Special video letter for MacKenzie and Kayla

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Active Member
Dec 21, 2007
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North Pole
I was told by my one of my elves that I could find a Mackenzie and her sister kayla in here. Their mother's name is Becca and dad's name is Shawn. I hope that Santa's elves were right

Special video letter for Kayla
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Hohoho, your mother MacKenzie is VERY smart. Santa is still learning about all this electronic stuff you know.

Here is my special video letter to you my dear

For MacKenzie
Now MacKenzie and Kayla, Santa was speaking to your dad Shawn earlier and he told me the he loves both of you very much and your mom too. He also told me he is working very hard right now and delivering some very important things. He wanted to let you know that he might not make it home on Christmas day BUT as soon as he has delivered all these important things that people are counting on him to deliver he WILL be coming home and he is so excited to be able to see you and celebrate a second Christmas with your mom and all of you. That's right Mackenzie and Kayla, you are going to have two celebrations this year. One celebration with your mom on December 25th and ANOTHER with your mom and dad when he gets home. I think that's pretty special that you get to celebrate Christmas twice don't you think? So here is what Santa would like you to do. Can you both help your mom in organizing that second Christmas for when your dad get's home?
. Maybe you can help mom cook some of your dad's favorite food? Oh I know he would like that very much. Maybe you could both draw him a special picture as a gift to him and wrap it up and give it to him? I think that would be a wonderful idea, don't you think?
Mackenzie and kayla, Santa is so very proud of both of you and so very proud of your mother too.

Now Santa has to go and get my sleigh ready for it won't be long now before I come visit you.

Merry Christmas to each and everyone of you
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thank you santa! i will show them in the morning. thankyou again this will definatly brighten their day. i know it has mine!
mackenzie and kayla were very excited to see that santa had sent them a video!! they are really excited to have that!! kayla told me we should make some very special cookies for santa tonite and she hopes that we can make the BEST cookies! mackenzie told me that reindeer are like horses! lol so funny they are so cute and i cant imagine being with out them!

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