This economy is really pushing people to far

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Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2005
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Green Springs Ohio
Its really starting to get scary, especially for those of us locally here in my area..about a month ago, the biggest factory in our area Whirlpool (the biggest whirlpool plant in the country, btw) that employees 4500 people (basically our whole town and county almost), layed off 1100 of those people.

Right around the time of those people being laid off, a man broke into a house near here where a married couple lives and murdered the husband and beat the woman very near to death, what is worse...that man is out walking the streets, they have not found him yet...this was about 7 minutes from our farm and VERY close to my brothers house which is just down the road.

Then this morning, a house on that same road just 5 houses down from my brother got broken into and everything stolen. It was a lady that lived by herself, she works nights and when she got home that next morning EVERYTHING in her house was gone and her dog shot
. They suspect it was the same person from above.

All of this just within 3-5 minutes from here. Its really really scary as the person (it has to be group of people of men as they stole her furniture, tv, ext ext ext, so had to take a group of men to do that). They also said it has to be someone local that knows there way around here as when the family was murdered they had planes ext in the air, so the men had to have known how and where to get away really fast.

Its so scary what this economy is pushing people to do, i bet if they went down that list of 1,100 people that were laid off from work and inspected and questioned all of them, i bet they would find the man responsible, i dont think the police have made that connection yet but i am willing to be its all connected. The lady who's whose house was broken into last night, she worked nights at whirlpool...the man would have only known that if he worked there.

I've always been a very trusting person...when i stop some place i always leave my keys in the car and doors unlocked, when i am home the keys stay in the car unlocked, when we go some place we leave the house unlocked. Only time we lock the house is at night, needless to say as of today this place is locked down air tight and im throwing a padlock on the pasture gates, just to help me sleep better at night too. My nephews (my brothers sons, one is 14 and one is 6) live on that road and they are no longer aloud to stay home by themselves for any amount of time, and tonight when i go to work planning on getting some mace to put in my purse for when i get off work at midnight and am walking out to my (locked!) car and driving home by myself on these country roads.

Its scary, and sad what the economy is doing to people

Here is a link to the story for the first break in...i dont think anything is in the news as of yet about the break in last night. This is a very quite rural town, nothing like this happens...ever...

If you watch the video below, you will see down the road at 59 seconds, you can actually see my brothers house on the right just across the tracks.

Link to a video there too. They believe it is the same man.
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Screwed up people do screwed up things no matter what the economy is like, and they're everywhere. It could have been anyone who broke in, stole from, beat and killed those people. I never leave my vehicle or home unlocked, no matter what quaint little community I'm in. Every place you go will have new people coming through that you don't know, and even those you think you know could be the type to take advantage of an easy opportunity. Better safe than sorry. Please be careful.
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I am so sorry you are living with such terror and fear around you. I will pray for you. My daughters are going to India for Christmas (now that's a holiday destination we all want to go to!!!) and my first thought is to panic and let it ruin my Christmas. But I am going to have to trust that they will be safe. All you percautions sound real sensible. Let's pray they find the bad guy soon! Wendy
I'd get a timer for the lights inside my house. At least you won't have to walk into a dark house that way. I've lived alone for a lotta years but I'd be frightened.
Sounds like your area has an EVIL SICKO on the rampage......... Don't give him the excuse of the economy. If that were his only excuse, he wouldn't have murdered.
I think bad economy or not we're living in some pretty scary times. I had several friends and relatives attending NIU when the shooting went down last year, and then this year we had a serial killer right in our small town. My cousin is a state trooper, and he says crime of all sorts has been rising steadily. My family and partner won't even let me go out to the farm alone at night. It's not just scary--it's sad. Your community will be in my prayers.
I agree that the economy is not the cause, it's just some pyscho out there with no regard for other's lives. Sick world we live in today, but I don't blame the economy. Now if you said a citizen with no priors got arrested for stealing groceries from the store because they had no food, then I might say differently. Keep your doors locked and be safe.
Wow Leeana, As I said before I have family all over that area. Was it the plant in Findlay that laid off? We got broke into years back here and was only gone from our house about 30 min took everything but the kids Christmas present...I new it had to be someone in the neighborhood watching the house and that knew us. Lo & behold a couple months later they arrested my nx door neighbor & his son. They were the president of our neighborhood watch of all things. They had been ripping everyone off for over 10 years-18 countys and Oklahoma to boot...sad state when it is someone you thought you could trust. One of these days I will get up that way for a visit...Judy
Prayers to keep you and your family safe. Hope they catch who ever is responsable real soon.

God bless.

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