Spent morning in emergency room-in horrible pain

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Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2007
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Woke up at 8:00 this am and had horrible pain in my right side, got so dizzy I almost blacked out. Hubby took me to emergency room-I had a cat scan-they found a 4cm ovarian cyst.

Sent me home with Percocet. I am still in pain, not as bad but I am resting in my pjs .

They said it will reabsorb soon.

Has anyone else had ovararian cysts and Did they go away pretty quickly??

I haven't had any experience with this, but I hope you are feeling better SOON!!!
Hi - yes I have. Had on both. I don't know if they go away or not - please find a good gynecologist and get checked out. I had to have a hysterectomy and they took the worst ovary with the biggest cyst. Just be safe and smart. They can cause a lot of pain and agony.
Just hoping you feel better soon
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I used to get them all the time, they would come and go. Also had one removed that didn't go away. It was a fluid filled cyst. Minor surgery through my belly button. You have received good advice to get a check up and talk to the Gyny. I hope you feel better real soon.
I had cysts on my ovaries just after I got married, major pain. After that, I had pregnancy tests come up positive and went 3 months with no period. The doctors swore I was pregnant but turns out I wasn't. The cysts had caused a false pregnancy. Be careful and hope you feel better soon.
Well I took a 2 hour nap and woke up in pain again. They said I can suppliment with Ibuprofen, cause I cant take another percocet yet.

I am suppossed to call my OB/GYN Monday so he can assess me..

I had never been to the emergency room or the hospital except when I had my 2 babies..

Thanks ladies for the good thoughts...
I have had them...but they never caused me any pain...only found out through mri's...they told me the same that they would disappear on thier own and since they never caused me pain I didn't worry about it. If you are in that much pain you need further evaluation for sure...sending prayers!
I don't have any personal experiece with this, but I sure wish you well! I hope the specialist can make things right for you very soon.
I had a 6cm cyst that they found when my back went out two years ago - when the gynecologist did another ultrasound it was gone. They come and go, but if you have continued right side pain you may want to suggest they look into appendix problems. I had horrible pain in my right side several years ago and had to undergo an emergency appendectomy along with removal of 4" of my intestine, so what should have been an in and out procedure kept me hospital bound for 6 days!

Best of luck to you and get in to the doctor as soon as you can. Hugs! It is no fun to be in pain like that.
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I've had one. The obgyn told me that it would go away on it's own and gave me tylenol 3 to help me sleep. The rechecked in about 1 month to ensure that it was gone and it was. I agree to follow up with the obgyn because they have special equiptment to xray that certain area. I hope you feel better soon.
I don't have any experience with those but I sure hope your pain goes away, real soon!
I hope you find some comfort - and I agree with the others to get it checked out again...
They did a cat scan and found the cyst and said no on the appendix(I thought that is what it was by the pain on the right side) They said the appendix would of had a gradual pain to bad pain where mine was a 10 on pain immediately..

I am still in pain (not as bad as this am) I just took more Percocet and ate a good dinner. They said I should feel much better tomorrow-I hope they are right!


I'm so sorry to hear of your trip to the ER. Unfortunately I have lots of experience with this. Some ovarian cysts can come and go with the hormone fluctuations of your cycles. The cysts can also be endometriomas (blood filled cysts); those kind do not go away on their own. I have had to have outpatient procedures to get rid of those. You must get checked out by your gyn to be sure of the kind you have. I hope you feel better...rest up and stay ahead of the pain.
I have dealt with them for many years now and up until now the only real problem came when I had a 5x7 cyst that flipped the ovary, cutting off blood supply and resulting in emergency surgery and the loss of that ovary. I have a new twist on the game with three of them on my left ovary right now...well, two of those may be one with two chambers (each about the size of a golf ball along with the third being about 1.5cm)...hard to tell. Though most of the time they do indeed absorb, you should see your OB/GYN right away. They will want to do a more specific ultrasound and make sure there isn't any torsion of the fallopian tubes going on and make sure it is "just" a functional simple cyst. I am actually opting to try to wait mine out and hope they go away as usual. In the mean time that slight twisting now and again sure doesn't feel good. Basicly you wait and watch and hope they go away, or have them out. I was lucky and my doc was able to get mine through laproscopic surgery from which I was up and about in a few days. Having water balloons hanging off of your ovaries is not fun! A heating pad and tylenol with codein are my best friends right now.

I hope this helps and am so sorry you are having to go through this!

I have dealt with them for many years now and up until now the only real problem came when I had a 5x7 cyst that flipped the ovary, cutting off blood supply and resulting in emergency surgery and the loss of that ovary. I have a new twist on the game with three of them on my left ovary right now...well, two of those may be one with two chambers (each about the size of a golf ball along with the third being about 1.5cm)...hard to tell. Though most of the time they do indeed absorb, you should see your OB/GYN right away. They will want to do a more specific ultrasound and make sure there isn't any torsion of the fallopian tubes going on and make sure it is "just" a functional simple cyst. I am actually opting to try to wait mine out and hope they go away as usual. In the mean time that slight twisting now and again sure doesn't feel good. Basicly you wait and watch and hope they go away, or have them out. I was lucky and my doc was able to get mine through laproscopic surgery from which I was up and about in a few days. Having water balloons hanging off of your ovaries is not fun! A heating pad and tylenol with codein are my best friends right now.
I hope this helps and am so sorry you are having to go through this!

Amy, so sorry you have had so many. This is my 1st ever experience. The Dr in emergency said it was because of the time in my cycle( the time to develope a cyst) but we will see what my GYN says when I call Monday...
I had cysts on & off over the years. One year I missed my annual checkup..too busy with the farm. Next year woke up in terrible pain in my back & side, ended up in the ER & woke up 4 days later in the hospital with tubes everywhere. I had two 22cm cysts..ovarian cancer. Ladies, do not miss your yearly exams & make sure you make them follow up on cysts. ( I was only 39)
I don't know if they are common in younger people, but when i was just going into high school i had one and it went away on its own - was not pleasant feeling, it would come and go but its been gone now for 6 almost 7 years. Im sorry - feel better
I am sorry to hear you are going through this. Ovarian cysts are very painful. And depending on the kind of cyst they are, they can come and go or turn into something more serious so please have regular checkups. My best friend had ovarian cysts most of her life. They would come and go and some would burst and she would be in extreme pain. This last bout she ended up with ovarian cancer and had to have a complete hysterectomy. She is still going back for regular checkups to make sure all the cancer is gone. So regular checkups are a must for anyone with ovarian cysts.

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