Well-Known Member
My mare just had her first baby and everything is great health wise. She started pawing at her colt when he would lie down to make him get up. She actually made contact with his ribcage. She still does it, and the foal is a week old now. She bullies him around a bit now, and she steps all over him when he's lying down in his stall! She's going to be put back on 24/7 turnout so they have more space to roam around, and less chance of her stepping on him, but is there anything else to do? At what point do you say enough is enough? We are worried that she is going to hurt her foal, he seems to be a tough little guy and had withstood her "tough love" so far.... I'm worried about her breaking his leg, we had a close call this morning when she stepped on him, he wouldnt put any weight on his leg, but was fine after a few minutes. I knwo maiden mares can be clumbsy, and it takes them while to get used to the idea, but I find this a little extreme. She rushes over him for her food, and when its turnout time, she forgets hes there. She lets the other mare in the field take care of him when they are outside with no issues. I thought after a week she would have gotten used to at least looking out for him, but its worse, not better....