Very sad day !

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So sad for you, your experience is my worst nightmare for next year.

So terrible, really tragic.

I am so sorry for your loss.I have been there with losing a mare and her baby even with the vets here to help.My beautiful SUMPIN,my Rowdy grandaughter, and dam of Knollacs Rowdy Julie,Champion of Champions, and performance champion, died while trying to have her foal.The foal had 1 leg out&was stuck at the shoulder.The vet&23 vet techs could not push the baby back in far enough to get it out.The shoulder was wedged and it wouldn't move.After 3 hours of trying and seeing how much she was suffering I just had to let her go.These [recious Minis bring us so much joy, but when we lose 1 it hurts so much. Again, I am so sorry for your loss.Sometimes it is not meant for us to have them for a long time.She knows how much you loved her and how much you did to keep her safe and with you.
I am very sorry for you and know exactly what you are feeling as I've been there.

At midnight one night my favorite mare at the time went into labor, the Breeder Alert went off and my husband and I were with her. She couldn't deliver the baby, we pulled and worked and I call the Vet immediately and he was here within 15 minutes and the 3 of us worked for 3 hours when the mare broke a uterine artery and started to bleed and we had to put her down. I asked my Vet to come the next day and abort all the mares I had bred, I didn't want to repeat what happened. He called and he talked me out of doing what I wanted done. I cried for weeks every time I went by her stall. In time I healed and could think of her without crying but there has been a place in my heart for her ever since. With each baby born after that, I thought of her and prayed. If you want to write me, my email is: [email protected]. You will get over it, but in the meantime, I know it's very hard. Reading what I wrote maybe helped you, I certainly hope it made things better for you. My prayers tonight are with you.

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I'm so very sorry.
I, too, have been in your place, and have lost a beloved mare & foal during foaling...even with the vet's help. It's heartwrenching.....
Im so sorry for u!!! I have foaled out over 50 mini foals and only 1 time did we get a vet out when we needed one!! Every other time I have made that desperate call I got NO help and it didnt matter how many vets I called including the 3-4 yets I use regularly just to cover my bases. So I know what u are saying, it stinks.
Things like this is why my vet like for us to let him know when our mares are getting close to foaling. And I always have three back up vet on speed dial.

I'm so sorry for your loss.
Oh all of you guys are great, I knew that I could come on here and tell you guys my heart ache and you all would be there for me, It gives me great comfort to know that I am not the only one that this has happened to, It was just an absolute nightmare, that foal was just not gonna budge, it was so stuck, I tired so hard, my arms are brused and swollen today from how hard I tried. She was my best mare, my 13 month old son used to ride her, she was definetly my favorite. I will never be able to touch her bloodlines again, she had my favoritePrince Tennessee Monashee, god it just hurts to think that she will not be in her stall whinnying for her breakfast, with those big eyes, god it hurts I am almost tempted to sell all my horses cause it hurts so bad and I dont want to go through it again!!!
Believe me I fully understand how much you are hurting right now. Losing a foal at birth is tough, but losing a beloved mare....a member of your family tears your guts out.

We have lost several mares over the years with different ailments. And I've come close to selling the herd each time. This past year when we had to put down our Bridgett for a twisted gut, I went so far as to sell the next mare who was due to foal to good friends of our's at a pet price. I was stressing and grieving so much I didn't think I could handle foaling the next one out and I knew she was going to a great home.

I'm glad I didn't sell the whole herd, though. There still is so much joy and love that they give. I can't deny that.

Please allow yourself plenty of crying time and remember her during those loving moments. She knows you love her.

Many Blessings and Hugs,

I am so sorry for your loss. I have 2 Prince Tennessee Monashee daughters and almost lost one this year when she aborted at 9 months. I know what you mean about their big expressive eyes. I would have been heart-broken if I had lost her......yet, I bred her again for 2006. Breeding any animal is not without risk and mini's seem to have more problems with dystocia than the big breeds. Good luck in the future.
I am so very sorry for the loss of your mare and foal. The pain is terrible when a foal is lost during birth, it is almost unbearable when both are lost.
We are going through grieving at the moment too so I will hold you in my prayers also.They are all so special and hurts too much when they aren't near anymore.I hope our dear little ones have all found new friends in a field of lush grass and frolic to their little hearts delight.


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