Photo critque, advice please!

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Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2006
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I've got to decide on photos for our county fair which is coming up in 2 weeks. I've narrowed my selections down and this photo is top runner for the category "Animal - black and white". The problem is that a photographer friend of mine suggested that I move the subject from front and center (by cropping) so I did that and now I am not so sure I like the photo as well. I keep going back and forth. Which do you like better? Which would you enter?




The second one is compositionally better. Generally, symmetrical/balanced pieces are more "boring" unless they are extremely intricate or well done. Because yours is a silhouette, it should definitely be asymmetrical. I am not a photographer, but I am a fine arts artist and this is how I was "classically trained." However, I did note the loss of the "tree" which I liked because it did add some intricacy, and the random post on the left becomes more distracting in an otherwise clean shot.

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I'm not an artist, but I really like the first one (uncropped) I like the fact the horse is just off center and I like the tree there. If I was to buy one it would be the first pic. JMO
Beautiful photo by the way.
Yes, I too, like the first photo best. It's more real to me. The cropped one "feels" altered. The first one is raw and I love how the horse if off centered and I especially like the tree. It has a nice feel to it
Great job
I am also not an artist nor would anyone normally ask my opinion on it, but I really like the first picture better. I never like anything evened out, it looks more real and you get a better feel of the picture with the first one uncropped.
Personally, I like the first one better.

Go with you "gut" and you'll never go wrong!!!
Definately like the first one best! Good luck! Sheila
Disneyhorse - that is what my photographer friend said and I know she is right on the money. She is a very talented photographer and I just like to play. But for some reason I keep coming back to the other one. I guess it is just one category and I should follow my heart. It sounds like the fairgoers will enjoy the first one better. Thanks everyone!

Anyone want to see the others? I won't bore you if you're not interested. There are 4 categories for both color and black and white.
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The second photo in my opinion is just a silhouette, a nice one but not that interesting to me.

The other one is an image, a picture, a scene. I notice the horses details more, the tree, the fencing etc

I really like the first one.
There are times in photography where you want to break the rule of 1/3's. Typically the rule of placing the subject off center gives the most eye pleasing effect, but that is when you have something in the picture to compliment the subject. In this case, the horse is the subject andt there is nothing else to draw your attention to the horse in the pictures other than placing the horse in the horizontal center.

In your second picture, you lost details in the grass. The details are needed to give depth to the horse and dark scenery. With the crop that you did, you placed the horse in the verticle center, and it is not nearly as effective. Further, the fence post and the tree work to stop your eye from leaving the picture, and removing them actually detracts from the picture.

Remember, in art and photography, the rules are there to be used, but also to be broken when the situation arrises. Placing the horse in the horixontal center forces your focus to the horse and that is what you want in this case.

Go with your gut on this one as I think it is correct
The first picture is definately tons better.
I also like the first one. I think it's beautiful and gives one a serene, quiet feeling. Almost like you're sitting there just watching the horse, sunset and nature. Beautiful picture. With the cropped pic, I found you lost a lot of the characteristics that drew my attention and feelings to it in the first place.

I would love to see others!



Color/People: This isn't the best people shot, the color isn't great. But I love the emotion and feeling that this picture has and want to share with others so I'm entering it.




Color/Other: This category is for anything and everything - people's "extra" shots.


Black and White/Animal:

Shot number 1 from this post.

Black and White/People:


Black and White/Scenery:


Black and White/Other:


What do you think? Any favorites? Sorry they are so huge, I'm still figuring out photobucket.
For the black and white animal i would go with the 1st picture. The 1st one is more interesting, it just has 'more' too it even though that 'more' is just a plant. The second one theres nothing really there except the horse so it just got some what boring for me. Great job!
Wow, gorgeous pics!! I LOVE the one with the little girl hugging the horse, heck, I love all of them! Way to go!! Hope you get all BLUES at the fair!!
Wonderful pictures
I think blue will be your color for the day
Let us know how it goes!
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These are fantastic. Great emotion in all of them. The only thing I would suggest is cloning out the yellow in the girl hugging the horse.

I love the little mini leading the way through the snow drifts - heck I love them all