Red Bag Deliveries

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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2003
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Ennis, MT
I have a friend that is looking at a mare to buy and she had a red bag delivery last year. Is this something that will be a problem in the coming years? Do red bag deliveries happen year after year in mares that have had one? Is there something that can be done to prevent red bag deliveries? And finally, would you buy a mare that has had one? Thanks guys! I appreciate the input!
I think it is no common thing it just happens at times. I wouldn't let it stop me.
I don't think it's genetic. Wouldn't stop me from buying if she's had multiple foaling issues that would be another thing.
I am with everyone else one red bag sure wouldnt stop me from buying a nice mare
I think the red bag problem is a once in a great while circumstance and would not make me hesitate at all about buying a mare that had had the problem.
OK, novice question here....what is a red bag delivery?
Red bag delivery is where the placenta separates from the uterus and presents before the foal. This causes the likely hood of the foal being deprived of oxygen and often causes the foal to die before it is born. I'm sure if you do a search, you can find much more information than I can give you.
A red bag, wouldn't stop me from buying a nice mare either. They are not regular occurances. A red bag usually occurs because of a inutero infection, which occured late in the pregnancy, otherwise it would of ended by being aborted, from what I understand the cervix opens too soon, bacteria enters, and that is what infects the placenta causing it to seperate too soon.(someone correct me if I am wrong here) If I was concerned enough about it---I would put the mare on smz's for the last 30 days. Corinne
For me it would depend upon how many other healthy foals she had (non red bag)..... How much do I like her..... Is the price irresistable................. How well would I handle the loss of a foal......... Is there another mare that I would like to buy that doesn't have any negatives.
It sure would not stop me from buying one!

The only thing is, any mare should be watched and not made to foal out alone.

I always try to stress that point as anything can happen.

Red Bags (Placenta Previa) are not genetic. So I wouldn't have a problem buying a mare that had had one.

We've had one Red Bag (2 years ago) and it was with an exerienced mare......not had one since (knock on wood.).

A red bag delivery happens because the foal is malpositioned and has nothing to do with genetics. I absolutely would and have bought mares that had them in the past.
It would depend on the mares overall foaling history.

One red bag wouldn't bother me as long as the foaling itself was easy and the mare didn't sustain alot of trauma delivering. The same goes with any foaling though.

I have read that infection can be a cause as well. I would want the mare thoroughly checked afterwards and cultured.

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