Silver Bay VS Liver Chestnut

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Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2011
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Pipe Creek, Texas
OK guys I am curious. First of all I am not talking about the Silver Bays that look like a Sorrel with Flaxen mane and tail, Im talking about the ones that look Bay but with silver mixed in. Can someone show me a Liver Chestnut that actually tested genetically to be a Chestnut? Most I am finding are testing to actually be Silver Bays so would love to see some that are not.

Also I understand that silver is not supposed to show on a red base but am wondering if the Isabella(?) Palaminos are actually Palaminos with a Silver gene and it is maybe affecting the color even though it supposedly doesn't. ???
Has anyone else wondered about this?
Silver doesn't show on any red based horses. 'Isabella' palomino is just a different shade, like there are different shades of chestnut, bay, buckskin, etc. I don't like the term liver chestnut either. Most 'liver chestnuts' that I have seen were actually silver smokey black. Melinda Jackson on here has a mare, Mars Rosebud, that is a very dark chestnut appaloosa. The appy is what gives her the odd color. Her dam was the strange dark chestnut as well. If you go to her website (google Maple Hollow Miniatures) you will see her on the mares page.
This girl hasn't been tested but i think she is liver chestnut appy, her mane is brown. What do you think?

This isn't a color you discribe but I wanted to put this picture here because I know some people describe this color as liver chestnut, but in fact, the color on Destiny (below) is smokey silver black. Just for educational purposes




This girl hasn't been tested but i think she is liver chestnut appy, her mane is brown. What do you think?

I would say bay appy as well. More then likely her mane and tail is brown because of being sun bleached.

Here is my liver chestnut. When he was born he was a bright red Chestnut color but then he grew out to be darker. But thats why his name is Red. His mane and tail is lighter because of being sun bleached but the underside of his mane is darker, but I personally like his lighter.

This girl hasn't been tested but i think she is liver chestnut appy, her mane is brown. What do you think?

To me, this horse looks "wild bay" with possibly sabino "roaning" (not to be confused with true roan). I've had a bay horse with white in the mane and tail, and thought in the case of the horse I owned, it was due to sabino. I don't think white strands are an indication of liver chestnut.
Silver doesn't show on any red based horses. 'Isabella' palomino is just a different shade, like there are different shades of chestnut, bay, buckskin, etc. I don't like the term liver chestnut either. Most 'liver chestnuts' that I have seen were actually silver smokey black. Melinda Jackson on here has a mare, Mars Rosebud, that is a very dark chestnut appaloosa. The appy is what gives her the odd color. Her dam was the strange dark chestnut as well. If you go to her website (google Maple Hollow Miniatures) you will see her on the mares page.

Here is Mars Rosebud, sorry for the photo quality as most of the time I was actually photographing her foals and just got some of her in the process! She is my "Liver Chestnut" Appaloosa mare, she develops more and more white hairs every year.






and her daughter Maple Hollows Bodacious Babe who is a "Liver Chestnut" Pintaloosa. She was born very bright sorrel and shed off to be the gorgeous chocolate color!

And this is a terrible picture with mud and clutter everywhere, but here is Mars' dam:


This is her coming out of winter so she is lighter. She was close to Mars' shade in summer. Mars was born a bright red chestnut and when we sold her at 3-4 years she was still a bright red chestnut, no appy
To me, this horse looks "wild bay" with possibly sabino "roaning" (not to be confused with true roan). I've had a bay horse with white in the mane and tail, and thought in the case of the horse I owned, it was due to sabino. I don't think white strands are an indication of liver chestnut.
Wild bay kind of goes with her "wild" character
I think her white is due to the Appy because when I bought her 4 years ago she was solid with no white in her tail or on her body, now she gets more white each year.
What would you guys call my rescue mini? There has been much debate about it. I have always said that she is sorrel with a flaxen mane and tail, even though the rescue called her a palomino. She just doesn't have that golden color to her and is more coppery. I'm from an AQHA background, so that's just what I am used to calling horses of her color. And wow, I would have thought that the smokey black was a chestnut! I guess I still have a lot to lean about silver.

What would you guys call my rescue mini? There has been much debate about it. I have always said that she is sorrel with a flaxen mane and tail, even though the rescue called her a palomino. She just doesn't have that golden color to her and is more coppery. I'm from an AQHA background, so that's just what I am used to calling horses of her color. And wow, I would have thought that the smokey black was a chestnut! I guess I still have a lot to lean about silver.

The two pictures are kind of small and the one dark, but I'd say your girl is silver bay, she looks a bit like my silver bay mare, Tana.
chandab said:
The two pictures are kind of small and the one dark, but I'd say your girl is silver bay, she looks a bit like my silver bay mare, Tana.
I'll see if I can find some better pictures. Flickr isn't cooperating right now. I honestly would have never thought of her being a silver bay! And beautiful horses everyone. It's amazing to see how much their color changed.
Mars has not been color tested.

Here is our other Chestnut mare, Dusty Lane Commanders Red Bird, that is a shade more "red" than Mars but still too dark for me to consider her a sorrel.



What would you guys call my rescue mini? There has been much debate about it. I have always said that she is sorrel with a flaxen mane and tail, even though the rescue called her a palomino. She just doesn't have that golden color to her and is more coppery. I'm from an AQHA background, so that's just what I am used to calling horses of her color. And wow, I would have thought that the smokey black was a chestnut! I guess I still have a lot to lean about silver.

I personally wouldn't call her a sorrel, its hard to tell in the pics but I had a mare that I thought was a palomino but turned out she was a silver bay. Do you have any better pics that you can see her legs better? Right now I'll say silver bay or palomino.
Melinda-Mars is definitely just 'red' with nothing else but appy going on. Rosalee was tested for red/black and silver (FWF Little Red Ranger was a silver carrier) and came back as silver neg and chestnut. I believe her roan and sabino genes gave her the 'off' color and Mars' appy gene gives her hers. Most of my chestnut mares are about the shade of your other mare. I use chestnut to describe any and all 'red' horses though so even my lighter mare with the flaxen mane and tail is called chestnut here.

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