Sick pregnant mare

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Sending more love and prayers for Goldie and her unborn foal!
:pray :love :love :love
Sending prayers that Goldie will recover and she will sustain the pregnancy..

Saying huge prayers for Goldie and the wee one!! My 8 year old daughter said she was going to say prayers for them at mass today and I truly believe the littlest lips are closest to God's ears! Hugs to you as well!!
Thanks again for all your support and prayers! I wish I had better news to report. She was brighter this morning and her ammonia levels were down. However, this afternoon her liver levels are rising and she is now being treated for Hyperlipidimia as well as a possible blockage. Still no poop either! They are tubing her with mineral oil and some other stuff to hopefully dissolve/lube any possible impaction. They just increased her fluids and something else to help with the liver problems also. I have never had problems with Hyperlipidimia before so I don't understand what is happening here. I know she got this secondary to the other problem but this is unbelievable. I don't know it's not looking good for Goldie and baby... I am so so very upset. Please keep your prayers coming for a miracle!
That is not a good update. I PRAY they can pull her and the baby through!


I went and read up on this, because I too have not had experience with hyperlipidimia

This might help you to know.

hyperlipemia usually resolves in 5-10 days, but eternal feeding should be continued until voluntary feed intake is adequate. Eternal nutritional supplementation and treatment of the primary disease is often successful in reversing hyperlipemia in miniature horses and donkeys but not in ponies.
Keeping Goldie and her unborn foal in my thoughts and prayers.
Judy your preciuos Goldie is in my prayers. I read up on this hyperlipemia thing. That can happen in many situations with minis. Especially late gestation. I hope you were able to catch it early. I am sure she is in good hands with the vets and they will do everything possible to get her functioning normal. Many many prayers for your girl to stay strong and get those bowels moving. Remain positive that she will be ok and that her baby will make it through this rough patch. You and Goldie will be in my thoughts for a good out come.
I am praying for your girl.. I had a mare a couple of years ago have an impaction colic.We had her standing in our mini stocks for 5 days. We had to give her IVs several times a day.No other food.She was also due to foal in April.This was January. She was tubed sewveral times. Finally when my vet told me that soon we would have to make a decision he did one last effort of giving her a stool softner.I knew at this point baby might not make it but all I wanted was for my mare to survive. That finally did it. It finally got her to going and got rid of her blockage. She went on to deliver us a healthy baby girl on March 31 of that year.. Dont give up hope and be open to try things...The filly is now a very rotten ,spoiled 2 yr old.. and our beloved mare is still with us...
Well I have good and bad news. They found a large blockage in her stomach and are trying to break it up and suck it out thru some sort of nasal tube with a probe on it. The vets (she has a whole staff now- surgical, medical and reproduction specialists) seemed pretty happy that they finally found something to explain some of the problems. However the blockage seemed to have caused her to get some fluids into her lungs. So we are now dealing with mild pneumonia, mild hyperlipemia plus the blockage problems (vet warned me that there may be more). Goldie is still pretty lethargic but on massive antibiotics now and stuff to help her liver levels. Baby is okay but starting to stress somewhat. We are still very iffy but hopeful.

I am trying to get thru this the best I can and writing this somehow is helping me. If it helps just one other mini I will be happy. Just a little background on what happened so other can be aware of it.

I have seen a lot of colics but I would never have guessed Goldie had any sort of colic let alone, impaction colic. Sun night she was totally fine. Mon morning she was a little quiet but nothing very out of the ordinary. He is a chow hound but she took a bite of food and left it. She never had any signs of pain, distress, rolling, pawing, sweating, etc. I called the vet because she didn't eat and just was not right but couldn't explain why.

Goldie's hyperlipemia came secondary to her blockage (due to her lack of eating since Sun PM) and is pretty mild right now thankfully. However, last Nov we had a 6 month old foal Rebel come down with it bad. He was a totally healthy bubbly boy one day and the next day had 105 temp, seizures and sky high liver values. He went from super healthy to gone in less that 48 hrs. He was taken to the emergency hospital immediately and I was told he just was a really bad case. He never missed a meal but the vet said sometimes it just happens. It is the most horrible deadly condition I have ever seen. The last few hours my colt lost his sight and became very neurologic and disoriented. He was having seizures on and off despite the vets every effort. When we knew there was no hope and we did all we could we had to let him go over the rainbow bridge. I prayer Goldie will come out of this okay and not have the same fate as our little boy. Even though she has a mild case of hyperlipemia it still upsets me. I still have flashbacks to our little guy that we lost. Hug your minis daily as you never know when you might lose them.
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Judy I am saying prayers for your dear Goldie. Please lord heal Goldie and keep her little foal safe and sound. Give this little horse the will power to over come this illness and recover quickly and fully. Please Lord.

You have a strong faith Judy please don't give up, think positive. It sounds like you have some fantastic vets working on her.
Sorry to say still not great news. They are working hard at breaking up the blockage but still nothing is passing thru. I feel so helpless and wish I could do something to help make her better. Hope to report better news tomorrow!

How is your little mare doing, I think of her often.


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