I agree with Kay completely! Thank you for attending.
Those that could not get into the room, please try again within the next couple of days to get into the room. Right now there is no password set on the room, so should be as simple as submitting a user name and verifying that you can run Java on your system. The chat room is hosted in Java... Not much I can do about that at this point as Parachat is the one that hosts it and controls the programming of it.
If you still have troubles, please contact me and I will see if I can help you get into it! But in all honesty, I think the majority of the issues occure for some mysterious reason that will never be known. Even I had issues getting into the room last night and I had to try several times to get in... Doesn't happen to me often, and certainly happens to me less than with other chat rooms that I have been in.
And if anyone who is having issues knows of any place else that we can use online, I would be more than willing to investigate it! After all, the only reason I have a chat room is so that the members of CMHR and this forum can use it!
Thanks again and keep an eye out for minutes from the meeting that Tiff so generously took for us!