terrible hay quality and cost $$$$.

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Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2004
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Spring, TX
I just purchase 2 bales of coastal bermuda a month ago and it was real green; I didn't think Cowboy or Liberty would like it; they didn't but they did eat it. Well went to get more on Saturday and it was awful looking terribly dry and brown. Bought 2 and got home, broke one open and so many thick stems and I knew when I lifted it out of my car to put in it's place that it was not good; too light weight.

I also feed Strategy. they are out grazing on my yard grass about 1 hour in the morning and same in the evening; more on weekends. but I don't think it's enough without the hay. I have a coming 2 yr old filly and a near 13 yr old gelding; pretty easy keepers. My filly puts on weight very easily; opposite to my gelding.

Is there an alternative for hay that would allow the grazing exercise; I know I can't go to straight alfalfa. I've seen ya'll talk about complete feeds or hay pellets/cubes; what are these cubes? Do you soak them first?

My feed store tells me it's going to get worse before it gets better.

Anyone here near me, I'm in Spring, TX (a suburb north of Houston) that has a good hay contact?

I don't buy in bulk (no storage ability); so I only usually buy 2 bales at a time; but could buy a few more if I found some good quality.

KD, my feed store usually has good quality hay. I buy it there occasionally when I run out.

D&D Feed on 2920 near me. 281/351-7144

Just ask for Jeff and ask him if he has any good quality coastal for your mini's.
[SIZE=14pt]The only hay substitute my show horses and my due to foal mares get is Tripple Crown Alfalfa forrage. My stay at home horses are all on a complete feed and do very well on it. The have it in their troughs and they pick at it, browse it all day.... They dont bolt the food and they are all in excellent wt. I have two mares now that are within a month and a half of foaling and they have started on the alfalfa forrage with the show horses.[/SIZE]

:aktion033: Thanks so much for the quick response, Al and Lynn. I'll call the local feed store Al and see if they have some. And Lynn I sure appreciate you sharing your information.

I just love this forum!!!
You can feed alfalfa cubes, pellets or bales pound for pound at the same rate.

That's what we're doing for some of ours....but we did manage to find $6/bale coastal and are feeding a bale per day for 15 horses just to munch on, in addition to the alfalfa. When the coastal runs out, we'll just feed a little more of the alfalfa.

This year we all just have to make do until hay season!

Mine are fat as whales so they certainly aren't suffering.
Last I heard around here there is still no hay... 'course everybodies hay barns either blew away or leaked...so I don't know if I'd trust it... I'll be bringing hay home from Louisiana... I'm on the TX/LA border... about 2 hours from Houston

Triple Crown makes a grass forage and an alfalfa forage.It is chopped, kiln dried hay that is shrink wrapped.IT IS GREAT.I use if for my foals .I don't use straight alfalfa-I mix both kinds.Up here in DELAWARE it costs me about $15 for a 50 lb. bag.It will last quite a while.also sold under brand name DENGI and several other brands.I love it and so do the horses.I also add water to the alfalfa kind if I have a horse that doesn't seem to be drinking enough.I call it alfalfa soup.Good luck.