hopes that someone won't :nono: for me not doing something sooner. Honestly, if I would've thought for a second it was something other than irritation...I would've called my vet over sooner.

Thanks in advance for any help/advice.
[SIZE=12pt] You are doing the right thing. Some people wouldn't have noticed the extra eye leakage in the first place. I try and look over each hungry face when I get home from work. But sometimes I get home late and it is feed and dash. That was good that you caught it and you are having it looked at right away. It will be fine.
Don't worry. The "eye boogie" thing is going around this area as well. I had a filly with it whose eye clouded and the vet gave me some ointment (non-steroidal) and her eye is fine now. I have a couple of others with weepy eyes that I'm watching closely. Vet said she had seen a lot of this lately. Why? Who knows? But your filly should be fine! And the cloudiness will go away.
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Good job catching this early. Many would not have even notice till it was much worse. Chances are if you called vet the first day you would have been told to do about what you have unless it got worse. We had a couple similar earlier this sumer. They did clear right up. I guessed it was from the unusual number of bugs and flies this summer here.

Oh no no nooooo, don't think you're a bad mother!! Quite the opposite, you noticed her little eye boogie things going on and you kept an eye on it. It's good to have your vet coming out now that there are changes in it. You did exactly the right thing, you took care of it and called the vet in. Just a few weeks ago I noticed Hershee was a little sensitive in one of his I got closer he had it a little shut and it was a wee bit swollen. I rinsed it out really well and ran some cool water on it so to bring the swelling down. There was not blueish tint to it nor did it look as if he had an ulcer. So, by the next morning he was good as new. No swelling, no sensitivity.....nothing. Sometimes they will roll and get some dirt or debris in their eyes and it will water and gunk up being the eye trying to get rid of the stuff in there. Let us know how your little girl makes out.
You are doing just right.

One thing you can learn from your vet since she's coming out for a possible eye infection or inflamation is to learn from her the difference between an antibiotic eye ointment without steriods versus with steriods.....that's very important to learn and a vet would be happy to explain it.

If your vet feels there's a possibility of a scratch to the eyeball, she'll probably put a die in it to reveal the scratch for sure. This will tell her that an ointment with steriods should NOT be administered.

You are a good mama :aktion033: .

My guy had eye problems last year with a left weepy eye. I had the vet out and he had to have some antibiotics put in his eye for about a week. It finally cleared up. The vet said, in his case, he saw a very tiny pin-dot sized puncture and this caused his weeping. He must have poked something in his eye somehow. Thank God I called the vet in time to get it taken care of.

I do notice that sometimes when he is busy munching hay, his eyes get a bit weepy. Also, due to the nasty fly problem we have now. And he doesn't like his fly mask at all...

Best of luck with the vet, but I'm sure he'll be fine
You did exactly as I would have and the tea bag is a super healer/helper for inflammation of the eye BUT now I would be sure the vet stains the eye and looks with a fluoroscope to see if there is a scratch. If so, it will heal and be fine with the proper drops or ointments. No steroidal stuff for her as I'm sure your vet knows. I would continue the teabag compress nitely as well. Let us know.
Thank you all for your kind and reassuring words.

My husband kept saying "oh she's fine, she'll be fine"...but I can't help it! lol

Just wondering the steroidal/non that depending on what her eye issue is? Or is it just no steriods w/ minis? Are there any other "no no's" with minis regarding eye issues that I should know about. I'm sure my vet will know...but just in case!!!

My vet talked about a possible scratch or puncture. She also mentioned the possibility of an ulcer in her eye.

She's coming tonight around dinner time.

I know this is certainly a mild vet case compared to some other sad and horrific tales regarding minis and accidents on this forum. I appreciate all the insight and help given.

The steriodal/ non steriod is just in case there is a puncture or cut. You must NEVER EVER use a steriod in an eye if there is even a remote chance of a cut. You will get a melting ulcer, and the eye will be lost.
